Are you coming to Canberra?
The pro-freedom Convoy to Canberra has arrived in the nation’s capital.
Hello freedom lovers!
I watched with pride over the past few days as thousands of Australians uprooted their lives and drove to the nation’s capital to send a message to all politicians: we want our freedoms back!
Quite frankly, our freedom was never something anyone had the right to take away. But yet it has been taken away, with lockdowns, ‘no jab, no job’ mandates, discriminatory vaccine certificate systems, State border closures, international travel restrictions, curfews, mask mandates, bans on treatments… the list goes on and on and on.
I will be joining protesters in Canberra today and throughout the week. I have urged them to hold the line and not give in to intimidation or violence. The mainstream (fake news) media will be watching the crowd like a hawk, looking for a slip-up so that they can report that protesters were a violent mob. We mustn’t give them that opportunity!
By and large, the vast majority of freedom protesters around the country have been peaceful with only but a few exceptions. That hasn’t stopped the fake news from claiming otherwise though and this has fed into the popular narrative that those opposed to vaccine mandates and other restrictions are fringe-dwellers who need to be shunned. The truth is the opposite. We are concerned mums and dads. We are sacked front line workers — police officers, nurses, paramedics, doctors, pilots. We are sacked workers from hospitality, retail, airports, marine ports and mining. We are Australians who see the very fabric of our nation — freedom — being set alight in response to a virus with a 99.73% survivability rate.
I see these everyday Australians when I attend freedom rallies in my home town of Mackay and elsewhere. And, despite criticism from the media and political elite, I am proud to stand side by side with them in support of freedom.
If you like this edition of Nation First, by George Christensen then why not share it?
Thanks for the podcast support
Thanks to everyone who tuned in to my Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked podcast. Your support put it in the top 10 news podcast shows on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify for about two weeks in a row which enabled others to see it and tune in as well.
The most popular episode was the interview with mRNA gene therapy developer Dr Robert Malone who warned parents “Do NOT Vax Your Children!” while my personal favourite was the final episode where the professor who coined the term mass formation, Dr Mattias Desmet answered the question “Are We Doomed To Totalitarianism?”
You can find the entire series of the podcast at the following locations:
Or you can just type “Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked” on your favourite podcast platform to get the series.
Video version is available at The Good Sauce and also at Rumble.
I am working on obtaining the transcripts of each episode which I will make available at a later date.
If you haven’t yet done so, subscribe to the Nation First e-newsletter via the feature below:
God bless you, your family and our nation… and I really do hope you enjoy my new Conservative One: Pandemic Unmasked podcast series.
Take care,
George Christensen MP
(Australian Member of Parliament).
Apologies in advance for the vanity but I recently sat for some interviews with independent journalists and podcasters where real issues were discussed which was a refreshing change from the bias of the mainstream (fake news) media.
If you’re interested, check out the following links.
The Nick Holt Podcast with Nick Holt:
Truth 2 Ponder with Bob Biermann:
Zeee Media with Maria Zeee:
Having a big demonstration is all well and good, but it achieves nothing, really. The objective should be to stay in place and make the business of government impossible until all those responsible for suspending our rights under the constitution, ignoring international standards of medical ethics and unambiguously lying about the safety and efficacy of vaccines while denying doctors their right to prescribe any treatment they feel is appropriate in any given case, are removed from positions of power or influence.
In the case of tenured public servants, instant dismissal and denial of any right to reinstatement or employment in any other public service post is a minimum. In the case of MP's, instant dismissal from parliament by the Governor General and disqualification from ever holding public office again, followed by charges of treason, sedition, and breech of their oaths of office.
thank you George for all your great work and the wonderful news letters keep up the great work .......