Attacks on democracy, reality & free speech
The emerging dictatorship in Victoria could spread to other States if Daniel Andrews' latest law is not stopped!
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Hello patriots and freedom lovers!
Apologies for the delay in dispatch of this weekend’s Nation First e-newsletter. This edition focuses on three important issues: the attacks on our democracy, the attacks on reality by those who reckon vaccine adverse events aren’t a problem, and an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I’m also going to keep you up to date on five key items I’m reading/viewing outside of the mainstream media.
But first of all, thanks to everyone who acted after receiving my recent email to sign the petition to overturn the Therapeutic Goods Administration ban on doctors prescribing ivermectin for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. We secured over 105,000 signatures to that petition and, God willing, I will table it in parliament in the weeks to come. Hopefully the powers that be will listen to both the people and common sense on this matter. (I understand some had trouble with signing the petition due to technical issues to do with the Parliament’s website so this amount of signatures is doubly amazing!) For more information on this issue and ongoing campaigns to allow this vital drug to be prescribed by doctors in Australia, go to the website.
Also, I want to thank the many thousands of people who signed my statement against net zero in defence of Australia farmers, industry, workers and jobs. If you’re as passionately opposed to the job-destroying net zero push as I am, then you should subscribe to Senator Matthew Canavan’s Not Zero substack blog. Here’s a great recent article by Canavan from that blog:
I briefly want to thank those who write to me with information and messages of support after receiving my Nation First e-newsletter. I do try to read all emails but the overwhelming amount I receive means I can’t get back to everyone. Having said that, I really appreciate all of the kind words and your efforts for freedom and national sovereignty. (Some not-so-kind words also come through from time to time but it’s much easier just to click the unsubscribe link in the grey area at the bottom of the email than pound the keyboard to hurl abuse!)
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Andrews’ attack on democracy
(Thanks to Caldron Pool for use of the above illustration.)
Daniel Andrews wants the powers of a dictator. The Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 - which is before the Victorian Parliament has been described as “the most extreme, dangerous and excessive laws” the State has ever seen. Actually, it is probably the most dangerous law ever seen in this nation, and the danger is to democracy and freedom.
The Victorian Opposition Leader has summed up the crux of the law as follows:
In one Bill, Daniel Andrews is attempting to sideline the Victorian Chief Health Officer and grant himself unchecked power to declare a State of Emergency and decree health orders based on an individual’s age, gender, sexual orientation and political belief or activity.
This legislation would remove any consideration of the impact of lockdowns, restrictions or penalties on equal opportunity or human rights laws, bypass Cabinet and Parliamentary approvals and place enormous power in the hands of one person.
Under these laws Victorians face a $21,909 fine for failing to wear a face mask and business a $109,044 fine if a customer fails to check-in properly.
On Saturday, 30 October, thousands of concerned Victorians took to the streets as part of a “Kill the Bill” protest against these dictatorial laws.
The proposed laws have even awoken some of the sleepy legal fraternity who should have been railing against (and taking on) all of the oppressive lockdowns, curfews and vaccine discrimination measures emanating out of Victoria over the past year; but better late than never.
One group has launched a campaign to ensure crossbenchers in the Victorian upper house vote down these laws.
Thank God people are standing up because we are way past time for action. If these proposed laws get up in Victoria then expect similar tyranny to be coming to an Australian State near you.
Rennick exposes vaccine adverse events
Senator Gerard Rennick has justifiably been like a dog with a bone on the issue of vaccine adverse events and the indifference to those events from both the mainstream media and governments.
In a live interview on Sky News Australia earlier this week (which was supposed to be about the disastrous, job-destroying net zero push), Rennick went off script and took the opportunity to expose the number of reports of adverse events coming across his desk, and to rail against the deliberate disinterest in, and lack of coverage on the topic. Check out the video below of Rennick destroying both the live news show and the faceless Labor goon who tried to claim people who had adverse reaction after getting the vaccine were somehow anti-vaxxers:
It’s dangerous to even breath a word of criticism about the vaccine (or even vaccine mandates), lest you get labelled an anti-vaxxer and are then subjected to a pile-on of abuse, so what Rennick is doing is courageous. He’s one of a few who have been willing to stick their necks out publicly on this issue. Another is Australian journalist Rita Rizk who produced a brilliant documentary titled Our Voices Matter earlier this year.
Jones smashes the case against Assange
I spoke with Alan Jones on Sky News Australia earlier this week about the ongoing case against Australian citizen, journalist and Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.
Some people might not like Assange or what he published, but the key question is: did he actually do anything that would reasonably be considered a crime? (And as I said some time ago, you might think Assange is a ratbag but he’s our ratbag and he should be brought home as a free man.)
Jones absolutely ripped apart the case against Assange, saying:
He is charged under the US Espionage Act and charged with one count under the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
He is not accused of hacking, he is the first publisher in history to be charged with espionage, he faces 175 years in prison, all for engaging in regular journalistic activity, basically, exposing what he believed was political corruption.
What has to be said is that Julian Assange did not hack the US records, nor did he assist Chelsea Manning to hack the US servers…
But because Julian Assange published, as did other media organisations, he is currently in maximum security prison in the UK, Belmarsh, as a prisoner.
Watch the full video of Jones’ takedown of the case against Assange and his interview with me on the matter, via the Sky News Australia website.
Beyond the Fake News
Beyond the mainstream media, we discover the truth. Here’s what I’ve been reading & viewing:
One wonders how the hell vaccine passports happened so quickly. The planning started some time ago. A 2018 article on Medium from a group that partners with the United Nations, Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation, called ID2020 wrote that vaccination programs created a “huge opportunity to scale digital identity”. This group has worked closely with the Gavi Vaccine Alliance on this idea. Gavi’s core partners include the World Health Organisation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank. Gavi has spruiked its plans for linking vaccinations with digital identity to what was most likely a very enthusiastic audience at Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF)… so enthusiastic that Schwab made Gavi the first non-profit partner of a WEF thinktank. Wheels within wheels within wheels, it seems.
Read more details on this here:
Queensland is starting to get all Victorian, with breaches of the State’s pandemic rules resulting in bank accounts being raided, properties being seized and business licenses being revoked, according to The Last Refuge.
Finance writer and speculator Doug Casey is interviewed in the International Man blog about the resurgence of climate hysteria (which is exemplified in the push for net zero in Australia). He calls it out as a threat to personal freedom and financial wellbeing which is being pushed to achieve more government control and more corporate profits.
The Daily Wire reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin has sounded a warning to the West on wokeness, comparing it to the 1917 Communist revolution in his country: “They were trying to destroy age and century long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress. And it was very popular across the world and it was supported by many, as we see, it is happening right now.”
Finally, this hour-long documentary titled “Monopoly: Who owns the world?” by Tim Gielen is illuminating if you want to understand who really runs the show, from politics, to media, to high finance, to health care and beyond. It’s scary, it’s true, and it’s well worth the watch.
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Thankyou George for catching the truthful moment with a bright light. There's alot of intra-State led coercion, and why is China 🇨🇳 dangling carrots over Dan Andrews in secret and why can't the Scott Morrison Government see and stop this international coercion? When will this stop Australia!
Great newsletter, George. Look forward to reading many more.
The truth about the control global elites have over our domestic policy, the restructuring of our economy to appease a demented climate cult, and the undermining of our society, sovereign rights, and Australian way of life, is simply not being told - until now. Thank God for newsletters like yours that are finally creating awareness about the leftist ideologies that are trying to destroy all that we value.