Demand Free Speech: Let Candace Owens Speak in Australia
Nation First defends the right of Australians to hear unfiltered voices without government censorship.
Dear friend,
You are being lied to.
Right now, powerful voices in Australia are trying to silence one of the most outspoken conservative voices of our time, Candace Owens.
But why? What are they so afraid of? And why should you be outraged?
Powerful voices in Australia are silencing conservative commentator Candace Owens, blocking her from speaking here in November.
Australia’s Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke claims Owens “might incite discord,” using antisemitism accusations as a flimsy cover to shut her down.
Owens’ criticism of U.S. taxpayer funding for Israel’s wars, her stance on faith, and her defence of free speech are being twisted as “hate.”
Jewish writer Dr Elliot Resnick defends Owens, stating she’s questioning policy, not spreading hate, yet her words are being manipulated.
If Australia bans Owens for her views, who’s next? Demand free speech rights back by emailing Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke at and
Candace Owens was set to speak in Australia this November.
Her tour was to be a chance for Australians to hear unfiltered truths that the mainstream media would rather you ignore.
But Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke – yes, a politician who supposedly represents you – has cancelled her visa.
He’s decided you shouldn’t be trusted to hear what Owens has to say.
Does that sit right with you?
Or do you see this as the direct assault on free speech that it truly is?
What’s the excuse? Burke claims Owens might “incite discord” – a weak, vague reason, if there ever was one.
And then he plays the usual card: antisemitism.
Now, let’s talk about that. The so-called “antisemitism” that Owens is accused of? It’s all smoke and mirrors, twisted and exaggerated, with no basis in reality.
Now a few readers of Nation First have emailed asking why we’ve promoted Owens’ tour when, they say matter-of-factly, she’s “antisemite”.
(By the way, the tour promoter tells me they are appealing the government’s decision, so hold on to your tickets if you already bought some!)
Sadly, the fake news legacy media has done a very good job of inculcating certain beliefs.
It’s also been backed up by the neoconservative media, which is barely more than controlled opposition (a term I actually hate because it’s bandied around too much, but in this respect, it’s accurate).
They say Candace is antisemitic because she criticises U.S. taxpayer funding of Israel.
That’s it.
She’s against using American money for foreign wars – a stance she holds across the board, whether it’s Ukraine, Afghanistan, or Israel.
She’s been clear:
I do not believe American taxpayers should pay for Israel’s wars or the wars of any other country.
That’s not antisemitism. That’s common sense!
I question the Australian Government’s involvement in and funding of foreign wars — does that make me an antisemite?
The fact is Candace is right to question it.
Dr Elliot Resnick, a Jewish writer in the Israel National News, came to Owens’ defence.
He knows what’s going on here.
He’s said that:
“Every statement she’s made regarding Israel can be explained without assuming antisemitism on her part.”
Owens isn’t spreading hate – she’s questioning policy. Yet they twist her words, make her the villain, all to keep people like you from hearing the truth.
And then there’s the absurd attack on her Christian faith.
Candace Owens has used the phrase “Christ is King” – a declaration of faith, pure and simple.
But her critics call it a “dog whistle” for antisemitism. Really?
Since when did proclaiming your faith become a crime?
In her own words, she said:
I posted a standalone Bible verse, and I wrote at the end of it, ‘Christ is King’... It’s basic Christian doctrine.
This isn’t an attack on anyone. It’s an affirmation of her beliefs.
Are we really living in a world where expressing your faith is reason enough to be banned?
Both the political and media class don’t want you to know the truth.
They want to dictate what you hear, what you think, and what you’re allowed to believe.
But we’re seeing through their game.
They’ve turned Candace’s words on their head, all to control the conversation, to keep people like you from asking questions.
Now let’s talk about this so-called “antisemitic” comment Candace made when she allegedly praised Hitler. (Despite what you may have heard, she didn’t, actually).
Her critics love to quote her out of context. But here’s what she actually said.
Owens was making a clear distinction between patriotism – putting one’s country first – and the twisted ideology of Hitler.
Her words?
If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine. The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany.
She’s right. He wanted global domination.
He wasn’t a nationalist; he was a tyrant, a “homicidal, psychotic maniac,” as she put it.
Owens condemned him outright.
But do you see that full context in any of the mainstream reports?
Of course not. They want you to buy the twisted version of her words.
Just about every accusation of “Jew-hating” or “antisemitism” levelled at Owens can be dismissed by looking at the wider context of what she was saying.
They want you to believe a lie.
And now Australia has blocked her from coming to speak.
Think about that.
The country is barring someone from speaking simply because her views aren’t what the establishment wants you to hear.
Where does this end? If the government can deny entry to someone like Candace Owens, who else will be silenced next?
How long before you’re not allowed to question the government, not allowed to speak your mind?
This isn’t just about Candace Owens.
This is about the future of free speech in Australia.
This is about your right to hear different perspectives, even ones that challenge the status quo.
You should be asking why any government that’s supposed to serve the public is acting like a gatekeeper of acceptable opinions.
If you believe in free speech, if you believe in the right to question authority, it’s time to take action.
Email Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke. Demand he overturns his decision.
Tell him you don’t want your government silencing voices simply because they’re inconvenient.
Send your email to and
Remind him that this is Australia, where we’re supposed to believe in the free exchange of ideas.
Stand up for your right to hear the truth, not the version that’s been filtered and approved.
Don’t let the Australian Government, or anyone else, decide what you’re allowed to hear.
Demand your freedom back.
Demand that Candace Owens be allowed to speak in Australia.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
It appears the email address is no longer functional. Another sign of a government unwilling to listen to the public. This email was operational during the previous government.
Why should an out spoken woman create fear when expressing her opinions Misinformation hateful speech or what criminal act will she be doing that makes furore among some groups Is she disagreeing with their nicely set rules & perceptions fear is a powerful weapon from those using it or those defending against it