ESG is a Scam
Nation First looks at the extreme green plan to make us all own nothing and be happy.
Dear friend,
Watch the video version of this newsletter here.
If you are like me, you're sick of seeing the global elite telling everyday citizens how to live, what to eat, and how much energy to use.
Somehow we've let the people flying around in private jets, wearing 10,000-dollar suits be the ones calling the shots in this post-modern world we are all living in.
The 1 percent are growing their wealth while pushing for an ESG way of living that affects the 99% of us in a way that is detrimental to our standard way of living.
The middle class is being wiped out and the real economy is in an epic freefall as we speak.
The further along this ESG agenda gets pushed and ESG policies fall into place, the quicker we, the common people, are going to feel the blows.
ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance.
It’s a Globalist Utopia that benefits them and hurts us.
We are already seeing nations that have gone green with ESG policies suffer calamity and ruin.
Sri Lanka had a 98 out of 100 ESG score and, as you'd be aware, it has collapsed economically... so much so that the president got ran out of town.
We are seeing Europeans suffer from astronomically-high power bills and we are witnessing BlackRock and other corporations scoop up entire suburbs of family homes at record low-interest rates, forcing American citizens to get used to the idea of becoming a nation of renters.
A two-tier society is being formed before our very eyes; the haves and the have-nots.
The equitable world that the so-called elite are pushing for will be everything but equitable.
Once again Communism and Marxism are being dressed up and glamourised, particularly to our youth.
Tax the Rich. Eat the Rich. These are just two of the slogans those in power — the real rich — have used over the last few years to program the youth to not only despise those who have had a go and gotten a go but to crave for a socialist government.
The only problem with that is the idea of socialism has failed two dozen times over the past century or so and yet it can’t seem to get out of our political discourse.
800 Million People Will Starve
It is estimated right now that by next year 800 million people will potentially starve to death with the existing food shortages happening around the globe.
Not to worry though, the UN has confirmed food shortages are necessary to create cheap slave labour.
An article touting the benefits of world hunger for a cheap, motivated workforce was actually published in a United Nations journal many years ago.
After it came to light in recent months it was scrubbed from the internet.
The crux of the article was that the 'elite' class had a distinct motivation to not end world hunger, because if everyone was well-nourished, there may be no one willing to provide cheap labour and slave away at some of the most physically demanding and unpleasant jobs on the planet.
The UN said the article was merely satire, but that's a claim the article's author has denied.
That aside – let me go back to the figure I led with:
800 million are likely to starve to death over the course of the next year.
Remember that devastating figure as we look at how ESG destroys traditional farming.
Sri Lanka: The First Country to Destroy Itself by Going Green?
It’s very clear that the so-called 'elite' and their institutions and corporations are all moving in this green ESG direction whether we like it or not.
We are seeing the ramifications of their ridiculous policies all over the world.
Farmers are getting arrested while mega-corporations are getting carbon tax credits.
The downfall of Sri Lanka has been washed away by mainstream media outlets but if you do some digging you will see that the country has completely collapsed.
They were promised to be one of the wealthiest countries by the year 2025 and the opposite has occurred.
Within weeks of President Mahinda Rajapaksa's decree to go green, rice production was down 20 percent.
Scarcity sent food prices through the roof.
Farmers who either could not or would not make the green transition let roughly one-third of the country’s farmland lie fallow.
By any standard, Rajapaksa’s decision was a disaster.
“ESG standards create poverty like small pebbles trigger an avalanche,” says Michael Austin, president of Knowledge and Decisions Economic Consulting.
ESG standards are “driven by a left-wing vision that actively ignores the disastrous consequences it creates,” he says.
“There’s a saying that if you are a business that goes woke, you will soon go broke.”
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When America sneezes
For decades it was a shibboleth that “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.” America’s global impact was such that nations around the globe felt a ripple effect from whatever bumps in the road the U.S. economy encountered.
But as Sri Lanka is arguably the first country to topple itself due to an untoward and unrealistic attachment to its own kind of Green New Deal, it’s fair to wonder what will happen now that Sri Lanka has sneezed.
It is a cautionary tale, and one in which a number of indebted emerging market nations will have to deal with various ripple effects from the island’s collapse. Countries including Laos, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Zambia are believed not to have enough foreign-currency reserves to last more than two or three months.
Sri Lanka’s pending delicate dance with the International Monetary Fund to secure loans and bridge funding is as likely to plot out the pitfalls of trying to resolve similar crises as it is to provide a roadmap out of the troubles. Good luck with that one. In the words of Jeff Foxworthy, “You can’t fix stupid.”
The country’s downfall also helps expose some of the dangers of counting on ESG policies to bolster an economy.
Bruce Clark, chief macro strategist at Informa Global Markets has put it best:
ESG could be the internet bubble of this decade.
The ESG movement effectively shames institutions into a kind of hollow virtue-signalling.
Sri Lanka didn’t have the green technology to carry out President Rajapaksa’s diktat.
Indeed, much of the technology needed doesn’t even exist yet, at least not at scale. With the passage of time, I think it will be ultimately seen as a giant sham.
We couldn’t agree more and we are seeing the effect of these policies in the grocery stores, the food supply, and the energy cost to heat and cool your homes.
The bills have spiked 110 percent for people living in hot climates.
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How BlackRock uses YOUR MONEY to push ESG
BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world with a balance sheet of around 10 trillion dollars, is using your money to push ESG.
Vivek Ramaswamy, an American entrepreneur, went on the Glenn Beck Show and spilled the beans on the insiders making big moves to push this agenda right along.
He told Beck this — and I want to quote him at length here:
About half the U.S. GDP in the hands of one firm.
And if you add Vanguard and State Street to the list, the top three, they manage more than the U.S. do. And what they do, they're aggregating the money of everyday citizens -- probably most people listening to this program, actually. Probably you and me included. Which, we don't know it, through our 401(k) accounts, through pension fund accounts, et cetera.
And what they do, is they use that money to advocate for these ESG policies in corporate America. Climate change plans. Emissions caps. Diversity, equity, inclusion quota systems for race and gender on board, et cetera.
They use our money to advocate for those principles in corporate America, that makes companies less successful.
And as we've seen this year, has actually contributed to stock market declines, as well, in my opinion.
And the ESG specific funds, this year, Glenn, have underperformed the broader market as a whole. Even though the broader market as a whole, have done badly enough.
And I think a big reason why the broader market has done badly. Is because of these demands of these ESG-linked asset managers. But the ESG-specific funds have done even worse.
So the answer to your question, is there a downturn because of the broader market? Or is it because of the failures of ESG?
The answer is both. Because part of the reason the broader market is turning down, is exactly because of some of these toxic policies, that cause companies to focus on these social agendas.”
So, our money – our retirement funds in superannuation or 401K plans and the like – that is what is being used to push this Great Reset.
Not only that but US taxpayer funds have also gone into BlackRock with the US Federal Reserve hiring the investment behemoth to oversee various programs and projects it runs.
BlackRock has famously pushed ESG policies on corporations right around the world.
And it can because its tentacles stretch far and wide... you'd be surprised how many companies in the USA, Australia, Canada, the UK and most other Western and even non-Western nations ultimately have BlackRock as its dominant parent investment company.
Well, either BlackRock or Vanguard.
And guess what? BlackRock is part owner of Vanguard and Vanguard is part owner of BlackRock.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
Anyway BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink wrote to companies the world over telling them to get out of fossil fuels. Why?
Do you think multinational corporations, the richest of the rich, the masters of the universe actually give a stuff about the environment? Or is there another reason?
As always, follow the money.
The powers that be aren’t pushing this green agenda for the Earth's benefit or fo our benefit — but for their own benefit!
They've invested heavily in all of the new forms of energy and in carbon credit schemes and the like.
They've also invested heavily in alternatives to traditional farming.
These ‘Rockefellers’ of green energy are happy to destroy the livelihoods of everyday citizens and uplift the lives of themselves who may yet be the only ones able to afford steak, Teslas, and private jets.
As I said earlier: the haves and the have-nots. The two-tiered society is here.
Remember to check out my new video on the Great Reset at
Closing Remarks
I conclude with this, so much is happening in real-time but we have to be aware of the freedoms we may lose in order for this Great Reset agenda to come to pass.
We will own nothing and be happy for instance... and we are already seeing the powers that be seize land from farmers who aren’t complying with their policies.
We are seeing frozen bank accounts from those who don’t go along with the rules and regulations.
We are seeing political activists who oppose this corruption rotting in jail and we have even seen the former president of the United States being raided by the politicised FBI and Department of Justice that is in collusion with Biden and the shadow government giving him their orders.
We have to be on high alert and make sure we are living in a way that best benefits ourselves and our families.
We have strength in numbers and if we resist they will have to deviate from their plans.
The so-called 'elite' know they don’t have enough data, resources, or support behind them to control 8 billion people worldwide.
And as much as they continue to push faux Communist and Marxist ideologies onto the youth, we have to remember that that agenda has failed each and ever time its been tried.
We can be confident they won’t be able to pull it off this time around but that doesn’t mean they won't end up destroying things we value – such as freedom – along the way.
We need to stay curious, stay prepared, and stay informed.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and our nation.
Take care,
George Christensen, with a Nation First staff writer.
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
Thank you George .
May God grace us with wisdom and discernment .
Brilliant summary George. You articulated the key points of the Globalist Eltes ESG strategy eloquently - control finance/money/banking; control farming & food production; control energy sources and prices; ...and total control is within your grasp as you squeeze the middle class to death and eliminate those on the lowest income level to oblivion.
Sadly, the majority of the manipulated brain-washed population will continue to follow blindly given the 'mass formation' psychosis they are hypnotised with, ultimately to their own demise as has been documented throughout history, and more recently brilliantly outlined in Matttias Desmet's book, 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism'. Unfortunately, the constant propaganda from MSM, social media, big tech, in collusion with big pharma poisons and compliant governments, will keep the fear and control going, until we end up like Venezuela or Sri Lanka...unless we wake up enough before it is too late.
Education and exposure of the truth is the main solution you are providing in this battle for humanity, so keep up the great work. A recent interview I came across, would be of great interest to you and other followers. Ex-Prof NYU, Michael Rectenwald, a former avowed Marxist & leftist, now the opposite, has written extensively against the woke ideology, etc (Beyond Woke, Google Archipelago, etc was recently interviewed on Epoch TV ( He would be great to interview on your show?