EXPOSED: What the globalists did this week.
There was a lot of talk about control at the globalist-a-palooza that was Davos 2022.
Dear friends of freedom,
This week, the global elites descended on Davos, Switzerland for their annual pow-wow and, as always, they used the occasion to promote their agenda for centralisation and control.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) event was once again a who's who of the global elite, with business leaders, political figures, and celebrities all rubbing shoulders.
The WEF founder Klaus Schwab opened the event by declaring that the future will be “built” by those in attendance at Davos — a clear sign that these elites see themselves as the architects of the future, with the rest of us just going along for the ride.
Australia's taxpayer-funded e-Safety Commissioner then suggested that human rights online should be “recalibrated”, particularly when it came to free speech.
The CEO of YouTube also spoke about censoring people.
You’d expect the Davos crowd to want to “recalibrate” our right to free speech. They only want free speech to suit the needs of the elite and censor any dissenting opinions that don't fit their narrative.
Watch my take on the “recalibration” suggestion in this video here:
J. Michael Evans, president of the Chinese Communist Party-linked Alibaba Group boasted to the elites of the development of a carbon footprint tracker by his company:
“We’re developing, through technology, an ability for consumers to measure their whole carbon footprint. What does that mean? Where they are traveling. How they are traveling. What are they eating. What they are consuming on the platform. We don’t have it operational yet, but this is something that we’re working on.”
Can you imagine such a device in the hands of extreme green zealots that are now ensconced in government?
A panel of elite bankers then told the forum that a centralised digital currency was but five years away. Last year, the British Government and the Bank of England were mulling over the idea of making such centralised digital currencies programmable, meaning the issuer of the funds could determine what you spend your money on, where you spend it and how much you spend.

And, of course, there was a lot of finger-wagging about climate change at Davos, with the irony somehow lost on the many attendees who flew in on their private jets to attend the Swiss talkfest about lecturing us mere mortals about the need to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions.
The spoof Twitter account World Ecommunist Forum perfectly summed up the hypocrisy with this tweet:

Many alternative media journalists and commentators who turned up in Davos were accosted by police who — both frighteningly and bizarrely — wore a badge declaring themselves the “World Economic Forum Police”. Fact checkers tried to cover it up by claiming the badge was merely commemorative but you can be the judge looking at this photo of the badge on a police officer who detained independent reporter Jack Posobiec.
Security was immensely beefed up for the global elite’s version of Woodstock with a 5,000 military personnel on duty and a no-fly zone in force.
The theme of Davos 2022 was supposed to be “Working Together, Restoring Trust”. Obviously they were working on control. But there can no trusting this crowd.
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Good news from the election
Joel Jammal from Turning Point Australia delivers the little bit of good news that there is from the federal election, including the fact we could have Pauline Hanson and four other “freedom” Senators elected to office. (The four others aren’t definite yet though so don’t get your hopes too high).
That’s right. Despite the fake news from the legacy media a few days ago, it is clear Pauline Hanson will be returned as a Senator. Not only does One Nation have enough votes to secure her re-election but she currently has the highest number of below the line votes of all political party candidates contesting the Senate.
Half a dozen items this week:
Continuing on with the Davos theme, WND reports that two European leaders used the WEF summit to issue a warning that nations should not resist the “painful global transition” on energy at the moment. Have they seen the prices at the bowser lately?
Deutsche Telekom has announced it has been contracted by the World Health Organization to develop a system that links every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID, allowing for the establishment of a global vaccination passport system.
WND again reports that 12 of the 13 proposed International Health Regulation changes have been dropped by the World Health Organization amidst a global backlash over concern the changes would have undermined the sovereignty of free nations.
To balance up Joel Jammal’s positive take, economist Alan Moran, writing in the Spectator Australia, points out that the Australian federal election result is worse than we thought.
Deaths are up in Australia. Way up. Wonder what the cause is? Fellow Substack writer Joel Smalley has the numbers — and speculates on cause — in his Dead Man Talking publication:
And now for something completely different:
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
I've been in great admiration of your stance from the beginning of this mass psychosis, George, but I can't help wanting to ask you as a staunch proponent of capitalism - did you envisage it going any differently than it has? I mean, Australia was couped in 1975. We've been the US's bitch ever since. There hasn't been any democracy anywhere, our entire lives, but just the spectacle of it. I'm grateful for you taking a stand but I can't help wondering how you reconcile your fury at a congealed pack of sociopaths at the logical corrupt end of things with the system that was always going to get them there, given enough time?
Excellent newsletter, George.