⚠️ Orwellian nightmare ahead for Australia
Nation First rallies the troops against an anti-free speech law being proposed by the Australian Government.
Dear friend,
See Donald Trump Jr live along with ‘Mr Brexit’ Nigel Farage and gutsy Australian Senator Alex Antic in either Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne. Tickets available at www.trumplive.com.au
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This morning I sent the following missive out to CitizenGO members (in my role as their Australian campaign director).
I am sharing this with you as a valued Nation First reader because the subject matter is critical and could affect the future of this newsletter, along with Eureka Free Press and other alternative media outlets in Australia.
Even foreign alternative media outlets could be affected by it.
Here’s what I sent out this morning:
George Orwell would have turned 120 last Sunday.
He wrote the famous novel 1984 in which a totalitarian government determines what ‘facts’ are allowed to be believed via its Ministry of Truth.
Bizarrely, last Sunday was the day the Australian Government announced it would be setting up its own ‘Ministry of Truth’.
In scenes reminiscent of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, the Australian Government has announced plans for a ‘Ministry of Truth’!
They want to silence YOUR voice by deciding what online content is ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ and what is harmful or not.
Just about everything on the internet — including social media posts — is in their crosshairs!
Sign the petition TODAY to fight this attack on free speech and stop Australia from becoming an Orwellian nightmare! Go to https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech
That’s right! On George Orwell’s birthday, Australia’s Albanese Labor Government declared it would trample over freedom of speech by giving a government agency new powers to combat what it deems as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ online.
Stop Labor’s anti-free speech laws! Sign the petition today: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech
The question is who gets to determine what is misinformation or disinformation and what is the truth?
The past few years have shown us that many things declared as ‘fake news’ one day end up being proven truthful several months down the track.
The Albanese Labor Government haven’t said how they will determine what they believe to be false or not, but they have said that they will target anything that they think is:
hateful against the LGBTIQ community;
disruptive to society;
harmful to democracy;
harmful to the environment; or
harmful to the economy.
All of this is extremely subjective and open to someone’s interpretation.
The proposed law will cover social media platforms, search engines, news aggregators, web forums, video platforms like YouTube and podcasting platforms.
Just about everything on the internet is in the firing line of this new Australian ‘Ministry of Truth’!
Fight this attack on free speech by signing the petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech
Currently the proposed law and powers are in the draft stage and the Australian Government is seeking feedback on them.
Australians must grab this opportunity to defend free speech and tell the government they don’t want them regulating what can and can’t be said online.
If the people remain silent now then, in the not-too-distant future, silence is all that might be left for those who uphold the values of faith, freedom and family in Australia.
Tell the government to get its hands off our right to free speech today! Sign the petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
P.S. Don't let Australia become an Orwellian nightmare with its own ‘Ministry of Truth’ - sign the petition now to stop Labor's anti-free speech laws before it's too late!
More information:
‘Keep Australia safe’: Dystopian draft bill against 'misinformation' unveiled (Coin Telegraph): https://cointelegraph.com/news/australian-draft-misinformation-bill-revealed
Stop the Australian Government's "Ministry of Truth" (Rukshan Fernando)
Australian government proposes massive fines for tech giants over 'fake news' (Rebel News): https://www.rebelnews.com/australian_government_proposes_massive_fines_for_tech_giants_over_fake_news
Australia Keeps Escalating Its Censorship And Propaganda Campaign (Caitlin Johnstone)
Notice to the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) and other government agencies: Nation First is newsletter and website (or section of the Substack website) that publishes news that is researched and written under the editorial guidance of a qualified journalist. As a business venture, Nation First constitutes a paid occupation for its owner rather than a pastime. As such, Nation First is professional news content and is exempt from any law that aims to censor content that the government or others do not like.
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his www.georgechristensen.com.au website.
Click on the link above to put in a submission about this terrible Bill - and below is a link to this horrible Bill:
Tired of them saying it’s for our safety. It’s for their safety and to get us to say only what they want. We need less government.