Sacrificing the Innocent
Nation First Looks at How the Left’s ‘God of Self’ Demands the Ultimate Price.
Dear friend,
Abortion. It’s not just “a choice” anymore; it’s a full-blown sacrament for the radical left. You’ve probably felt it yourself—the way they talk about it, protect it, even celebrate it. They’ve elevated abortion into a ritual, a ceremony offered to their god of convenience and control. And what’s that god? It’s the Self. Plain and simple.
Abortion is no longer just a “choice” but a sacrament for the radical left, celebrated as a ritual to the god of Self.
Just as ancient cultures sacrificed children to appease terrifying gods, today’s society sacrifices unborn babies to convenience and lifestyle.
This practice is disguised as "healthcare" or "rights," masking a modern form of child sacrifice.
Anti-natalist global elites push a depopulation agenda by making life unaffordable, while organisations like WHO promote abortion as “essential healthcare.”
Conservative politicians and political parties who tolerate this are cowardly, appeasing a false god; true resistance means rejecting this dark culture and actively supporting life.
The modern world has reinvented child sacrifice, and it’s happening right before our eyes. Think about it. Ancient cultures sacrificed children to appease terrifying gods. You had Molech, the bloodthirsty demon of the Old Testament. Parents threw their own children into flames to keep Molech “happy.” Look at the Aztecs. They sacrificed children to Tlaloc, the rain god, just to keep the crops growing. And pre-Christian Europe—children offered up to stave off threats or earn favour.
And what about today? The god has changed, but the ritual is the same. Today, it’s not about staving off famine or placating an angry god; it’s about appeasing the “right” of convenience. But we’re seeing the same evil repackaged, and it’s everywhere. Babies sacrificed for convenience, for lifestyle, for self. You don’t need a bonfire when a clinic table will do.
They disguise it as “healthcare” or “reproductive rights.” But who are they really sacrificing these children for? It’s for the Self, the highest god in this twisted pantheon. The worshippers are wearing new robes, but the altar is the same. They dress up their obsession with the Self as “choice” and “empowerment.”
They push abortion under the guise of “rights,” “freedoms,” and “liberties.” It’s appalling that they twist these terms, sacred to true freedom, into words of destruction. You know it, I know it. They’re lying to you, trying to get you to worship at the altar of Self. But it’s clear. Their words are twisted, masking the god of Self beneath a sick redefinition of “rights.” But what kind of freedom demands a child’s life?
Here’s the truth—what is the greatest right, the greatest freedom, the greatest liberty of all? It’s the right to life, the one that makes all other rights, freedoms, and liberties possible. Strip that away, and there’s nothing left but death and darkness.
The situation worsens when we look at the role of the anti-natalist globalist elite who are openly advancing a depopulation agenda. They don’t just promote abortion; they create a social and economic environment that drives people to limit their own birth rates. Skyrocketing costs for housing, groceries, and utilities mean dual-income households are almost a necessity. Then, as if on cue, they present abortion on demand as the “solution” for that unwanted pregnancy that could cost a family more and upset someone’s oh-so-important career path. They know that the god of Self is in the ascendancy for many.
And if you think this is a conspiracy theory, just look at the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO now openly touts abortion as “a matter of public health and social justice,” calls it an essential healthcare service, and is reported to spend about 11% of its budget on promoting abortion. Their own website states that an estimated “73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year”—a result they seem to praise rather than question.
Why do conservative politicians and political parties bend the knee to this madness? I’ll tell you why. They’re terrified of being called out, scared of the media, afraid of losing power. They’ll say they’re “pro-life,” but when push comes to shove, they appease the left’s god of convenience. They’re just like the tribes of old, sacrificing values to avoid the wrath of not just a false god but a god they know is false. And you and I both know that’s cowardice, plain and simple.
Where does this end? They’re not satisfied with abortion alone. No, they’re already talking about “post-birth options” and pushing boundaries even further. We’re hurtling down a dark path, and if we don’t speak up, we’ll be standing in a culture that values death over life, just like the pagans of old. But you and I can still resist. We don’t have to watch them tear down every value that makes us human.
Let’s be clear—you don’t worship at this altar. You don’t sacrifice the innocent to appease the god of Self. Start by rejecting the sanitised language that hides the reality—use “baby,” not “fetus,” and call abortion what it is. Demand your local politician support pro-life measures, and show up to speak the truth whenever you can. And don’t stop there. Support crisis pregnancy services that offer real help to mothers and babies. Stand firm, resist the lies, and don’t let them drag this society back to the darkness of human sacrifice.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
It’s a sad day when we have governments set on appeasing the WHO and the Socialist left and forgetting that every life counts regardless!
Every time I hear the touted women’s rights, I wonder, “What about the baby’s right to life? God doesn’t make mistakes! What are we losing from the children and people who will never be? And if they get this post-birth allowing baby’s to be killed, at what age will they want to push it up to next. As you said this is child sacrifice and should not be acceptable to anyone