The New Enforcers of Censorship
Nation First calls out fact checkers and globalists for their assault on free speech and sovereignty.
Dear friend,
You’ve seen it. I’ve seen it.
Fact checkers aren’t there to “correct” mistakes—they’re there to silence you.
To make sure you don’t question the official narrative.
And now, more than ever, they’re working hand in hand with governments to control what you see, read, and believe.
Take the Australian Associated Press (AAP) for example.
Recently, they claimed that concerns about the Australian CDC being a Trojan Horse for the World Health Organization (WHO) were “false.”
But this isn’t about setting the record straight.
It’s about shutting down any voice that dares to challenge the globalist agenda.
They’re hoping you won’t dig deeper.
But you and I know better.
Fact checkers are being used to silence those who challenge the government and globalist agendas, especially the WHO’s influence.
The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and the CDC’s role as Australia’s PHEOC are part of a global push for control through health crises.
Australia’s government is supporting legally binding measures from the WHO, despite claims that health decisions will remain independent.
The Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill is designed to suppress free speech under the guise of stopping “misinformation.”
We must fight back against these efforts to protect our freedom of speech and sovereignty.
The Facts They Won’t Tell You
AAP fact checkers say the WHO has no power to dictate Australia’s health policies.
What they conveniently leave out is that the WHO is pushing for every country to establish Public Health Emergency Operations Centres (PHEOCs) as the enforcement arms of its so-called Pandemic Treaty.
We also know the Pandemic Treaty will have effect in Australia if it’s passed just as the new International Health Regulation (IHR) changes will, unless the Australian Government opts out with a set time frame that WHO has given.
The Federal Health Department’s own website confirms this, stating that:
Signing a new international agreement and the targeted changes to the IHR may create new international legal obligations for Australia.
… and that:
The Australian Parliament will consider both processes before Australia takes binding action. This includes consideration by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT).
The changes to the IHR will come into effect 12 months after the WHO formally notifies Member States, including Australia, of the changes, unless Australia makes a reservation or rejects the changes within 10 months of receiving that notice. JSCOT will make recommendations to the Australian Parliament on whether Australia should accept, reject or make reservations on these changes. In due course, JSCOT will also consider the pandemic agreement, once adopted by the World Health Assembly.
In short, there will be legal obligations on Australia if it signs up to the Pandemic Treaty.
Further, pending a government-run parliamentary committee’s approval, the treaty and the IHR changes will become legally binding on Australia.
And the Australian Government supports the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR changes.
In a statement released in May this year, the government described the Pandemic Treaty and IHRs as “landmark reforms” that will “strengthen the world’s capacity to prepare for and respond to health emergencies”.
It further urged for global consensus in support of the measures and explicitly said it was “committed to realising these much-needed reforms to the global health system”.
Oh, it did give the caveat that Australia had the “right to make its own decisions on domestic public health policies and responses” even though the “landmark reforms” they were supporting would create new international legal obligations for Australia and would end up being legally binding.
So any media outlet or expert that wants to claim we can make up our own rules distinct from the WHO regime are either lying or they don’t know what they are talking about.
Likewise in regard to the CDC’s role in all of this.
The Trojan Horse is Real
The fact is that the Australian CDC has already laid the groundwork to serve as Australia’s PHEOC.
It’s right there in their draft documents.
And during any public health crisis, the CDC team steps into the role of the National Incident Centre (NIC), which coordinates our entire national response.
So, when the WHO declares the next “emergency,” the CDC will be the one to implement their draconian measures through the States.
They’ll coordinate our national response, but with whose agenda in mind?
Not yours, not mine, but the WHO’s.
The WHO can’t force Australia to follow its orders directly, but they don’t have to.
Our own CDC will do it for them.
And when they do, the fact checkers will be right there to tell you that you’re wrong if you dare object.
This is the Trojan Horse they’ve built, and it’s right here in Australia.
But the fact checkers don’t want you to know that.
They’ll tell you, “the WHO can’t force Australia to do anything.”
But what they don’t mention is how our own government is handing the keys to the WHO, giving them the power to dictate our response through legally binding measures enforced by the CDC\NIC.
The Real Goal: Silencing You
Why is this happening?
Why are fact checkers and governments so eager to suppress this information?
It’s simple—they want control.
They want to ensure that voices like yours and mine are silenced before we can pose any real threat.
And they’ve got a new weapon in their arsenal: the so-called Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill.
This bill, innocently named, is nothing less than a full-blown assault on free speech.
The government will decide what’s true and what isn’t.
The fact checkers will become their enforcers.
If you dare speak out, they’ll brand your words as “misinformation.”
This isn’t about keeping people safe from lies; it’s about ensuring you don’t question the WHO’s agenda, the CDC’s power, or the government’s unchecked authority.
In fact, it’s about ensuring you don’t even know about any of that and go on thinking that all of this is fake news despite documentary evidence to the contrary.
The Pandemic Treaty’s Hidden Censorship
And here’s where it all comes full circle.
You see, the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty isn’t just about public health.
It’s about control.
Buried within this treaty are measures designed to combat what they call “misinformation.”
In other words, they want the power to censor any speech that doesn’t align with their narrative.
Indeed, the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill directly targets so-called “misinformation” that causes “harm to public health in Australia, including the efficacy of preventative health measures”.
This is line with the proposed Pandemic Treaty.
They’ll say it’s for your safety, to stop the spread of harmful lies.
But what they really mean is that you won’t be allowed to question their authority—whether it’s lockdowns, vaccines, or even the idea of a pandemic itself.
They’re creating a world where only the official story is allowed, and anything that contradicts it will be erased.
That’s why they need fact checkers, why they need laws like the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill—because they fear the truth, and they fear you.
Who Decides What’s “Misinformation”?
Ask yourself this: Who gets to decide what’s “misinformation”?
Bureaucrats in Canberra?
Globalists in Geneva?
Some fact checker from AAP who probably believes that men can get pregnant?
These are the same people who told us lockdowns would only last two weeks, who swore the vaccines would stop transmission.
And now, they want to police what you’re allowed to say.
Do you really trust them with the truth?
Because here’s the reality: these fact checkers aren’t about “truth.”
They’re about control.
They’re about making sure the average Australian—people like you and me—don’t rock the boat.
It’s Time to Fight Back
You and I both know that something’s deeply wrong.
The government, the WHO, the fact checkers—they’ve all lined up to ensure that you don’t get a say in your own future.
But there’s still time to stop this.
We don’t have to accept the lies, the censorship, the control.
We can speak out. We can resist.
We can demand our freedoms back.
But it starts with seeing through the lies.
Don’t let the fact checkers fool you.
Don’t let them tell you what you’re allowed to think, to say, or to believe.
This is a fight for our future. And I’m not backing down.
Are you?
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
Hi George, thank you for continuing your good work for Truth. Just "calling out" fact checkers and globalist censors is not enough. Are you able to use your platform and following to put up a joint submission that we can all get behind? Ready to sign !
Fact checkers might've been useful...once...long ago...but now that they've been harnessed by TPTB, they are almost laughable! I don't read them if I want the truth. I read them to see what TPTB are up to, and for a smirk!
It was pretty easy to put in my Submission to the Senate regarding the online censorship bill. I just had to rehash what I wrote a year ago for the same darned Bill! And unlike the Excess Mortality one, where I had to email my Submission into the relevant Senate Committee in the end because the light was always red, the light actually went green for me this time! Here's the website you need to go to for putting in a Submission against this Bill:
Did you know you can't find this Bill under "Submissions closing soon":
Even though it's both a New and Current Senate Inquiry, it's still closing on 30th September, which is pretty soon!
Aren't they nice? They've given us from 19th September until 30th September to voice our concerns. Anything to silence the masses, right? Make it hard to find. Give them less than 2 weeks to comment on it. BASTARDS. It should be illegal to put things up for such a short period of time!
I have emailed the appropriate parliamentarian people to try to get the Misinformation Bill on the "Submissions closing soon" website. And I have asked them why there are such varying timeframes on comments for Bills. We'll see what happens!