Dear friend,
This isn’t an easy letter for me to write, but I believe it’s important for you to understand why I continue to fight with Nation First and why I’m asking you to consider supporting it today.
In July 2020, my world was turned upside down.
My beautiful daughter, Margaret, was born overseas without me there to hold her, to welcome her into this world, or to be by my wife’s side during one of the most critical moments of our lives. Why? Because of government overreach and the chaos caused by COVID-19 border closures.

My wife, April, was in her home country, visiting family when the pandemic hit. Like so many others, we never imagined that the borders would remain closed for as long as they did. But as the months dragged on, we found ourselves trapped—separated by thousands of miles and the cold, uncaring hand of government bureaucracy.
When the time came for my daughter’s birth, I wasn’t there. I wasn’t there to comfort my wife as she endured a complicated labour that nearly cost her life. The night Margaret was born, I received a call from the surgeon at 4 in the morning, telling me that if there was anything I needed to say to my wife, I had to say it then. My heart broke in that moment—I didn’t know if I would lose her or if I’d ever get to hold my baby girl.
I did my best to hold myself together and told April that everything would be all right and she was in safe hands. They then wheeled her bed into the operating room for emergency life-saving surgery.
While my wife was fighting for her life in a hospital bed, I was halfway across the world, helpless. I attended meetings, press conferences, and did my duty as a Member of Parliament, all while the woman I love was in being operated on, and I didn’t know if she would survive.
Thank God, she did survive. The surgeons saved her life, and eventually, I was reunited with my family. But the scars of that experience will never fade. I missed the birth of my daughter. I missed the first moments of her life. I nearly lost my wife. And all because of a government that believed it had the right to dictate who could be with their loved ones in their most vulnerable moments.
This is why I continue to fight through Nation First, long after my parliamentary career ended in 2022. The impact of government overreach during the pandemic has only strengthened my resolve to stand up for the values that matter most: family, freedom, and faith. We’re challenging the mainstream narratives, exposing the truth, and giving a voice to those who’ve been silenced. And we can’t do it alone.
If you believe in what we’re doing, I’m asking you to support us by taking out a paid subscription to Nation First. It’s $99 a year or $15 a month. Your subscription will allow us to continue this critical work and ensure that no more families have to suffer the way mine did.
Thank you for standing with us in this fight.
Together, we can make sure that the lessons of the past few years are never forgotten and that the freedoms we hold dear are never taken for granted again.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
P.S Your support means the world to me. Subscribe now and join us in the fight to protect what matters most:
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.