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It doesn’t matter whether the States are governed by either the Labor Party or the Liberal and National Parties: they are all segregating people on the basis of whether or not they’ve participated in a medical procedure that is only provisionally approved.
This can aptly be described as medical apartheid.
The Liberals and Nationals have done it in New South Wales and Labor are doing it in Victoria (with gusto). To an extent, it is also being deployed with government-imposed ‘no jab, no job’ mandates in South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Now, it’s Queensland’s turn, with the Palaszczuk Labor Government banning non-vaccinated residents from being full participants in society from 17 December. From that date, I will personally be joining the ranks of the new “untouchables” in this modern caste system, unable to set foot in a pub, club, café, restaurant, cinema, theatre, art gallery, museum, sports stadium and many other venues.
Basically, they’ve Victoria’ed my Queensland.
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There is a solution to this mess and it lies with the Australian Government. The only way state governments (and, indeed, private corporations) can find out someone’s vaccination status is via data from the myGov app, the My Health Record website or the Australian Immunisation Register - all of them owned and controlled by the Australian Government. It would take a simple stroke of a pen to say to state governments and private corporations that they could not use any of that data for the purposes of discrimination against the public.
In a letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt that I wrote almost a year ago, I asked them to “consider legislation or regulation to ban coercive measures by private companies or state governments that seek to restrict service to those who choose not to receive the vaccine.” Obviously, they didn’t consider it, but the reality of the new medical apartheid means that they now should. Immediately. The time to act on this matter is long overdue.
What do you think? Your comments and views are welcome.
God bless you and your family, and God bless Australia.
Take care,
George Christensen MP
P.S. I am soon to launch a new series of my podcast Conservative One. Here’s a preview:
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Beyond the Fake News
Beyond the mainstream media, we discover the truth. Here’s what I’ve been reading & viewing:
The numbers on COVID-19 in Australia have been updated in The Spectator Australia. This statistic is a bombshell: “Outside of aged care the overall CFR (case fatality rate) for Covid-19 in Australia is 0.56%. If you are not an aged care resident you have a chance of approximately 99.44% of surviving a Covid-19 infection.”
Taiwan Newsreports that Taiwan has banned kids from being vaccinated with Pfizer.
TheBMJ (originally the British Medical Journal) has alleged that “speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety” for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, reporting on claims “the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”
Despite their lies and cover-ups, the CEO of Pfizer wants people locked up for saying bad things about his vaccine, according to a report from Breitbart.
This Is Moneyreports Volvo saying that emissions from making electric vehicles can be 70 per cent higher than petrol models and that it can take up to nine years of driving before they become greener.
Authorised by G. Christensen, Mackay, for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.
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If you haven’t yet done so, subscribe to the Nation First e-newsletter via the feature below:
It doesn’t matter whether the States are governed by either the Labor Party or the Liberal and National Parties: they are all segregating people on the basis of whether or not they’ve participated in a medical procedure that is only provisionally approved.
This can aptly be described as medical apartheid.
The Liberals and Nationals have done it in New South Wales and Labor are doing it in Victoria (with gusto). To an extent, it is also being deployed with government-imposed ‘no jab, no job’ mandates in South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Now, it’s Queensland’s turn, with the Palaszczuk Labor Government banning non-vaccinated residents from being full participants in society from 17 December. From that date, I will personally be joining the ranks of the new “untouchables” in this modern caste system, unable to set foot in a pub, club, café, restaurant, cinema, theatre, art gallery, museum, sports stadium and many other venues.
Basically, they’ve Victoria’ed my Queensland.
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The solution
There is a solution to this mess and it lies with the Australian Government. The only way state governments (and, indeed, private corporations) can find out someone’s vaccination status is via data from the myGov app, the My Health Record website or the Australian Immunisation Register - all of them owned and controlled by the Australian Government. It would take a simple stroke of a pen to say to state governments and private corporations that they could not use any of that data for the purposes of discrimination against the public.
In a letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt that I wrote almost a year ago, I asked them to “consider legislation or regulation to ban coercive measures by private companies or state governments that seek to restrict service to those who choose not to receive the vaccine.” Obviously, they didn’t consider it, but the reality of the new medical apartheid means that they now should. Immediately. The time to act on this matter is long overdue.
What do you think? Your comments and views are welcome.
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God bless you and your family, and God bless Australia.
Take care,
George Christensen MP
P.S. I am soon to launch a new series of my podcast Conservative One. Here’s a preview:
If you no longer wish to receive the Nation First e-newsletter, simply click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the very bottom of this email, or alternatively reply to this email with the word ‘unsubscribe’.
Beyond the Fake News
Beyond the mainstream media, we discover the truth. Here’s what I’ve been reading & viewing:
The numbers on COVID-19 in Australia have been updated in The Spectator Australia. This statistic is a bombshell: “Outside of aged care the overall CFR (case fatality rate) for Covid-19 in Australia is 0.56%. If you are not an aged care resident you have a chance of approximately 99.44% of surviving a Covid-19 infection.”
Taiwan News reports that Taiwan has banned kids from being vaccinated with Pfizer.
The BMJ (originally the British Medical Journal) has alleged that “speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety” for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, reporting on claims “the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”
Despite their lies and cover-ups, the CEO of Pfizer wants people locked up for saying bad things about his vaccine, according to a report from Breitbart.
This Is Money reports Volvo saying that emissions from making electric vehicles can be 70 per cent higher than petrol models and that it can take up to nine years of driving before they become greener.
Authorised by G. Christensen, Mackay, for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.