Your Signature Can Stop the Digital ID Bill!
Nation First promotes the last charge for CitizenGO against the Digital ID Bill.
Dear friend,
Your privacy may be history within a week!
Our federal politicians are on the brink of launching a monstrous mechanism—the Digital ID Bill.
Immediate Action is Needed!
Your privacy is under threat by the proposed Digital ID scheme.
We need to convince marginal government MPs to stand against this dangerous plan that seeks to encroach on our freedoms and monitor our lives!
Our personal data could be misused, leading to severe implications.
Join us to urge government MPs to reject this invasive system, because your privacy matters!
Don't let your privacy and freedom be traded for so-called convenience.
After ramming their Digital ID Bill through the Senate without debate, the Australian Government is wasting no time in getting their Digital Identity scheme through the House of Representatives.
Why should you care? Because if it’s passed by the House of Reps it becomes law. And that doesn’t just put your privacy at risk, it’s also a blow to your civil liberties!
Now is not the time to sit back. With the Digital ID Bill scheduled for debate in the House of Reps on Tuesday next week, there is a possibility we could see that bill go to a vote and be passed, leading to this intrusive technology becoming law and a permanent grip around our identities.
Our reasons for this final petition to stop the Digital ID Bill are manifold.
The Australian Government’s decision to force a Digital Identity system on our nation opens up a Pandora’s box of privacy invasion, identity theft risks, and corrodes freedom.
Worse still, it paves the way for the ones on the top to watch and control while those on the lower echelons are monitored and controlled!
Let me break down the real agenda behind this Orwellian nightmare that is the Digital ID Bill:
Invasion of Privacy: This Digital ID system is a Trojan horse for government and big business to invade your privacy. They want to track you through biometrics—your face, your fingerprints. Once they have this data, who knows what they'll do with it? This is about putting every one of us under the microscope.
Surveillance State: With this system, they can monitor everything—where you go, what you do. It’s the ultimate surveillance state, and it’s about to happen before your very eyes.
Tyrannical Overreach: This isn’t just about digital IDs; it’s about expanding government control over our lives. They’re eroding our freedoms, and if we don’t stand up now, what will be left?
Social Credit System: This is the first step towards a social credit system, folks. Today, it's a digital ID; tomorrow, it's controlling where you can go, what you can buy, and monitoring every move you make—just like in Communist China.
Corporate Snooping: Not only does the government get your data, but corporations do too. They're in cahoots, trading your privacy for profit. This is big brother in the corporate suit, watching everything you do.
Loss of Control: Say goodbye to control over your own information. The government and corporations will manipulate how your data is used, without real accountability. Once they have your data, they won't let go.
Hacker’s Paradise: By centralising all our sensitive data, the government is basically painting a giant bullseye on our personal information. This makes it a goldmine for hackers and cybercriminals. Your most personal details could be compromised in a heartbeat!
Compulsory Service Access: They say it’s not compulsory, but soon, you won’t be able to access essential services without this digital ID. It’s coercion, pure and simple.
Technological Discrimination: If you're not tech-savvy, you're out of luck. This system will marginalise anyone who can't keep up with digital trends, creating a new class of digital outcasts. That isn’t just unfair; it’s un-Australian.
Nobody Asked For This: Did you ever wake up thinking, 'I wish the government could track me more easily'? No, nobody wants this. It’s being forced on us, without real public demand or consultation.
Globalist Takeover: The World Economic Forum and the United Nations are behind this. They don’t care about national sovereignty. They want global control, and this digital ID is but one of their weapons.
These aren’t just concerns; they are red flags of an impending dystopia where our freedoms are traded for the illusion of security. We must resist this digital prison before it’s too late!
But here's what we've got going for us. The government MPs we are reaching out to are from what they call "marginal" electorates. With support for the government waning, these politicians must stand up, speak out and work hard for their voters in order to get re-elected.
Taking a stand and speaking out against an unpopular Digital ID Bill will be an easy way for them to show that they’ve got their voters’ best interests at heart. These marginal government MPs are our best bet to thwart the Digital ID Bill or facilitate its delay at the very least.
Imagine, on one hand a society crushed under the weight of Orwellian control, while on the other a society that actually values the inviolable space of individual privacy. We hold the power to direct the scales towards the latter. It's a fight we can't afford to lose!
But the hourglass is fast running out of sand. It’s up to us to make some noise and make it loud!
God bless you, your family, and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
P.S. The clock is ticking on our privacy and liberties with each moment this Digital ID Bill edges closer to becoming law—this is a call to action for every Australian who values freedom! Sign the petition now, spread the word, and urge your representatives to oppose this Orwellian overreach before our rights are irretrievably lost.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
More information:
Australia prepares for nationwide Digital ID rollout amid public consultation (Biometric Update)
Digital ID: privacy and liberty are brothers (The Spectator Australia)
Craig Kelly on the Digital ID Bill legislation: "That is not the normal procedure!" (ADHTV)
Media and government silent on Digital IDs while thousands protest (Sky News Australia)
The social impact of digital ID (The Mandarin)
A government of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats (Politicom)
Australian Digital ID Bill ‘Might Not Be as Voluntary as They Say’: Senator (The Epoch Times)
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
Unnecessary need for information on citizens when so much is available now in simplest form Govt appears to spend on lesser subjects than dont matter yet ignore big ones family cost of living housing lack excess immigration inflation energy prices & problems Give this govt offer the flick
Also Signed however, George, can be specific and tell us if this alleged "law" will be enacted correctly as required by all laws in Australia to meet Chapter 12, section 8 of the 1900UK Act?
Thanks Heaps in advance for your honesty m8!