I don’t think a thank you is enough. You really will be remembered, and so will all the crooks in that Parliament House who are not listening to the people of Australia.

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Thank you Mr Christensen for standing up for all Australians πŸ™πŸ» We need more leaders to fight for our rights and inalienable freedoms.

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Thank you George, for standing for the people of this nation against the tyranny that's befallen on them. We need more people like yourself in these positions. Godbless you & the family.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

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Thank You George - we have just a few Decent People left, whom value the Rights and the Constitution, Why is it that a Liberal prime Minister boasts about his signing of the Human Rights treaty - Yet encourages Premiers and Business to take it away. He Lets them Take the Blame like the Coward that he is, we are ashamed that he is associated with Australians

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So, Palascuk is withdrawing state medical care for the unvaccinated, thereby handing some a death sentence. What will hospitals in rural communities do, where there are low vaxcrates among indigenous communities, refuse treatment? This certainly aparthied, in all it's ugliness!

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Well done, keep it up, we need more people like you leading our country that have a backbone, integrity and a conscience!

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Freedom only comes from bravery. Those advocating for freedom are being attacked from every quarter.

You're brave George, please take back the line, crossed by corrupt politicians, where our constitution freedom, to not be coerced into medical experiments, is being completely destroyed. What's next!! Forced injection? Imprisonment and even termination based on attributes?

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Thank you for your support in standing up for your fellow Australians. I have chosen to wait for a more effective vaccine to become available, namely Novavax or Vaxine, but these mandates have caused divisions, way too many job loses and fear being instilled into the double vaxxed against the unvaxxed. This is unfounded & unproven the double vaxxed carry, spread and contract the virus too.

Do the government have any idea when these other vaccines will be available here?

Thanks again.

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Well done George, a legacy you will be remembered for, cheers

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Thank you for standing up for our equality and for voicing the concerns of so many Australians.

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Thank you for being another voice in the lower house. I can't have any vax due to medical reasons, but will be discriminated against. What if I had hearing difficulties or some other more obvious issue?

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What does this mean? Does it still mean these β€œvaccines” are still mandated? There a lot of information out there I’m not sure what to believe now. Can’t they see how damaging these β€œvaccines” are? Why are they forcing us, when they know it’s bad for

Us? I want my country back

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Thank you so very much for your Courage & Integrity regarding this . These Mandates & the Government ongoing Staged ignorant on this is Discrimination at it’s WORSE .

We will Never forget those who Step up & Did the Right think for ALL Australians . George, you are one of the Hero’s & you should be Know , that we are proud & blessed to have you in this Hour of Darkness in Australia’s history.πŸ™πŸΌβ˜ΊοΈ

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Thanks George for standing up for aussies

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Thank you George, many are praying for you and your stand.Be strong and of good courage…Joshua 1.

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Thank you, hopefully you will be a catalyst for others to follow.

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