Thank you George for truly caring for people.I cannot teach at the moment because of these mandates,and so welcome the move to get them reversed .Our premier should know better as her grandparents suffered under Hitler.
Maybe she should take a history lesson in what the Nazis did to the Polish people during WW2.
Why is George the only one speaking truth. Where is your support George ? What are the Katters doing ? What is Pauline up to? Gather some support please ? Easy for them to target you unless you have numbers.
Are the clause changes to the Bio Security Act mean that anybody can be placed in the new medical camps and treated without approval from the person for any virus or vaccine?
All these things (wars, viruses etc) are just 'orchestrated disasters' for the purpose of bringing about their 'new order'. Destroy the present system to bring in the new system. They have been creating all kinds of orchestrated disasters/crisis for many decades now. All the world's leaders, including Putin, are working together to bring this about.
The world's leaders are simply pretending to be enemies with one another. They are just acting. They want their Luciferian new order no matter how many people they have to hurt and destroy to achieve it. Lucifer is their God.
But, as we see in Revelation 6, they well know that the real King, whom they hate, won't be putting up with that nonsense indefinitely.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 and they said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!
17 For the great Day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?”
All responsible for Criminal mandates need to be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
Premeditated GENOCIDE: Pfizer mRNA Integrates into your DNA
The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines
Yes you are right, and all that are responsible for this harm must be jailed for a very very long time. They have murdered also.
Yes every MP who supported mandates should be prosecuted and given long jail terms..
I agree 100%. But don’t forget those that were coerced into taking an experimental vax they didn’t want or need. They need to be compensated too.
Thank you George for truly caring for people.I cannot teach at the moment because of these mandates,and so welcome the move to get them reversed .Our premier should know better as her grandparents suffered under Hitler.
Maybe she should take a history lesson in what the Nazis did to the Polish people during WW2.
Absolutely! Fully agree!
Thank you for continuing to speak out for us. Both my husband and I would love our jobs back I am a nurse and he is in hospitality
Every one must watch this, Robert Malone & Steve kirsch, Bret Weinstein
Thanks so much for sharing this I've been trying to find this for ages! Kind Regards :)
Why is George the only one speaking truth. Where is your support George ? What are the Katters doing ? What is Pauline up to? Gather some support please ? Easy for them to target you unless you have numbers.
Are the clause changes to the Bio Security Act mean that anybody can be placed in the new medical camps and treated without approval from the person for any virus or vaccine?
A very interesting video to watch
All these things (wars, viruses etc) are just 'orchestrated disasters' for the purpose of bringing about their 'new order'. Destroy the present system to bring in the new system. They have been creating all kinds of orchestrated disasters/crisis for many decades now. All the world's leaders, including Putin, are working together to bring this about.
The world's leaders are simply pretending to be enemies with one another. They are just acting. They want their Luciferian new order no matter how many people they have to hurt and destroy to achieve it. Lucifer is their God.
But, as we see in Revelation 6, they well know that the real King, whom they hate, won't be putting up with that nonsense indefinitely.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 and they said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!
17 For the great Day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?”