Been doing petitions ,submissions , attended protests, written to MP’s etc and the never ending push is still going on. They are trying to wear us out

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Letter to The Australian - using Aus Headline - no joy anticipated:

“Albanese hits back at Labor critics” – “has defended his government’s record of making ‘tough’ decisions.”

The Labor Socialist-Left embrace of their (negative) “control agenda”: U.N “Climate Change-Net Zero” – Wall Street ‘Establishment’ “ESG-Net Zero”, Minister Burke’s “Union Domination IR Bills”, Sen. Gallagher’s unwarranted “Digital ID” imposition (“Vaccine Mandates” in disguise?) together with coming “MAD” Bills (Misinformation-Disinformation – Totalitarian “Reform, from the Top, Down – No dissent Allowable”) loudly proclaims that “they are not governing in the best interests of Australians.”

Reads awfully like an offshore-oriented agenda, PM Albo - time to hand back your “Bunnies’ jumper.”.

Best Wishes Bill Webster

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