Thanks for the podcast. I agree with Dr Chavura on most things - though regarding how it is that we all "succumbed" to the hysteria to such a degree, as well as demonizing the unjabed, I think that is not so much characteristics of the population and more a function of orchestration by our "leaders" (is "deceivers" now more appropriate?).
We can all see that the "reasoning" that they promote is totally illogical and lacking in science. The concept that a vaccine doesn't protect the person vaccinated and that OTHER people have to be vaccinated to protect others. The fact that natural immunity is ignored, even though it is well proven now that it is far better than vac "immunity" - a person with natural immunity is FAR less likely to succumb to the virus and to spread it, and as such, more people with natural immunity **would pave the way to herd immunity and end the "mock pandemic"** - in contrast to the **vac'd who are now more likely to fall sick and transmit the virus**, as well as likely to **be the source of new variants** that, in turn, **affect the jabbed more seriously**.
Our "deceivers" would surely know these things
It is CLEAR that the science is being totally ignored - purposely, and even twisted in favour of getting people jabbed - prolonging the "pandemic" and magnifying the casualties into the hundreds of thousands. The "deceivers" have also been complicit in exacerbating Aussie deaths through the banning of safe and effective, well proven medicines such as HCQ and IVM (the proof is overwhelming and their safety, when used properly, is second to none, such that they were labelled "miracle drugs").
Had they not done this, there would be no "pandemic", no masks, no lockdowns - and FAR more Australians alive today and a far better economy and far fewer people losing jobs and businesses.
At the very least, if they thought that the antivirals were "risky" (a completely stupid concern given the evidence of 40+ years and billions of doses) they could have made them available as an **option** to the public and subject to a waiver form, ie "I choose to try "xyz" rather than an experimental, untested jab". They could then run the data and would have their own controlled trials - I am sure they would have seen FAR better results in the antiviral group. But to BAN the safe, effective antivirals was a deliberate act to **force people to the untested new technology**.
They deliberately removed all options.
It seems clear that they know what they are doing, and it is not good!
It is a clear and clever campaign.
It exploits the gullibility and trust of the public
The ridiculous part of it all is what you said about 'optional medicine' was standard procedure before this debacle. Lots of drugs were used off-label. I totally agree with you: what's so wrong with offering 'alternatives' to those who want them? One size rarely fits all in the medical world.
'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.'
Dear George, thank you for another enlightening interview. The change is coming- in UK they lifting most restrictions. And what about this on Australian news? NOTHING!
Thank you for these podcasts. They are intelligent, thought provoking and factual and I pray will reach many millions in Australia. Bless you George Christenson for standing for truth in a place where lies deception, manipulation and evil now stands. Now that many countries are dropping all Covid responses, Australian politicians MUST listen and follow. God bless Australia
Another great clear thinking individual! Thank you George. Eventually people will see or work out for themselves that the COVID "crisis" is no longer a true 'crisis". Hopefully, history will show that it was something that could always have been managed far better. Has any of the politicians thought about some early, effective and inexpensive treatments that might keep the hospitalisations at a bare trickle?
An illuminating & thought-provoking podcast, thank you 🙏. I can't say that I 'enjoyed' it because it left me feeling deeply uneasy about our way forward.
I wonder if at least in the beginning, our 'leaders' really hit the panic button knowing that this was a man-made virus leaked out of a Chinese lab. Just that fact alone possibly explains some of the early hysteria: nobody seriously knew what the fallout was going to be. So 'they' (msm & governments) went in hard, with all guns blazing, in the full expectation of an apocalypse. But, when it never eventuated, they had lost control of the public & were in too deep with mistakes such that they couldn't tame the beast they had created. And probably had no desire to tame said beast because they had committed atrocious crimes, admittedly with arguably altruistic motives, & could not step back from their line in the sand without admitting that they were responsible for so much destruction. Now they are at the mercy of the terrified public who cannot be reasoned with. It makes me worried for our way forward. The bureaucrats have the attention of the public & the public is leaning heavily on the bureaucracy for their sense of 'safety'. It's a vicious circle. How do we break it?
Thanks for the podcast. I agree with Dr Chavura on most things - though regarding how it is that we all "succumbed" to the hysteria to such a degree, as well as demonizing the unjabed, I think that is not so much characteristics of the population and more a function of orchestration by our "leaders" (is "deceivers" now more appropriate?).
We can all see that the "reasoning" that they promote is totally illogical and lacking in science. The concept that a vaccine doesn't protect the person vaccinated and that OTHER people have to be vaccinated to protect others. The fact that natural immunity is ignored, even though it is well proven now that it is far better than vac "immunity" - a person with natural immunity is FAR less likely to succumb to the virus and to spread it, and as such, more people with natural immunity **would pave the way to herd immunity and end the "mock pandemic"** - in contrast to the **vac'd who are now more likely to fall sick and transmit the virus**, as well as likely to **be the source of new variants** that, in turn, **affect the jabbed more seriously**.
Our "deceivers" would surely know these things
It is CLEAR that the science is being totally ignored - purposely, and even twisted in favour of getting people jabbed - prolonging the "pandemic" and magnifying the casualties into the hundreds of thousands. The "deceivers" have also been complicit in exacerbating Aussie deaths through the banning of safe and effective, well proven medicines such as HCQ and IVM (the proof is overwhelming and their safety, when used properly, is second to none, such that they were labelled "miracle drugs").
Had they not done this, there would be no "pandemic", no masks, no lockdowns - and FAR more Australians alive today and a far better economy and far fewer people losing jobs and businesses.
At the very least, if they thought that the antivirals were "risky" (a completely stupid concern given the evidence of 40+ years and billions of doses) they could have made them available as an **option** to the public and subject to a waiver form, ie "I choose to try "xyz" rather than an experimental, untested jab". They could then run the data and would have their own controlled trials - I am sure they would have seen FAR better results in the antiviral group. But to BAN the safe, effective antivirals was a deliberate act to **force people to the untested new technology**.
They deliberately removed all options.
It seems clear that they know what they are doing, and it is not good!
It is a clear and clever campaign.
It exploits the gullibility and trust of the public
The ridiculous part of it all is what you said about 'optional medicine' was standard procedure before this debacle. Lots of drugs were used off-label. I totally agree with you: what's so wrong with offering 'alternatives' to those who want them? One size rarely fits all in the medical world.
'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.'
The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire
Dear George, thank you for another enlightening interview. The change is coming- in UK they lifting most restrictions. And what about this on Australian news? NOTHING!
Good on you George you are on to what’s happening and happen
Thank you for these podcasts. They are intelligent, thought provoking and factual and I pray will reach many millions in Australia. Bless you George Christenson for standing for truth in a place where lies deception, manipulation and evil now stands. Now that many countries are dropping all Covid responses, Australian politicians MUST listen and follow. God bless Australia
Another great clear thinking individual! Thank you George. Eventually people will see or work out for themselves that the COVID "crisis" is no longer a true 'crisis". Hopefully, history will show that it was something that could always have been managed far better. Has any of the politicians thought about some early, effective and inexpensive treatments that might keep the hospitalisations at a bare trickle?
An illuminating & thought-provoking podcast, thank you 🙏. I can't say that I 'enjoyed' it because it left me feeling deeply uneasy about our way forward.
I wonder if at least in the beginning, our 'leaders' really hit the panic button knowing that this was a man-made virus leaked out of a Chinese lab. Just that fact alone possibly explains some of the early hysteria: nobody seriously knew what the fallout was going to be. So 'they' (msm & governments) went in hard, with all guns blazing, in the full expectation of an apocalypse. But, when it never eventuated, they had lost control of the public & were in too deep with mistakes such that they couldn't tame the beast they had created. And probably had no desire to tame said beast because they had committed atrocious crimes, admittedly with arguably altruistic motives, & could not step back from their line in the sand without admitting that they were responsible for so much destruction. Now they are at the mercy of the terrified public who cannot be reasoned with. It makes me worried for our way forward. The bureaucrats have the attention of the public & the public is leaning heavily on the bureaucracy for their sense of 'safety'. It's a vicious circle. How do we break it?
Thank you George for the great work! 💙Here is a video l just watched
It's pretty bad in Lithuania too.
Eventually the narrative will completely collapse. Then the people will want the crooks brought to justice.