My local State MP is Julieanne Gilbert. You reckon she's going to care or take any notice?

Yeah Nuh.

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I'm in NSW so my views won't have any credence with QLD....but I hear you. My state member is Labor also! They all band together. At the end of the day, they don't listen to ANYTHING anyone has to say on their policies! They get kicked out of their party if they don't tow the line. It's crazy. I wish people would understand this when they vote for Labor, because it's not a vote for the People, it's a vote for Tyranny! No matter how 'nice' and 'approachable' your Labor member is, they are NOT ALLOWED to vote against party policy! Hilariously, their policies often don't stick to their National Platform, either. So you really get screwed with Labor! They just do whatever the hell they like! Which of course, is NOT in our best interests.

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So true.

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Laziest member yet even beating Mulherin who was paid to polish that safe seat for too long dare it be said that religious undertones may have helped Times have changed Mackay no longer a workers city as people of different levels have appeared in the structures

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She's mine too Marilyn the invisible woman until photo time with big projects that she had little hand in achieving For all purposes she has misled or denied this safe seat of progress First words were always "The Palaczchuk Government "then allows nothing good to happen She was Assistant Health minister but let our Base Hospital down badly on several sections & her possible replacement is no better

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How many ways can the government be 'creative' and still have the same, horrible messages coming out?! QLD is often the first place these heinous pieces of 'legislation' (if you can call them that) come out, because they have only one level of parliament. Then, after it's passed in QLD, it somehow sets a precedent and is pushed out across the rest of the states! Even though all the politicians KNOW that QLD only has the lower house! It's demented! It's the LAST place heinous legislation should be passed - because there's no back-up to keep the lower house politicians in check!

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The sad thing is that the LNP is no better.

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Can someone please tell me how to share this on Facebook?

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