Some people have reported that they’re having difficulty with the phone number field. When you’re entering your phone number don’t put any brackets, spaces or non-numerical characters in the field. Just numbers.

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The country burns economically and Labor wonders if we should be getting non-citizens to vote?

WTF?!?! No wonder we're in dire straits!! They are wasting everybody's time with this nonsense.

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I fear it’s a little more serious than than that.

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Most probably it is more serious. They have their agendas alright and they're laying them out one by one... :-(

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Only Australian Citizens should be allowed a vote.

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Keep up the great work you are doing George exposing all this government political corruption & conspiracy in high places. Australia certainly needs more people like you who will bravely standup & who will speak the truth without fear.

IMO no foreign citizen or organization or power, yes that includes also the corrupted pernicious Jesuit Vatican New World Order & their front organizations' the U.N. the WHO, the WEF, etc, should not be allowed to interfere nor vote in Australia's elections, society, democracy, economy, sovereignty. Only those citizens of a foreign country or nation who have been individually character vetted & pose no real threat to Australia should be considered or allowed to become a permanent Australian citizen / resident to vote in our elections, end of discussion & debate. As a nation, have we now reached a nefarious tipping point of self-surrender that Australians are now willing to compromise & surrender their democracy, their elections, their freedoms, their national sovereignty to nefarious foreign citizens or organizations or powers who have no real genuine vested interest in Australia's present or future wellbeing. Our political electoral voting system here in Australia has already sustained massive damage through corrupted radical leftist politicians, who view & deem democracy & freedom & national sovereignty as anathema, through preference voting, so why give or allow these corrupted radical leftist politicians with an opportunity to rig & corrupt & plunge our elections into much greater further depths of political corruption & depravity. We all know that the two-tier political system is now completely corrupted to the core, it has morphed & metastasized into a permanent corrupted depraved political electoral pseudo democracy, there is no longer any real genuine opposition or moral accountability, all political parties, or at least the bulk majority of them today have been permanently hijacked and captured by the radical unhinged reprobate left, the electoral voting system is no longer a true democratic process or true exercise in freedom, because the bulk majority of the political parties have systematically intentionally consciously corrupted the government political system to the core, and the bulk majority of the political parties today are permanently politically beholden to foreign and/or globalist political & business interests to the detriment & decline of Australia's society, democracy, economy, sovereignty. Once you open up the voting system doorway to allow foreign citizens to vote, you are opening up the doorway to allow all kinds of nefarious & pernicious abuses, & foreign & international elements to vote in our nation's elections & affairs. The fact that our political leaders are acting gung-ho & even contemplating such a nefarious proposal merely exposes how corrupt & nefarious they really are and how willing they are to completely sell out & render our nation permanently into the hands of foreign & globalist powers & parties. As far as I'm aware the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia explicitly forbids our government & politicians from engaging in any kind of nefarious / pernicious political or other business dealings with any foreign powers / parties.

May God bless our nation of Australia!

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Well stated and thank you for doing so.

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Unless voters are Australian CITIZENS not RESIDENTS no vote can be made Considering how many unofficial residents, non Australians ,visa cheats and permanently visiting relatives abide here often doing nicely on welfare no exception should be made. These people may live here but should have no say in our governing process unless honestly becoming loyal and willing Australian citizens . Perhaps we have encouraged too much diversity without checking the balances of future results Note the recent hate riots in England between Hindu and Muslim opponents who as guests appear to have kept their grievances alive in their host's country and acted badly. Obviously assimilation has not occurred or been promoted enough Respect for host country's laws are essential . Not Un Unsurprisingly some nation wont accept refugees or have deported many so consideration for for illegal breaches may come more into focus No! No votes for outsiders ,Kiwis included

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Just step back a minute. Only last week there suddenly is a suggestion that due to labour shortage, why not let them get the training done in their country. Then we can let them come in here and work. Wrong.

This will open gates to untold number of rorts, for which the Australian taxpayer eventually will pay for. It is another subtle invitation to slavery. We are, as a Nation, opposed to the global use of slaves and our government and welfare agencies constantly making noises for other Nations in the world to cease the practice.

To allow temporary residents to vote is wrong. The Australian Parliament is for the Australian People to decide. The suggestion that β€œfly-by-nighters” be allowed to vote is preposterous.

But the ALP would try any β€œscheme” to raise their primary vote at the poll.

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George, as a Citizen of No Land, I'm Kiwi, with basically no rights here nor back home unless I move back, you can't assume that we'll all vote for Labour and The Greens and by into all the goes with.

Pathways for NZ'ers should've been made easier years ago. The majority of us love it here and won't go back 'home' as home is here.

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Hi Julie,

I agree that there should be an easier pathway to citizenship for New Zealanders but not a vote for non-citizens. Right now it is near impossible for them to become citizens.

These are two different issues, although I concede the former makes the latter popular in the eyes of many Kiwis who can’t become Australian citizens.

They should enable an easier pathway to citizenship by New Zealanders instead of this.



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Then apply to become a naturalised Australian Citizen if you like it so much here! If your home is here, then why not?

An English family I used to babysit for many moons ago did this. They're all Aussies now! And they love it here.

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The exact same thing is happening is the US and many other countries. You know this is a way to subvert and throw of fair elections and ensure the corrupt politicians remain in power to implement the Great Reset plan. we MUST stop this. Planned migration and planned labour shortages to ensure this "solution" is needed. Say NO

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This move has clearly been in the pipe line for some time George. There seems to be a slow feed release of an insidious agenda.

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