Amen. A blessed and wonderful Easter celebrating our Lord’s death and triumphal resurrection with your family.

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Shalom Elecheim chaverims.

Again this year, we Rejoice in the Triumphant Salvation ( Ya'sh'u'ah Ha Mashiach).

His Great Promise has come true 2,024 years ago. He came into this Fallen World, as the second Adam.

And 33 years later,as prophesied in the Ancient Hebrew Sacred Scrolls, layed down His life for US.and Creation.

This weekend, all those that Have submitted to Him as YAH'AVA'HA'Y ( LORD).

Seek his face, and praise Yah for His Victory over the penalty of Death.

Sin, Self, and Ha Shaitan.

His Resurrection from She'ol, back into His perfect Body, is so Amazing.

Ahava in Yahsuah Ha Mashiach dear sister.

Bro Emek.


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Thank you George for your Easter message, bless you and your family.

Life is a battle of the will.

Our will against those who try and enslave us.

God created us with a free will to accept Him as our Creator or reject Him and live our lives according to our own will. Our world is a direct consequence of mankind trying to live without God.

Jesus is God 'in the flesh' who lived and died to pay the penalty for our sins.

We can accept His sacrifice of love and forgiveness or one day have to give an account of our lives of every thought, action, and deed to God. Every attitude and behaviour that was the sum of your life will be revealed, nothing will be hidden. Based on that truth, none of us can stand before God with any excuse. Jesus asks us 2 questions " What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" "What can a man give in exchange for his soul?".

People who want to be gods, will face an eternity in hell and endless torment and regret.

The message of Easter is an invitation and plea for people not to join them there.

There is only one way to escape the wrath of God and the soon coming tribulation upon the earth.

Jesus said "I AM the way, and the truth, and the life, no one can come to the Father but through Me".

There are many ways that seem right in the eyes of man, but in the end they lead to death.

Religion is not the answer, it is dead rules of man trying to reach God on his own terms.

Biblicial faith is a relationship with God. Receiving God's forgiveness through the sinless blood shed on Christ's cross. He did that out of love for you. He is the only One who could save you.

Ponder on these things this Good Friday and may your name be written in the Book of Life.

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Easter evokes much criticism atheism and action yet persists annually Somewhere the message is still recurring that may prompt different thinking on spiritual matters or diverts to holiday choices chocolate eggs or mad bunny ears but the time is recognised Its a time for meditation on what could be better in personal life or how to relate to others in joy or sorrow Beside us believe it or not there is a spirit helper who can listen suggest and guide us if we take time to accept and build a friendship The words may not be what is thought to be desired quite often the opposite but the choice and time is yours. Enjoy the happy parts offered the eggs bunny ears and try to observe the deeper meaning behind the celebration of Easter . The name is derived from Greek goddess of the dawn Eostre which seems at odds for a Christian feast but remember that Jesus was born lived and died as a Jew and a new day dawned for population of that time offering variance to the presiding over zealous religious effect What will Easter bring or mean to you this year ?

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Actually, Pat I’m not sure that it’s name did derive from that. There is a lot of dispute around that claim.

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Always found it to be so . Haven't found nay alternatives to that so I stand corrected

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Amen George and with great Thanks

A work colleague is one of only a handful I know who actually know the truth about COVID, govt, WHO etc... MACKAY COUNCIL IS LOOKING AT BECOMING A 15 MIN LOCKDOWN CITY

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God bless you George may you continue to speak the truth

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A Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone - believers or not.

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Happy Easter to you and your family too. 🙏✨

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George Christensen thank you for message Easter I hope you have a Holy Easter.

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