" The adherents of this toxic ideology dominate our academia, tech, and media." I absolutely agree George however you have neglected to include the participation of our Churches ?

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Agree, the Uniting Church Australia is the front for that.

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We are well beyond the psyop phase, we are in the "Divide and Conquer" phase which started in earnest with the covid lockdowns and prior to that. The leftist doctrine has been in the higher level since the seventies, the useful idiots of the left infiltrated the unions and education system as directed by the Comintern. The graduates of the subsequent decade have now gained positions of control in all sectors of this country and at all levels and really shown their true colours in the last several years. Then the division of Australia along racist lines came with the Rudd apology and the inclusion of virtue signalling acknowledgements at every gathering and in email sig blocks of those stupid enough to fall for it. We are now seeing Marxist Critical Theory being implemented at all levels in education. We saw in a QLD university this week where it came to an ugly end in a medical school exam furore. Lets be clear, these groups including the politicians can do nothing without the money the backers buy them with. It is that simple. That is why they want rid of cash, with cash in play we can cut their head off so easily and they know it. without cash, they can cut us off from our lives and they know it.

Whilst the site with the database of those links below is US centric you can see linked groups at the bottom of the profiles and search on them in the au domain and find the local entities or recipients of grants from them or the individuals.







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We’re all to blame because we have given ourselves over to idolatry!!

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This is definitely the time for everyone to stick together, young and old alike. We are under such threat to any means of a decent life.

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Some very astute comment in your post, George. I haven't really thought about this intergenerational hatred like that, but it's there. It's there because families are fractured.

I have friends from parts of (Eastern) Europe, and in their youth, they helped out with the family. Everyone pooled their money. It was family money. They all helped eachother - old towards young, or young towards old. It didn't matter - they were all Family. Even close family friends helped out when needed! It has been really nice knowing people like that exist in the world.

But today? Today it's not like that. It's every man for himself!

And it's much deeper than a psy-op. It almost feels like it's etched in our DNA.

But it's not.

When we have the TRUST and LOVE of our elders, then I think we will grow up in loving and trusting families. But when our parents screw us over to crappy educational facilities, put more trust in the 'doctor' than in their own abilities as a parent, choose to bottle feed & dump kids in daycare from a young age, well, it's no wonder the younger generation struggles to trust and love their elders! When the elders hold their money in the bank, while the younger generation struggles terribly day-to-day, it makes you wonder: whose side are they on? Their own, obviously! A very lonely side indeed. Unless you count money for company!

And when you give an inch and your parents (or kids) take a mile, it doesn't breed trust and love. It breeds contempt.

No wonder we're where we are as a society! Too many wars, too many people hating, too many people killing, too many people being horrible.

So...how to find the Trust & Love without getting walked all over?! Are we at the point as a society where we have to start again? I know my husband and I see it this way. We've found trust and love with eachother - but we struggled to find that in the families we came from. Our children are a mixed bag: some negative traits like their grandparents, but also some wonderful traits. We'll be trying our best to make sure the good wins out and that our kids DO know what Trust and Love mean!!

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No so much the DNA Robyn, the doctrine of psychological operations has been well tested and you saw what it looked like during the Covid business. The Communism of today is based on Fabianism, and mirrors Bernard Shaw's "Doctrine of the inevitability of gradualness ." slow, piecemeal changes in existing concepts of law,. morality, government, economics , and education. It is done in such a way by the time the masses realise what is going on it is inevitable they will lose. See page 22 0f the following document.


Link to the main library for ALOR.

I also recommend

https://www.theepochtimes.com/nine-commentaries-on-the-communist-party-introduction_3942.html or the video series.


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Thanks for the links - I could finally open that J. Stormer link in a private browsing window!! Perhaps not all browsers like that link.

Interesting read...makes me now understand why George Bernard Shaw's plays were in the school curriculum! And it's so sly, because we think we're thinking...but in reality we're just being directed down the garden path. Although I should tell you that I was a bit of a 'failure' of the education system. I just never truly did what anyone wanted me to do at school, I suppose. I remember when I was asked to give my own opinion once in an English test (our interpretation of one of Bruce Dawe's poems), I did exactly that - and was given a fail for it, ha ha! :-D I knew that school wasn't the be all and end all, and when I got to Uni, I remember thinking "Finally, new information!!" - and then when I left Uni, that's when I really started thinking for myself.

I guess one needs to learn how everyone else lives first, and then go away and think about it.

And yes, I know it's not in the DNA, that's why I wrote "It almost feels..." it is.

Well, TPTB will have a hard time getting to my children because I've been training them to think for themselves for, well, their whole lives! They're far better free-thinkers than I ever was at their same ages. I'm quite impressed about that, actually. Of course that means they don't always do what hubby & I want them to, either, but so long as they can and DO think for themselves, then they will always be free. On the inside at least...

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I hear you, my teachers voted me apparently in a staff room poll as the student most likely not to succeed. Poor deluded things got that totally wrong. At least your kids won't fall for the propaganda. Glad you got into that site, some very good books available there as well. Anything by Jeremy Lee an Australian man from Toowoomba but very wise to what is going on now and he was lecturing on this around the country back in the seventies and eighties.

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