"Demand more accountability from our policy makers..." Don't make me laugh! That's like the man standing at the guillotine trying to persuade his executioner that it was all a big mistake, and he should be allowed to simply walk away from the situation and the crowd baying for his head.

Our policymakers have (almost literally) a gun at our heads and you advocate demanding accountability from them. They know exactly what they're doing and exactly what the results are likely to be for us, and they aren't about to change anything that will work for our benefit unless someone (a lot of someone's!) gets the upper hand and reverses the situation.

The time for talking and petitions is way past. It's now time for definitive action, else all is lost.

George, you've been amongst these people. You know what they're like, and you know that talking to them, and endless debate with them is absolutely pointless.

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With some of them I would agree with you but never underestimate the power of eyeballing your local political representative and telling him what you want or he loses your support. Trust me, I know how much it can prick their conscience!

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We have already been used as guinea pigs to see how we react to shortages. It's been going on for years. I remember when the entire system went down at the old Silly Sollies store when it was opposite Canelands. At least then most people still had some cash on them, but the checkout people couldn't add $2 plus $2! Let alone give you change out of a $20!

The weird, fantastical toilet paper rush during covid, (Was that planned?)

The "unexpected" and growing offline eftpos machines at shops so that people can't pay for their shopping - Tap, tap, go. Have you seen how people react when their card doesn't work? It's scary! They freak out but stand around like stunned mullets!

These have ALL been tests to see how people react! Just like the covid scamdemic was!

The push to a digital banking system - Can someone please get it through people's thick heads using cars and mobile phones to pay for goods is NOT a good thing and that Cash is King? Or at least should be.

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Then what happens when the wealthy countries can't feed anyone? DEATH, what an easy way to get rid of useless mouths!!

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I think Australia has all that’s needed to feed us but they are doing their best to destroy that.

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Yes and they will if we let it

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Of course but are we capable of stopping it.

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We can grow our own food - but when the masses get hungry, even your friendly neighbours will kill you for it.

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I have just come back from shopping at Coles in Gladstone, there is hardly an egg in the shop! The fruit and veg are not nice and very expensive. So the shortage is here right now

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Awful. Thankfully I haven’t noticed that here yet in country SA but I do buy my eggs from the local bakery who gets them in from a free range fairly local supplier. I must say I haven’t noticed a shortage in our supermarkets yet either but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I don’t shop at coles or Woolworths. Prices have definitely gone up and today especially. I wondered if it was because of Mother’s Day coming up or just a normal raise

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On purpose!

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Yep, very much on purpose. It is disgraceful

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I’m not sure if my heart breaks from frustration for folk not rising up in person and hounding those who are imposing unethical decisions upon us or if my heart breaks from those who do not rise up, ask God for strategies on how to use our God given authority and so stand against this evil. God owns this world, the elites do not, so stand up and ask God to show you your part of what you can do, and do it. He will show you! Amen!

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Diversity has provided an essential tool to forwarding national outlooks by bringing new thoughts ideas actions blood lines and even food into present lifestyle . Downside is that diversity like salt needs only small quantities to improve a dish but an over use ruins it Australia is facing a big influx of would-be migrants and possibly many more illegal ones demanding food accommodation employment health and welfare. Food in any country is essential and emerging from agriculture where acres are being overtaken by climate mad wind turbines and solar panels Where will neglected starving people go but to nations that have better facilities expecting salvation but at what cost to the resident citizens facing overcrowding homelessness unemployment and an upsurge in crime Humanitarian help is always offered to less endowed people but should the burden always be on wealthier nations when leaders of these poor countries seem to live luxuriously while demanding help from UN World populations appear to be in flux with great movement between lands but all countries have sovereign rights for their present borders so should have the right to choose whom to accept as some people don't transplant well becoming troublesome toward their hosts

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See how Ireland has been affected by immigrants. Their sovereign rights have been trampled and it looks like they haven’t a say in it. The Ireland of the past has gone I believe.

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