The promo code GEORGE22 is not accepted ... says it is 'invalid' unfortunately. Great article George. As grandparents we have found ourselves almost outcasts and are now barred from any correction of the grand children for anything from bad manners to young grand daughters dressing like street walkers waiting for a pick up. For daring to point out the outright child abuse in the obvious brain washing in our schools and grave life long dangers (both to the individual and to our society) of the subliminal ideological indoctrination that has infiltrated the curriculum we are the ones cast as the enemy. Thank you for all you do to expose this diabolical evil that is leading Australia to its doom.

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It's written in His word Rose Figtree n I know this does not lessen the pain.

May He strengthen n bless you both as you navigate this path which He has called you to.

Yours in Christ.

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You're incorrect Kaylene..... It lessens the pain enormously to know we are not alone and there are people (like yourself) who understand and are prepared to speak the truth and are reaching out to one another to let others know that they are not alone is this cultural war for the souls of our loved ones. I felt like I had lost my children when they took the shot. Now as I see the dangers lurking around the children not only from corrupt bigpHARMa for their bodies to be enslaved to the dictates on health via globalised medicine that has proven it will override honest and independent doctors but now also their souls as they are indoctrinated with so much perverse ideology. We know the fraud, the lies and the level of corruption that knows no bounds and can do little more now than pray and find like minded souls to band together and hopefully build local communities to withstand the horrors that are surely in front of us.

Thank you for your reply. It lifted my heart from this grief.

Together in prayer with Christ our King


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Thank you Rose Figtree - words fail me.

Absolutely " together in prayer with Christ our King."


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There was a lot of brainwashing of children during the communist regime in Romania also

The government should never have a say in our parenting.

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But they do n they have been for some time....if you are not yet aware of the implementation of a one world religion it would be wise to go on line .

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Thanks, excellent article.

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It seems indoctrination of our children is a weapon of the left and takes many different forms from climate change to trans crap. Weak politicians and naive parents have let this happen without question and something serious needs to be done sooner rather than later.

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Another relevant and good article.

George, one useful tool/resource in this fight (and the larger fight, of course) is PragerU. You have no doubt heard of them, but am not sure how familiar you are with their work. All their resources are free (although donations are, of course, encouraged) and they have their own app, both for smartphones and for Apple TV.

My kids love watching their videos, and so do I. I should say that some of the videos are suitable for kids and some, arguably, are not, so we only choose and watch it together.

I suggested to PragerU that they should explore a partnership with some Australian organisations or people (not that their work is not relevant to Australia already). Someone of your reputation and influence George may be able to both spread the reach or PragerU resources in Australia and perhaps explore some collaboration with them. I have no doubt that the values you stand and fight for are substantially and largely identical to what they fight for, but, of course, satisfy yourself of that independently of my comments.

To avoid any doubt, and given my positive comments about PragerU above, I should state that I have no vested or undisclosed interests whatsoever in relation to PragerU, other than being a "consumer" and supporter of their services, and having an interest in many of the values that they promote and defend prevailing over their alternative and dangerous counterparts.

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I would choose a heading of - Our Children are not, safe at school because its no longer a question of are they - George.

I read your article earlier but was side tracked by the death of Dr Zed. Blessings to you for flagging it. An amazingly brave n loving man who knew n valued the Hippocratic Oath which begins with " First do no harm."

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SEE YOU IN COURT: Parents Challenge LGBTQ Book Policy That Requires Teachers ‘To Shame Children’ for Religious Faith

Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Latter-day Saint, Protestant, Ethiopian Orthodox, atheist, and agnostic parents are taking a Maryland school board to court Wednesday, Aug. 9, for denying them the right to opt out of the school’s LGBTQ book curriculum.

“These books are in fact teaching explicit sexual orientation and gender identity issues as early as pre-k,” Will Haun, senior counsel at Becket Law, told The Daily Signal in a Thursday interview. The associated reading instructions “require teachers to make dismissive statements about a student’s religious beliefs, to shame children who disagree, and to teach as facts things that some would not agree are facts.”

“This is not a challenge to get the pride books out of the curriculum,” Haun, whose firm represents hundreds of families and the organization Kids First, clarified. “This is about restoring the right to opt out.”

In late March, the Montgomery County Board of Education told parents it was introducing LGBTQ-themed books into its pre-k through eighth-grade curriculum.

Parents did not object to this until the school board announced that it would deny parents the right to opt out, according to Becket.

Despite their various faith backgrounds, hundreds of parents formed a “united front on the fact that parents get to guide their children’s religious upbringing, that parents are the first teachers on a child’s own self-understanding,” Haun explained.

Consequently, on May 23, Muslim, Christian, and atheist parents sued the school board for denying them the right to opt out of reading books that directly contradict their religious beliefs.

For example, “Love, Violet,” one of the mandated “pride” books aimed at kindergarteners through fifth graders, gives romantic details about girls falling in love with other girls.

Denying parents the right to opt out of such instructional material goes directly against the school board’s policy, state law, and the Constitution, Haun argued.

“Montgomery County public schools allow for religious-based opt outs for everything under the sun, from Halloween parties to music class, to Valentine’s Day,” Haun said. “Maryland law requires opt outs and advance notice for all sexuality instruction.”

Not just the state law but also the “free exercise of religion, protected in the Constitution, requires, among other things, that policies be neutral and general toward religion,” Haun told The Daily Signal.

“All of this gives the court strong reason … to uphold the parents’ rights to direct their children’s religious upbringing and also acknowledge that this policy is neither neutral nor general toward religion.”

The judge in the hearing Wednesday will consider a preliminary injunction, halting the district’s policy prohibiting the opt out until the court can resolve the lawsuit as a whole.

Haun told The Daily Signal that the plaintiffs hope to have “an early ruling to put the opt-out policy back into place” right before school starts on Aug. 28.

Before the hearing, the parents will hold a rally hosted by the organization Kids First, a group of parents and teachers who joined together to fight for the right to opt out in Montgomery County Public Schools.

Haun told The Daily Signal that Becket is representing hundreds of parents through Kids First. He expects a large turnout at the rally, since thousands came to a rally in June to protest at a school board meeting.

Despite parents of multiple faith backgrounds coming together to fight for their constitutional right to opt out, MCPS still refuses to respect these parents’ religious beliefs.

“Those on the school board have a completely uniform view,” Haun explained. “It raises a question of who’s really respecting the diversity of Montgomery County.”

These parents remain undaunted because they understand that the material being taught to their children “goes to the core of not only the child’s religious foundation but to the child’s self-understanding,” the lawyer added.

“One thing that has so moved me as a husband and a father myself is that these parents, they don’t have any agenda besides sticking up for their kids,” Haun told The Daily Signal. “These are their children. They get one shot to raise them well, and they want to hand down their faith to their kids.”

Enough is enough. If you believe it should be parents (and not state-appointed bureaucrats) who are empowered to choose how and where their children are taught. We must no longer allow America’s children to be indoctrinated with far-Left ideologies.

by Tyler O'Neil, USA.

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