Paris is deranged, depraved and doomed. They will reap what they sow!

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The Paris Olympics will be remembered for all the wrong reasons, the opening ceremony is where they lost me

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Yuri Bezmenov explained decades ago that leftist ideologues destroy a country from within by first demoralizing it. Demoralize does not just mean "remove motivation", but also to remove the traditional moral underpinnings that support positive and productive society, frame normal personal interaction, and promote spiritual life. The stench of Davos pervades...

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Absolutely it pervades. The EVIL, SATANIC, SOULLESS SLIME of Davos must be exposed and politically pulverized and destroyed!

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The public persecution of Christian believers escalates. We had better pray and prepare for this will become more common with each passing day.

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"...without government approval..." that should tell everyone everything they need to know.

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Congratulations, Citizen Go! Anti Christians won’t kill our spirit!

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Macron (wef young Leader groomed by Schwab) is destroying France. Never want to think about the Olympics again.

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That's a great action - thanks CitizenGo.

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Let's put the blame where it belongs - at the feet of the UN's New World Order. https://youtu.be/8bbeHr0H39Y

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We watched 21 Hours At Munich last night. About the PLO hijacking and killing of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Security was so very lax and police were not well trained. It's a good thing the opening ceremonies didn't mock Islam. They'd have much more to worry about than a bus driving around with a banner that says "Stop Attacks on Christians!"

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When French police have already tramped down on these brave Christians, they these French police and Mr Macron their French President and all of his ilk have made themselves Servants to Satan and enemies of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior !

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If this email isn’t associated with local roll in government then why am I receiving this email?? As far as I’m concerned you’re going about these things the wrong way… Firstly you say you want freedom of speech but don’t like others freedom of speech (think about it)… If the opening ceremony offended you and others so much then the best way to show the Paris Olympic Committee how you feel is by boycotting Paris and the Olympics, just like the athletes offended by it and the female athletes that shouldn’t be pitted against biological male athletes… Taking a bus in to the main City hoping to encourage others to be outraged via a msg on the side… might get a little attention but hit it in their numbers and profits and the message gets over quicker…

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What if Citizengo are just gatekeepers and it was all theatre?

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