The Optus "hack" was a set up. It was evident straight away to me. But maybe then I'm just a conspiracy theory nut.

And now we have Medicare... and next... ?

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Mate, your not a Conspiracy Theorist.. Your a Conspiracy Analyst.. (That is Conspiracy's by the Govt or Big Corp)

Us critical thinkers are in real danger these days.

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Following the Optus hacking came Telstra then a company owned by Woolworths which put their customers details at risk… how come there were so many on each other heels… smells suspicious to me… a set-up to initiate Centralised digital ID for everyone… whether we want it or not… I’m one of the ‘nots’..!!

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Oh for goodness' sake, we do NOT need MORE digital IDs! Hasn't the govt got ENOUGH data on us already?? They've already got us with our tax returns, they know EVERYTHING that goes on in our bank accounts, then there's MyGov with all its connections on there eg Medicare, ATO, Centrelink, MyHealthRecord, DVA etc etc. Then they try to get more from the Census every 5 years (I didn't fill the last one in. I was quite unenamoured by the govt by then so thought 'stuff it'. Funnily enough no-one chased me for not filling it in).

Private companies use AI all over the place eg online shopping. And sure, we can pay by cash as often as possible and send in paper tax returns, but cheques are quickly becoming a thing of the past and you can't really do much without a bank account or a credit/debit card these days. THEN there's CCTV and online happenings. Anyone could check to see what I'm up to, what I'm writing online, what my IP address is, whether I'm a threat to society or not. It's all there for anyone with half an IT brain to figure out, let alone govt agencies (who have most of this data anyway). None of us are hidden: now THAT takes a LOT of work!!!!

I just do not see why we need even MORE surveillance - because they already have so much! The govt is stupid to try to push for a digital ID system. It's been shot down multiple times before. No-one wants it. There's enough cards and data already.

You DO make a good point, though, George: how exactly will the govt's data be MORE safe when digital data is being breached - in private AND public spheres - already!?!?!? Evidently they only want it for dodgy purposes. They can already lock us out of MyGov or other places via a forced 'technical error' for days on end if they so choose. What could a regular Joe do about it?! Nothing. So they've already got that one up their sleeve. They've got abilities to wreck WiFi if they don't want someone or a whole area logging on. There are countless ways that they have already to stop people if they really want to. But perhaps they're just lazy fucks and they'd rather press a simple button to make someone's current digital experience stop in its tracks, be it paying with a credit card, making a bank transfer, being connected to the internet, uploading something; you name it.

Thanks for the article, by the way, George, even though the topic has made me fume! But then again, find me something the govt is doing that DOESN'T make me fume these days, ha ha! :-D

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You’re lucky. The govt paid stalker came to my house every week and stood at my front door shouting out that I would be fined for not completing and submitting it. In the end I got someone else to complete it...their writing is not legible. Plus I told them to write whatever. 😁

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Ha ha ha! Sorry you had to get abused over it (seriously, where do they find these people to do these jobs?!) but glad it was very incorrect when you sent it back ;-)

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How do we really know that the Optus hack wasnt a set-up in order to justify the digital id because of the mounting cases of security breaches. Will Optus explain how their servers were hacked?

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Disquieting information about more crackdowns on ordinary family style people when corruption rages in high places From time of birth we are noted through educational standards community surrounds marriages deaths passports travels blood groups and much more than most people bother to realise All relevant records are required for order and so the words are written down. Also mobile phones and hackers are another system that exploits our privacy actions and locations Why the need to keep the ordinary masses in control? .For whom and for what expectation?. Russia and China head the list for these activities and neither create a desire to live in those places without added digital stress

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These cyber attacks could easily be manipulated by the government to give them another excuse to bring in digital identity

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All these hacks are planned . I'll put my head out for this as well PORT ARTHUR. all rigged. This whole nightmare is a plan going back decades.

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why would anyone want a digital ID when it is clear they cant keep our personal data safe at all from any hacker wanting to access it !!??

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Hi George

Another excellent piece right on the money.

I would really like to hear your spiritual perspective on all that is happening in the natural.

God is speaking to you.

What is He saying?

Not the watered down comforter conversation, but the truth.

You are a man of God, bring His word.

Be encouraged mighty warrior.


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Now that I know the ATO is not an entity authorised to issue fines, I’m hoping ballsy people will join me in not complying with the Directors digital ID which is required by the end of November. We don’t have to pay ANY fines issued by the ATO.

I have just joined KYR (Know Your Rights), and have purchased a number of resources. My goodness! If only we ALL knew the extent of corruption, and joined in unison to fight the govt. For example, income tax is voluntary, and no one can be made to pay it!

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Yes, it’s a terrible worry when buying a home now in Australia there will be NO paper Certificate of Title like the old days, but only a digital one stored with the bank if you have a mortgage, or wherever else it is stored if you don’t , & open to hackers changing the details & stealing it. Then where is the proof you own your property?

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This is horrifying how we are being manipulated in getting dig id and be under constant surveillance , how can we really stop this ? I certainly dont want it

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I agree totally, and some lured bunny takes the rap. We need to have exposed who gave the command to have these "hacks" done.

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Is there any way we can opt out of the digital Id system?


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And so it goes on. Every time I come on here I find something in my emails that I've just been talking about lol. Makes you wonder! Government not to be trusted

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Just tried to log in to services NSW and the browser is actually stopping me from using the site.

See browser message below!

The connection to www.service.nsw.gov.au is not secure

You are seeing this warning because this site does not support HTTPS. Learn more

Yep Lets trust GovCo with our data, NOT!

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