Hi George, surely the fact that the Pharma companies had total indemnity from prosecution if anything went wrong was the biggest red flag ever…..🤷‍♀️

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It's funny how big red flags get overlooked by people, isn't it?!

BUT people about to be vaccinated are not told that pharmaceutical companies have indemnity! Perhaps if people were given PROPER informed consent, with no over-arching coercion, then they would be better able to determine if a certain medical procedure was indeed the right thing for them (or their kid). Many would not take the jabs if they were told the truth, and had in fact been told the truth their whole lives (instead of the lie that is 'vaccine save lives!).

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Astra Zeniva have owned up but the biggest contributor to the current excess death rate are Pfizer and Moderna with the mRNA vaccines better known as gene therapy. They are still making money as health authorities have yet to make the call that they pose a long term threat to health as the Vaccines continue to impact your basic genetic system.

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Seems silence curtain being lifted on vaccination after having been given several years ago on orders not before No mention of profits incurred during this mismanagement of covid nor of reparation for damages connected to serum Which company will claim lack of knowledge of possible after effects that have been appearing to be met with No NO perfectly safe so accept little jab with surety is there no honesty left in Big Business

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