Hi George, excuse my candor, but people who have been or are being submissive to coercion of the death shots (for whatever misguided reason), are a massive part of the problem. If EVERYONE just stood up and flatly refused it would be all over instantly. Since when has any job or career been more important than your life? And why on earth would you wish to remain employed by a business or corporation that tries to bully and blackmail you into anything, much less a lethal drug experiment? Your job is going to be a fat lot of good to you and your family when you're six foot under. Being unemployed is unlikely to kill you, but there are more and more employers in many different sectors seeking 'pureblood' employees. People need to grow a spine (besides other things) and just say "NO"! I have never once used check-ins or worn a mask, which causes proven untold health problems including halitosis, tooth decay, gum disease and candida of the mouth. How the hell are you going to keep working then? But employees are still submitting to their employers doing this to them. Along with the workers that have allowed themselves to be death shot lab rats, this is the TRUE reason behind staff shortages and empty supermarket shelves. People have to ask themselves: "Who is the master of my destiny here?" "Am I the 'thermostat' or simply the 'thermometer'?

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Thanks for a great podcast from this retired judge. I hope and pray that he succeeds in this as I live in WA and am not jabbed. It is getting so difficult now though to go anywhere without having to sign in or use the QR code which I refuse to download. I’m in a quandary as to what to do, my conscience says no, stick to your beliefs (done lots of research on this “fake” virus) and just see what happens, but, at the end of this month our tyrant of a premier is going all out to force those unvaccinated to live like some condemned criminal. When has not being vaxxed a crime to humanity. What about herd immunity. Not everyone got the flu vax when it came out, so why are they so adamantly bullying every single person on the planet to have all these shots? Stands to reason there is ALWAYS a reason behind the madness and from all the research I’ve come across (alternative news sites and people whose qualifications outdo some of politicians), the conclusions I’ve come to is depopulation, (first get rid of the old people and useless eaters) and mind control the rest of the population into hysteria (which the msm did a good job of) then flood the powers that be, all politicians and those in authority paid off to speak the narrative and keep everyone in fear of their own shadow. They ALL did a bloody good job and should get an Oscar each for their manipulation of the global public. Below is an article from a trusted site and researcher who has been an investigative researcher for over 40 years. He knew right from the get-go there was something not quite right with the whole scam.

Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.

The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.

Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.

“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”

Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there. (Jon Rappaport)

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Having been born into the system, most of us are unaware of how 'our' system actually works.


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Ask Novax D.

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George, if all you have been exposing is true? Then what Rod Culleton has been finding out and doing to restore our Australian Commonwealth must also be true! How do we bring all this to happen and restore our country's laws and Legal Institutions? Though the next election while Scomo and so many others are in Goal? Is there ultimately a Plan?

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