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What is sadly missing is “understanding Nature”. Everything we do is achieved by using Nature’s riches which are raw materials. Once we are finished with them, we dump them, and Nature recycles them. Some time down the track, someone else could use those recycled elements for new products.

Cow is an interesting animal, which converts carbohydrates (grass) to hydrocarbon (methane) plus some brown stuff that will work as fertilizer. For that recycling task the cow has four stomachs. Who was the clever fellow who decided that the cow needs four stomachs? The cow can’t digest the grass efficiently.

In Holland the public servants want to stop the use of fertilizer because apparently the use adds too much nitrogen to the air. WRONG. To manufacture fertilizer some organic elements are mixed in with sand (also organic). The mixture is burned in an oven, using LPG or LNG (also organic). For combustion air is used (organic). 78% of the air is nitrogen, which gets baked in with all the other elements. In the open Sun and weather break down the fertilizer, thus adding back the nitrogen to the air from where it was taken from. Recycling.

We are all renewables.

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