I am totally 'over' the whole 'feminist' narrative. Since the 60's, the entire 'feminist bandwagon' has done so much harm. Who thought it was a 'bright idea' that 'woman should compete on the same playing field as men? It really is time to 're-adopt' our God-given roles. God purposed 'the husband' to care for and protect & provide his wife and family - God gave him the role of 'headship' and women 'wife' to be the 'help-meet' to her husband. Men absolutely need the 'respect and help' that a wife can provide. We 'carry on' about 'immature and irresponsible 'males'. Is it that they 'retreated' from the continual barrage hurled at them? Yes, I agree. It's 'toxic femininity' that 'needs to go'. Both men and women need to function in their God-given 'roles' and 'together' get on with the business of building Godly homes and the proper rearing of their children. And while I am reflecting on this 'dis-connect' that we have in our culture - I am now equally tired of women casting themselves as 'sexual objects' in they way they dress and behave. Our teeny-boppers have been sexualised from infancy and we wonder why they 'strut their stuff' and follow the same stupid pattern.

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I agree with you on the issues you raise here . My own experience with the feminist narrative was one I will thankfully never have to revisit because I now know what it looks n sounds like . I appreciate your point on our teeny - boppers I was in need of a reminder . thank you.

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So good and, inspiring to read this article George thank you.

It’s time for women and girls to stand beside their men and boys - as together we expose the lies being perpetrated against them.

Such lies also target our family unit and we must prevent this murderous attack from continuing.

Do not comply with lies !

It will not keep anyone safe rather ...it will destroy us all.

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ABSOLUTELY, THIS EVIL MUST BE STOPPED. Same as the toxic male tag! Men are the first to be jumped on. The Family Court always instantly believes what the woman claims, no matter if it is completely fabricated. It is high time MEN were afforded a fair & neutral hearing to these accusations.

All those media outlets should be fined for publishing before anyone has the chance to prove their case. It is so obvious that when any MALE objects & makes an opinion known that goes against the WOKE then He is vilified unmercifully. We all saw what happened in Canberra just for one example!

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God bless you and those you love 🙏Lusia.

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Brand is not the target, he is just high profile enough they have trotted out these spurious claims from years ago. Seen that before. As soon as this all came to light, they went after Rumble, a platform where he has about a million followers. This is bigger picture, they are after everyone but Brand is high profile and if they can shut him down in a very public way it will scare a lot of people.

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True enough.

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How about drawing attention to some genuinely 'toxic' femininity. I am so sick of the stink of toxic chemicals from the plethora of nail salons in every shopping centre. Such a stench would not be allowed in the mining industry without gas masks being supplied. Pet hate, can you tell? Lol

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What ever happened to Innocent till proven Guilty in a Court of Law.

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Read "Our Corrupt Legal System" by the late Evan Whitton. He describes the 24 anti truth devices in the second half of his book that ensure only the rich criminals benefit. Plenty of quotes within from "retired" judges saying they are ashamed of the system. That it does not seek the truth and therefore cannot provide justice to victims or protect society from criminals. Retired, because then they won't get in to trouble with their regulatory bodies for speaking the truth about the immorality of the adversarial justice system. First half of the book details the corruption over time of the system.

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I agree

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I agree, but let’s just wait the Russell Brand issue out. He has not been an example of male nobility and chivalry. His background is very sad. His dad took him to a prostitute at 16 to get his first ‘sexual ‘ experience. He is an example of the absent father generation and needs our prayers.

These accusations need to go to the police first and we need to hold off comment.

The emasculating of our boys is a great concern and the best that Fathers can do is to love their wives and be present with models of healthy masculinity that respects the women in their lives.

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It’s too late for justice to run it’s course ( as it should) because once again the media have polluted the process Jillian.

They have proclaimed this man guilty and are in the process of destroying him and his family right along with him.

In such circumstances I believe it is encumberant upon me to speak in the public square and to stand in defence of and along side, men.

My days of compliment silence under evil -are over.

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Yes but you have to know both sides of the story. By just standing whether or no is not helpful. Melanie Phillips has an interesting Substack post that puts the story of Brand’s background. He took his mother to an appearance on the BBX equivalent of Q&A and swanned around with his shirt unbuttoned to the waist. Hardly a worthy champion.

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Talk about retrospective understanding, I have just twigged to your use of the term toxic feminism. I have known many, in another life time and am still , detoxing .

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Oh man of many words...God bless you also.

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