Very bad news for all Australians

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Mandate is not a law.

It is a contract between two people. If one side doesn't agree with the mandate then it's null and void. I won't be mandated into anything I don't like; and I don't like this digital ID.

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George, we the public need you to stand up for our freedom of identity.

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Something that all Australians need to get clear in their heads. This has been coming for over four decades,personal information is already 'centralised' in Canberra across disparate systems of Tax, Centerlink etc now they have changed the Privacy Act 1988 weakening it so it no longer protects your personal information allowing for unfettered 'sharing' with any agency for 'the purpose of doing government business' that one clause will allow them to hand it over to the banks and others. Every Australian state drivers licence has been sent to a 'fusion' centre and stored since the middle east war in Iraq and Syria when Daesh came alive. That was the excuse for it, to prevent 'terrorist attacks' idiot Australians fell for it, the Libs implemented it. As for Social Media, there are moves afoot to increase the legal age of access and its proposed teenagers will use a 'Selfie' linked to a 'Digital token' for the access, to prove they are 'legal'. So if anyone thinks its just the grown ups getting a Digital ID, think again. They know they can hoover kids personal and biometric data more easily and without them or the parents working out the real reason. Take a good look at the surveillance camera network going up on all national carriage ways between the major cities, hundreds of point to point cameras, all the newer type that do number plate and facial capture for recognition and matching to the licence. They have been at this for a long time, refining and getting it to work. I personally think we are too far gone to stop this. The LNP will never repeal it because they want it. It is a toothless party that pays lip service to 'freedom and democracy'. If they were about freedom, they would have shut down all those state premiers beating down on citizens during covid, but no, Morrison and others trotted out the same old line, "These are a state matter'. The rest of the party shut their mouths and did nothing, They are now the right wing of Labor. The average Australian is bending the knee, many in my circle regurgitating the same BS Government marketing marketing mantra, 'it will make accessing government easier, without it i can't get benefits'. They don't even realise they are saying its mandatory by not being able to access benefits. This country and the majority of its population are like sheep going to the slaughter house. Led by the 'Judas Goat' politicians they elected to represent them.

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Older generation dislike the impost of digital system for more information as we are registred from birth to death & all instances between like divorced finance employment health geriatric care stamp duties change of address Centre link Medicare we are well indexed what more could be needed

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Those familiar with biblical prophecy are not surprised. Prophecy is our gracious God telling us what He sees in our future. It is future fact. Are you rapture ready? Sanctified saints will not experience tribulations. What if you are left behind? Rev 6-19 explains.

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Thanks for the update on who voted as Ayes or Noes. We all know who we DON'T want to vote for, now!! IMO, there were actually a couple of surprises in there who voted yes.

You know, I don't know why Labor doesn't form a coalition with the Greens. Who knows, after this bungling govt is ousted at the next election, they might need to team up with the Greens to have a chance back in power, ha ha! They side with eachother so often, anyway. A vote for the Greens is a vote for Labor - it's pretty darned obvious.

I like your take that not all is lost. That's very upbeat of you, George! But you are VERY right in that all sorts of pressure will need to be applied to the LNP to repeal this Bill. With the way Aussies vote, it's either Labor OR the LNP; the vast majority don't seem to understand that if many people vote for a small party, it becomes a big party - with lots of newly elected MPs/Senators! Of course, that would be a strange - and momentous - day in Australia's political history if that ever happened. I look forward to it!!!!!

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Spot on, Australians are totally ignorant of how the system works and more importantly the 'freedom movement' that many claim to be a part of do not either, they think posting memes and spraying the government in online forums is the extent of their fight and all they need to do. LNP will not repeal the bill, they know their jobs rely on them complying with the third party interfering entities who threaten their hold on power. The people need to take the 'cross benches' by filling them with independents and freedom minded people to block this sort of legislation. Same in the Senate, more independents, who work for their constituents but will work with the other independents to block anything that interferes with the freedom of Australians.

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I now worry about the WHO pandemic treaty , this is so important how can Government decide for us when it’s our health , what do you think will happen George ? Good luck on your trip 🙏🏻

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