Hi George. Have just read today that Anthony Fauci is now pushing the Experimental Medical Procedures (EMP's) they call vaccines for children 6 months old to 4 years with the recommended protocol at this stage of 3 jabs. Sorry but anyone knowingly pushing, including Politicians, Health Bureaucrats, any in the Medical profession, indeed anyone involved in still administering the jabs of these EMP's on people especially children with ZERO informed consent should be charged with Premeditated Murder and found guilty. As the Nuremburg Tribunal found, the excuse of "I was just following orders" or "I was just doing my job" is no excuse and should be held equally responsible. Those working on the Frontline in Hospital ER's, ICU and Jab clinics would by now have witnessed enough carnage & death for them to know how dangerous these EMP's are and refuse to give them.

Have Word doc of what I believe is a genuine contract between Albania & Pfizer as mentioned by Kurt. It contains comments that have been added (by source) highlighted in Green as part of introduction and throughout explanation of meaning of certain parts. Unable to attach but if interested can email through.

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No I do not trust Pfizer, it definitely has not been tested fully and the side effects I had with both jabs of Pfizer made Moderna were horrific. angry at Morrison as he keeps saying it is a personal choice but Andrews has taken away that choice. Won’t be having the 3rd jab as I am sure it will be worse than the other two. Never had such reactions to a vaccine. No I do not trust Pfizer or the government. My life, my body.

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No definitely not - and when biohazard tries to bully us into injection assault - he knows where he can go!!! Hands off us and our children!!!!! He, along with all the other fascist tyrants may well be made accountable, liable for any "VAX" injuries/death and face jthe full force of the law!!

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Some good articles about Pfizer. Bunch of crooks.


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Trust Pfizer? ...yeah... no.


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No way George. One of my boys had a Pfizer jab and now is having heart issues!! I am so angry!!

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Jan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022

Hey George, I appreciate all that you're doing, God bless you indeed.

I'd also like to pray to Jesus Christ to bless your guest Kurt and his family and keep them safe and happy regardless whether they know who Jesus is or not.

Finally, God bless you and God bless Australia.

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So far I've had 2 doses of Astrazeneca with no complications, waiting for my Booster dose.

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It's only a matter of time.

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Jan 29, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

Russian roulette. From the reports, you might be lucky, or you might not.


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Was that a serious question?

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