Hey George, your e mails have provided a huge amount of information, however I don't seem to be getting them anymore & I have checked my junk box. Appreciate you checking into this.

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Thanks George for getting this time traveller on...Interesting that even the image of God in people recognise Satan and his works. What the HS revealed to me watching is that it looks like the Tower of Babel with a twist...What David said about giving over aquiesence...Satan is in competition it seems for peoples wills or submission. S has never given over that wanting to be equal with God. Look a the lies of 'AI' that David highlighted...the allure of being 'like Gods' will be the lie.

Also Davids mindset 'we are going to bring this down.' While he points to the outer layers in doing so....he didn't offer any solutions about ultimately overcoming the spider, he only offered awakening through knowledge to those under the spell. As Romans 1 says people suppress the truth of God, with a lie. While empowering and encouraging people for action is so important, submission to our loving Father takes away all power of the enemy. Then getting on our chargers and unafraid exposing the lies without fear, calling on God to change us and empower us with love(which also David said was the enemies nemesis). So for me its not looking to another to solve our problems as in a 'mass formation' sense as an excuse for not doing anything, its an empowering thru Gods Spirit to will and to do! Davids insights and experience were so culturally relevant.

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I’ve been following David Icke for years, so it was great to see him and hear what he had to say. I know he’s not Christian but if you listen the consciousness he talks about in this cult is basically Satanic and totally evil. In comparison he believes we have a greater consciousness to overcome the other, which is a consciousness of good. All his research into other religions and beliefs looks at this from hundreds of years ago. Well done George and thanks.

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Love your work George. I'm sure you're not a stranger to the good work done by Dave Cullen from Computing Forever. https://gab.com/DaveCullen

Also... anyone newly awakened I recommend checking out these links/people as a great source of information.

James Corbett from the Corbett Report


Ice Age Farmer


Prof. Dolores Cahill




Dr Geert Vanden Bosche explains why the shots don't work:


Blair Cottrell


Spiro Skouras


I'm sure many are also aware of this conflict of interest involving Anastasia Palaszczuk:


and another...


Great to have you on our side, George!

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