Dear friend,
Toxic vitriol against white people in leftist circles is a growing concern.
Anti-white sentiment is prevalent in academia, media, and government bureaucracy.
Racism against white individuals has become normalized in society.
White people often face barriers in employment, education, and accessing social services.
Leftists often harbor animosity towards the white identity, associating it with qualities they detest, such as meritocracy, individualism, and Christianity.
Have you noticed the amount of toxic vitriol that is not only tolerated but celebrated in leftist circles against white people?
These are just a few of countless examples that exist.
And it would have been still a non-issue if it wasn’t for the fact that these same anti-white leftists now occupy our academia, our media, and our government bureaucracy.
The amount of racism that has now been normalised against white people in today’s society is astounding.
We have to jump through more barriers to employment and university education, are demonised in the media, have our historical achievements downplayed or revised, are chastised for celebrating or being proud of our indigenous roots, and are given a lower priority when it comes to accessing social services.
And all too often it happens in our white-majority countries.
In leftist-controlled countries where whites are a distinct minority, they have to live with a possible fear of genocide.
So, what gives?
What exactly is it with being white that global leftists hate so much?
Surprisingly, it hasn’t to do with the white race but white identity.
When you realise this perspective, you start to understand why leftists would label even non-Europeans as ‘white supremacists’ or posit why there is such an urgent need to end so-called ‘whiteness’ or why people often calling for white genocide tend to themselves be white.
You see, as social beings, we tend to associate certain qualities with a particular group, and in order to fit in, we, in turn, adopt most of these qualities.
And this is why leftists hate the white identity so much because it has become to be associated with meritocracy, individualism, hard work, free speech, the nuclear family, the West, and Christianity.

All of these are qualities that the Godless and anti-capitalist left heavily detests.
Yet, as long as this identity remains strong, the left’s aim of destroying Western civilisation cannot succeed.
They can make the natives a minority through anti-natalist propaganda and mass migration but there will still be risk the newcomers would adopt “white” qualities and thus preserve Western institutions.
However, if you demonise and discriminate against this white identity, by extension, you undermine the qualities associated with it.
Because newcomers don’t end up adopting these qualities, they don’t assimilate but rather create parallel societies, weakening the country from within.
In the context of the last point, I recall Geoff McDonald’s words, who (as a former Communist Party of Australia member) knew the leftist movement better than most.
He warned about the Marxist plan to destroy Australia.
He explained that it would be through the “deliberate fostering of a multiculturalism which could only end with the Balkanisation of Australia.”
And quite frankly, we are seeing his prediction come true.
Our society is becoming more divided, a trend only being fueled further by the divisive politics of our left-wing government.
We, the people, must not let them by adopting a united front against their insidious agenda.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
A Nation First staff writer
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
This is totally spot on George. White people are an obstacle to the communist left gaining global control because we are so middle class and have high expectations of democracy and of the people having some kind of control over the government.
I have watched over the last 30 plus years the replacement of our anglo heritage and culture and the slow and now sudden change to our demophaphics. Nobody speaks up publicly in fear of being called racist. Our predominantly white culture will cease to exist in not too many years unless we stop immigration and multiculturalism! There is a reason we are being flooded with non assimilating migrants. It is to weaken us! We should not feel like a stranger in our own country. The country our ancesters fought and died for.
A country cannot survive without unity, shared history, beliefs and social cohesion,