This is totally spot on George. White people are an obstacle to the communist left gaining global control because we are so middle class and have high expectations of democracy and of the people having some kind of control over the government.

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I have watched over the last 30 plus years the replacement of our anglo heritage and culture and the slow and now sudden change to our demophaphics. Nobody speaks up publicly in fear of being called racist. Our predominantly white culture will cease to exist in not too many years unless we stop immigration and multiculturalism! There is a reason we are being flooded with non assimilating migrants. It is to weaken us! We should not feel like a stranger in our own country. The country our ancesters fought and died for.

A country cannot survive without unity, shared history, beliefs and social cohesion,

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Thanks Ruth. A great comment.

My father fought on the beaches of Normandy in WW11 to keep our freedom, and for that I'm most grateful. I remember him once telling my sister and I that if he died of Cancer, it would be from the DDT that was sprayed into their clothes to prevent lice etc, when fighting. Of course, years later he did die from a fast-spreading small cell cancer.

All this aside, he fought for the world, and brought our family to Australia for us to enjoy democracy and personal freedom. Which we did for much of our lives.

Here we are nearly a century later, once again on the brink of WW111. They, (the small minority elite) in Europe, push multiculturalism and the new WOKE agenda. They encourage racism and lean towards removing the freedom and choices inherent in democracy and replacing it with totalitarianism. They want a one world government and digital currency in order to have total control of the world population and treat us as little more than slaves. Hence the Motto: You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

We all need to unite, no matter what our race, creed or beliefs, or we'll all be in the same boat, with no future to look forward to at all.

Here's hoping that the war in the middle east, like the war in the Ukraine, (all paid for by the same rich group and their gophers) doesn't turn into the third world war, which will wipe out many of the people, currently trying to live their lives in peace and harmony. Thus, leaving us with a toxic, damaged planet and a small population of equally damaged humans, of all nationalities. Very sad!!!

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Very true comments George. It's a hard one to beat. But we need to for the sake of all humanity.

We are all created equal. White as well as black and everything in between.

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How many good decent black & white people have noticed the absolute hypocrisy & evil intentions of the radical woke-left atheist socialist Marxist reprobate culture, that when black society publicly proclaim & celebrate their love & pride for their black race it is called "Black Pride" but when white society publicly proclaim & celebrate their love & pride for their white race it is called "White Supremacy"? This is how the black woke-left Marxist culture of today has demonized & vilified the White Race, no thanks to the evil demoniac social engineers the Jesuit Vatican Papacy, Club of Rome, Illuminati, Freemasonry, U.S. White House-Congress Cabal, Rockefeller Cabal, Rothschild Cabal, UN, WEF, CFR, CIA, FBI, NSA, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, George Soros, etc, all personally responsible for perpetrating this collective systemic enmity against White people & White Christians & Jews today. I'm a White-Christian Irish-Jewish-Australian who has black Christian friends, brothers & sisters who love deeply the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, & black friends, brothers & sisters who are atheist. Obviously, there are many good decent black men and women in society, this is not about them but about the black minority of pernicious radical woke-left reprobate socialists Marxists, i.e., Demon Possessed Satanic Atheistic Cults' BLM, Antifa, Black Panther, etc, who not only despise, demonize, attack, betray their own black race but have absolute eternal enmity toward the White Race, White Christians, Jews! God bless!

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One only has to look at the virtue signalling "Fakeorigini's" the ones who ticked a box in order to claim victim status. They are usually the loudest. What makes me laugh is the likes of Stan Grant who spends hundreds each week at the tanning salon to make himself look more black then insults the rest of us as racist or oppressors. This fixation with being "blacker" than the rest of us despite their pale backsides in order to justify their selfish demands and divisive attitude is not just borne of their Communist ideological beliefs. It is a 'mental illness', exemplified by Lydia Thorpes's constant outbursts at whites, this is nothing more than her venting her own self hatred because she can't reconcile her own white roots with her Aboriginality. Marcia Langton, Grant and the rest are all the same. What is more laughable is these same Aboriginals are being fed all this BS by Whites who use them as useful idiots.. Go figure eh.

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Great article George, love your impressive investigative work mate. God bless!


Why were Israelis so defenseless against Hamas terrorists going house-to-house butchering hundreds?

Let this be an object lesson for Americans: Never give up your Second Amendment rights!


By now you’ve all seen the horrifying images from Israel over the weekend. People being murdered in their homes. Women being pulled out of vehicles by their hair and raped. Men being dragged behind vehicles to their deaths. Spat upon. Executed.

The victims called the police and military, which did not arrive on most of the bloody scenes for two hours or more.

Looking at these images of carnage, many of us have asked, why didn’t the Israelis fight back?

Many of us, myself included, assumed that with Israel being surrounded on all sides by such vicious enemies, and living in such close proximity to them, that the Israelis lived with firearms at the ready in all of their houses.

That assumption would be wrong.

According to my sources, the Israeli government makes its citizens jump through so many hoops that only about 2.6 percent of Israeli citizens own a pistol. And it’s virtually impossible to own a rifle. If you are among the ranks of retired military, you are allowed to own a rifle but you cannot store it in your house unless you are among the top elite commandos.

This answers the question of, why didn’t they fight back? They were left as sitting ducks by their government leaders, who are, frankly, just as corrupt as our leaders in Washington. They are not in office to protect the people. And because they are so corrupt, they fear the people. And the first order of business for any corrupt government that no longer represents the interest of the people, is to disarm the people.

You can’t trust the body politick with weapons if you’re screwing them royally through theivery disguised as heavy taxation that’s weighted against the middle and lower classes. You must disarm them. And that’s exactly what the Israeli government did to those people who were slaughtered in 29 communities over this past weekend.

Watch the video below as Dave Kobler, a U.S. Army veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, explains — and be thankful we still have the Second Amendment in America because our corrupt politicians would love nothing better than to eliminate it and disarm us, too.


American society is not that different than Israel. We have lunatic politicians seeking to destroy our way of life and take away our freedoms. At the same time, we have many violent criminals, especially in our cities, who are allowed to roam free with little risk of extended incarceration. The border has been left wide open for more criminals to join the ranks. Refugees from nations that hate us have been imported since the 1980s, legally and with the full support of traitors in Congress (read my book Stealth Invasion for the whole ugly story of refugee resettlement). The same element that butchered those Jews in Israel is here in America and they will turn on us at some point. We’re already seeing evidence of it with the pro-Hamas rallies held in major cities across the U.S. the last couple of days.

All we have left to rely on for our protection is our own personal defensive plans and faith in God. When you need the police, they will not be there to protect you. And don’t even think about the military. They’ve been totally infiltrated and their members answer to a command structure that starts at the White House (need I say anymore?).

The Second Amendment is the final frontier for American freedom lovers. The First Amendment has been under intense attack for years and has been extremely watered down over the last three or four years, to the point where it is hanging by a thread. The globalists who run Washington and many state Capitols are now gunning for the Second Amendment. Once that’s gone, that’s all she wrote. It’s game over. We are then totally dependent on the government for our protection. How did that work out for those Israelis?


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As there are more black than white people globally why have they not achieved more instead of complaining of white slavery retarding their efforts Is this another form of envy or just laziness from black ones who are intelligent and capable of doing more for themselves and their people Tired of being accused of inhibiting some black person's life by being white therefore privileged and antagonistic toward others of different skin colour or religion & I am not having a Maori son-in-law

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Victimhood pays better.

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