They are not elite they are the workers of satan. God word has warned us of these days for over 2000 years. A new zealand pastor gave a great presentation. I think i first heard him in the 60s or 70s about the IMF which has come true . His name was barry smith.

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Hi Peter, we too attended many of Barry Smith's presentations, he was an amazing man with so much information and so much love of God. I often give non believers Barry's books to read and share. God Bless

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Only one year ago I would have said it is a hoax. Not anymore:

with only seven Covid Deaths in Qld and the lock downs, now face masks , the threat of being fired unless a double jab of the dangerous experimental mRNA product has been accepted. How to lose one’s property is also on the horizon: titles are electronically stored with certain companies. No document anymore in our hands!

We join every Rallye around Cairns and the Atherton Tableland; we formed active core groups which research

about protective laws ; print out and distribute flyers to educate others. Distribution is not too efficient. At least we achieved that the Mareeba Council voted pro choice - 20 of us were present . It took us three Rallyes outside their chambers until they half hearted voted pro choice. Although we managed on a short notice to have around 400 rate payers assembled, the mayor‘s letter to the Premier talked about „some concerned business people“.

What else can be done ??

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It's those who enforce the tyrannical dictates who are the real enemy. If you're a cop or soldier and a psychopath tells you to do something psychopathic, then you are the real enemy. Mass non compliance is the only solution!

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Fully agree: stand your ground with non compliance

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These a**W***s are also responsible for banning the cheaper alternative to experimental drugs to fight covid19 none of them can be trusted including our own government. The drugs they have just about banned world wide have been proven to work in a few countries that didn't have I will play along governments like ours. I wonder what they are putting in their pockets from these a**W***s to kill off small businesses etc.

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Google Pfizer half yearly profit for your answer. It's disgusting.

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Only minutes before receiving your email George, I had been making a list of all the elites and organisations that form the body of this globalist beast. Are we having some kind of telepathic, synchronistic moment here?! I was trying to ascertain what formed it's 'head'... because that is what we have to cut off in order to slay it. You listed many of those I had and some that I hadn't. As most of us critical thinkers here know, it can all be traced as far back as John D Rockefeller and subsequently the Rockefeller Foundation (where the WHO originated)....not to mention the Rothchilds etc etc. It's enough to induce an aneurysm just thinking about the enormity of this beast. But HOW and WHERE do we start??? We are all fighting gallantly and courageously but I fear we are just hacking at its ankles. Personally, although of no religious conviction I am deeply spiritual, and more and more as this beast slowly devours us I can only think of divine intervention saving us. Maybe at every singlel protest or rally around the world, instead of chanting we could stand in utter silent prayer for the entire day. How immensely powerful would all that energy be? In doing so, we would be drawing out this force within our very souls to operate from it's highest level of consciousness. I would love to see other's thoughts on this.

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That would be a very powerful response. I believe our inner life is most important right now. To strengthen through prayer, meditation, reflection, contemplation, is what is being asked of us all. To be fully Conscious in our thinking, feeling and above all willing (our deeds on the earth) so that what we do we do through thoughtful, respectful action. To be conscious and AWAKE to the evil trying to chain us to the earth (eg. People in Sweden now lining up for a microchip ‘pass’ in their hands) is paramount! The election here in Australia next year is vitally important to have our voices heard. Rallies, marches, constant letters to politicians. Sharing sites like this one and speaking the truth - all are ways we can ALL, together, bring about change. Working in community with others of like mind - ‘When two or more are gathered in my Name, there am I with you’ - slowly slowly change will come.

Never give up Hope

Thank you George for this site and your work

Have a Blessed Christmas

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Thank you Maureen for such an insightful and inspiring post...you have totally nailed it! Modernity has created this monster, whereby so many have become so self absorbed and shallow, existing purely on a base materialistic level; losing the very essence of who we are meant to be as human beings.

As an aside...there is a poignant article posted today by Mark Moncrieff on the XYZ News site. For those who aren't already followers just click on their home page to view. His article entitled 'The trouble with Christians' is in no way disparaging, but rather, outlines that none of us can afford to just go "Oh well, it's all preordained, so I'll just sit here and wait for the Rapture". I don't think God would be very impressed with that attitude!

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Thank you Dyanne

I will link up with that and take a look/listen. We need to be wakeful to everything that comes to meet us in whatever way.

Many thanks

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It's a great independent news organization, who are 'on our side of the fence' with a number of contributing journalists...have been a fan for the past year or so. Gillian McKeith Twitter (UK); Stacy Rudin Twitter (USA); & Waikanae Newswatch (NZ) are also brave warriors and very informative sources.

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Read the Bible. The book of Revelation tells us of end time events that we are now entering in. The "last days" speaks of the Beast and the anti - christ that is to come. Then Christ intervenes at Amegedon. All these things we are talking about leads us to these events. The second last sign (prophecy) of the end times in the Bible is Israel will be returned to the promised land after 2000 yr exile. That happened in 1948 after the second world war. The last sign of the end times is the rapture of the church.( God's own people. Christ knows who his people are because he knows the hearts and minds of all). Gods people are not appointed to God's wrath (end time tribulation, the last days.). The rapture is not far off. You are correct in saying we must pray and this thing is Spiritual. But we can not pray about something that God has said will happen. We must pray to Christ that we are worthy to escape these things and stand before the Son of man(Christ Jesus). Satan knows his time is nearly at a close and he is ramping up big time.

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Vanguard and Blackrock Major shareholders,Gates Soros, Rockefeller Rothschild Clinton bush buffet .it's very easy to check out major shareholders of any company,but Vanguard never exposes the owners,making out like their funds own vanguard.what absolute a pack of lying gutless dogshit excuses for human beings when they are to piss weak to own up for their actions.I am not a violent person,but I would love to have a one on one confrontation with any of these control freaks

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Yep Peter exactly! All the usual suspects... could probably include some if not all of the inbred parasitic British monarchy (maybe why Harry did a runner?); Vatican City; World Bank; Musk; Zuckerberg; any number of current and past world leaders (since they're busy raking in a motsa right now)...Aaaaargh! It certainly does start to invoke all manner of vengeful/homicidal fantasies!

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You nailed it Dyanne.

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The worldwide and synchronized transition from "citizens" to "serfs" is almost complete ......

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Dec 22, 2021
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I fear the masses are too infatuated with going with the popular crowd not the questioning minority

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Yes very true. I agree. But don’t fear - that’s what the evil beast loves- to bring fear- rather I believe we need to have compassion for those who still are not awake, who watch the nightly news and believe the ABC etc. are the truth - these are the Institutions we need to fight as well - those media outlets who just tell constant lies and brainwash the general population who can’t yet ‘see’. Rallies and marches will help here - and those like George and others who have a voice in the community. But we all have a voice and we need to speak the truth constantly.

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Just have to look @ China & their Social Scoring & Track & Trace. That’s the Blue Print of the Great Reset!!! Also where do these ‘Elites’ think the money is going to come from for all this if they’re paying people a Minimum Income if no one is working or producing goods or commodities???!! Total Euphoria!!!

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I've been thinking much about the U.S.A. sabre rattling at and about China.

If China was working with U.S. funded research in Wuhan to do gain of function studies, and suddenly all hell breaks loose, why are they acting as if China is the bogeyman and this whole era of social crediting and 5g tech is being rolled out there, (not to mention novel viruses) it sounds more like they are an ally and a template for the "Great Reset". They are certainly not an enemy to the World Economic Forum, and something is not adding up in this narrative we have been cooking up and tweaking for a good while.

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Fauci and Gates and others have close association with the CCP and globalism.chevk out Robert Kennedy's children's health defense.great info

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Good point there. In fact it’s coming out more & more now how much g/ments have been involved & implementing all this. As someone has said in another reply they’ve been working on this since Nimrod. These chosen families have passed their ideologies down through the generations. It’s only now that the lid has been blown off it all. I still think this is China’s war on the west & to take Trump down. Remember it all started around the time trump took office. China, like Russia have aspirations of reassembling their empires & China has aspirations of world domination. Hence their sights on various countries just now. Remover theres more of us than them & G-d is in control!!!

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It's the 'Great Plan of the Ages' & is Luciferic. They have been working towards this since the fricken Tower of Babel, basically. This dude says a lot of shocking, yet true things (not all of which is 100%, but about 90%+ is): https://rumble.com/vhgzmp-insider-exposes-freemasonry-as-worlds-oldest-religion-and-luciferian-plans-.html?fbclid=IwAR2TtaNpzoH8GSbMQAgprLnXS_BOFIIvP39UzJZ_q_t9wYc0Tk7MFGQAhpA

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Mystery 666, One World Order, Rockefeller, Rothschild - rearing their ugly heads again. 666 came out in the 70s, and there was a lot of prayer, so they disappeared into their grotty little holes and waited. Barry Smith mentioned by Peter Lawrow below was rather ridiculed at the time, but he was on the right track. Now we must "Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in His mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6: 10-13)

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I'm not religious, but I believe in a Greater power, and even though I don't understand many things about the prophesies of the books of the Bible, I have no qualms with the "one commandment, a new commandment" given unto the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth by him, "that you have love one to another."

That said, it does strike me as startlingly accurate how the

description of the beast is given in a book that I've been hearing, and mostly ignoring since my childhood.

"It will look like a solution to all the complex problems humanity is mired in. If you don't accept you will not be able to participate in society, including buying or selling. "

I don't know what those mysterious words in many parts are about, just as with many other beliefs like many indigenous prophesies in the America's and elsewhere. Maybe just another piece of puzzle that I don't understand, but even as a gnostic, I must say that prophesy is eerily accurate. It sounds more like a headline from Austria, Australia, and many other places simultaneously. Thought provoking.

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This DIABOLICAL agenda is not about a virus The Great Reset is just a cover. They will not stop lying, injecting people with a Bioweapon, locking down entire countries until the Real goal is accomplished:The Corona End Game https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game

In 1992 and 2012 the entire Corona Pandemic scenario was presented to the public during The Olympics opening rituals The Corona End Game. Addendum https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Thanks for being so honest and open.. about what is so obvious to some not to others..

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if only these old men knew a world far removed from their capacity of imagination maybe, just maybe the world would be a more peaceful place.

The Great Reset towards New World Order is NOT socialism but rather taking us all back to feudalism. Too many people take on these changes seem to revolve around the 'socialist' theme that is just adding fuel to the current evolving cold war 2.0. In my view it is ALL about the devalued USdollar/currency as new nations are rising above the bankrupted warmongering USofa and their masters.

These new nations taking centre stage by economics rather than wars are a threat to the 'old guard'...colonialists. As for covid it is just another FEAR platform that puts modern humanity to shame that they fear their own deaths at the expense of all others.... mob mentality that would outrun the bulls as they trample over each other all the while the bulls are running to be free from stupid humans.

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My son has already lost his job as an industrial arts teacher because he hasn't been jabbed. He has a wife and 6 kids to support. The legislation that requires this procedure (if there is any rather than government fiat) is most pernicious. There is an agenda running here which has nothing to do with public health. I once considered talk of a "Great Reset" to be nothing but alarmist rhetoric. On seeing developments around the globe a similar pattern emerges. Coercive and threatening legislation has no place in a democracy. It seems to me (unauthorised) authorities have taken over the responsibilities of legislators hugely overreaching their democratic mandates and the silent, invisible majority rolls over and takes it. If this is a pattern of things to come, Heaven help us, because our legislators, on both sides have betrayed us. "You will own nothing." For many of us, if we own anything, it has been gained by hard work, sacrifice and making hard choices. It seems that now, what they want from us, without any choices, is hard work and sacrifice and "Do what we say".

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Thank you George for keeping us up to date with what's happening.

It is so hard to get most people to even open their eyes and see what is happening. So little information from a credible sauce to show people. I can't believe that intelligent people just will not look outside what they are brainwashed washed with.

Keep up the good work. I'll be sharing this on Facebook and hopefully it will help people be aware to fight back.

Thank you and Happy Christmas and may 2022 come with a great awakening !!!

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Hi George and fellow comrades...some fantastic news!..The tide is turning! Went to Cairns Shopping Centre this afternoon for groceries and there were just as many people maskless as there were masked..and the centre was absolutely packed. I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing one, but there is no way that all these other people did. We are finally starting to see anarchy. I felt so enormously heartened and proud and deeply moved. I shared smiles with so many..like a silent code for "Yes, we won't comply anymore either"and wanted to share it with you all to give you a big ray of hope. Have a beautiful Christmas.

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Indeed, that’s is one of their goals and the other to reduce the world population by means of “vaccines”. They’re doing it already as many people are being killed and getting injured. As for the great reset this is also being done. The lockdowns are destroying the economy of countries like Australia to put them at the same level as the third world countries so they can later put in place a global communist regime. Of course they’ll blame it on the virus nobody had been able to prove it exist. The only hope is for more people wake up, specially people in the armed forces and stand up by the people they sworn to protect.

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Not to mention the trauma of the infected, or otherwise, we really don't know do we, dying alone 2hile their families are locked out or in.

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