So many popular songs these days contain vulgar, violent lyrics, yet hardly anybody takes note of them. This is a good rap song which is straight to the point.

I don't really mind rap. Eminem was an absolute classic who always rapped the truth. White America, Mosh, Square Dance, Campaign Speech and others.

Take note of the lyrics people.

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Rap has always been a great challenge for me George but for this - I will apply myself 100%.

Fastest conversion I have ever experienced.......thank you .

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This is a great opportunity to share with adult children and grandchildren...no other conversation need be initiated.

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This is like a cancer that needs to be cut out. Oh I forgot they can't find a cure for cancer it's such a big money spinner!

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It’s a sad day when children are being led astray!

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Is it my extraordinary I.T. skills or is there a kinder explanation for the fact that I am unable to access your radio program of yesterday ?

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Oh, there was none sorry. I was in transit nearly the whole day.

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