Feeling the cold hard hand of control on my shoulder now & am concerned how far these measures will be taken when the word voluntary is forwarded Why does the govt want more information when so much is at hand for them now. As at Senate Question Time answers are unreliable if they care to reply or cant find the file as that refers to another department/ channel so cant answer that plus the document that tells bureaucrats how NOT to answer any Senators questions . Seems this may discredit the current minister in referral ridiculous when Senate is the body that demands answers not deflections on queries What an incompetent lazy bunch of politicians we presently have

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So true Pat... thinking it’d be reasonable to at least temporally withhold our next tax return or rates notice by just returning it to sender with the words “I’ll take that on notice & get back to you.” The public rarely gets a ligitimate answer. If the people in politics we all pay can’t give us a correct or straight answer, why should would we pay for their salaries or agenda.

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Ha ha, we should all say "I'll take that on notice" (but do as many do and NOT get back to them!) re. our tax or rates! Love it :-)

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A very realistic take on it all. There will indeed be ways to avoid the Digital ID crap, but as you have written, it may take more of our time and lining up etc to do this.

I agree with Pat Russell's comment - why does the govt need so much more data on us when they have plenty already?! But I do wonder how much truth people tell govt organisations. I know I didn't fill in the last census (nobody comes after you if you fail to hand it in when you live in the sticks!) and I didn't tell them much in previous ones, anyway. I only tell the govt the bare minimum, if that! Plenty of people also lie, so I do wonder if they're actually getting pretty rough intel on their citizens currently. Of course they want this Digital ID. Extra brownie points with their Master for enslaving the population AND they get a lot more info on people. Win-win for them. Lose-lose for us.

BUT we have a couple more years yet before it gets truly nasty with private organisations getting on board AND there'll be a federal election in there as well, and at this stage, I'm pretty sure that Labor will NOT be getting in again; not with them being so out of touch and taking seeming crazy pills. So this Digital ID Bill could be dead in the water before we know it, which would be good.

But I do wonder, just like Labor never won with Shorten as leader, will the LNP suffer the same fate with Dutton at the helm? He's not really a 'people person' is he? He's smart, but I don't trust him, either; he's done some rather unlovable things in his time as a politician.

I think we need LOTS of small parties to be voted in. Or make the small parties bigger eg One Nation, UAP etc. We've got to get the population educated on how to vote and we've only got a year in which to do this!!

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I have always paid for anything I can with cash. I rarely use my card and thought that it was just old fashioned me. But that has dramatically changed. Using cash means you leave no footprints to give government access to information of your lifestyle,using card does. Banks want restrictions on how much cash one can withdraw. Banks (aka money) rules the world and using card gives the government information of one's lifestyle. Holding cash is a dying art which banks and governments want to end so they have complete control. People don't see that side of it even though using card adds surcharge. Using cash is also the best defence of digital ID which is another government control measure

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