What absolutely disgusting laws these are. They are simply puerile.

My first born has a physical disability that she will never outgrow, and yet, I have had to constantly prove it to be congenital for the past 30 plus years to those employed by the daft alphabet soup named govt agencies!

Apparently, due to antibody back-testing, I had a 24 hr tummy virus that caused this at 30 weeks gestation; no morning sickness or anything else during the entire pregnancy, except this 24 hr tummy virus the day after my 30 week checkup, and that caused me to take a single day off work!! At birth, what threat would these daft, stupid new proposed laws be to her now? They would be a direct danger to her life. That is not okay, ever!

The WA govt is reprehensible in every sense. As is the Federal govt. Govt's made up of union hacks on the public sector teat, milking it for whatever they can take. I got out of the union movement in 2001 as I witnessed them being the penultimate hypocrites. Now, after McGone, I am anti-ALP for life!

These proposed laws must be stopped. Either that, or they must be repealed immediately by a new incoming govt.

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Women caught up in abortion apparently seeing no way out of their situation need help not criticism as each woman will have a different story so let their voices be heard. Australia needs all babies to fill the nest generations & immigration is not the answer Rules regulations and social outlooks also play a part Never forget that a child is a lifetime responsibility and not all women want or expect children or are good loving mothers & these may illtreat a unwanted baby but would never allow for its adoption This is always a thorny question reaching back to both parents Some men horrified at looming fatherhood responsibility leave the scene leaving the female to carry the baby literally & money from agencies doesnt cover the vulnerable situation she is in or may believe herself to be in How sad to think about having to choose a pathway concerning another human life

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Just watching your video now George. Mazel Tov as you and others help us to listen n learn about what is really going on under the auspices of health care.

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In Comprehending what abortion actually is one must first unlearn what has been learned.

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