Keep on with what you are doing George. I certainly appreciate you having the backbone and fortitude to present calm rational scientific facts in this hideous climate of fear and confusion.
As a long term intergenerational former Labor supporter I have become awakened over the last 2 years and at times become white hot with rage. My 11 years of loyal duty to Qld Health came to an end last week as a consequence of refusing the mandated inoculations.
I have no doubt you will be attacked by many imbeciles suffering from MFS and some Trolls from rather insidious organisations also.
Keep the faith and may you and your family be protected by peace serenity and love.
I relate to everything you said, I too was inter generational labor - they all can now rot in hell, with the pseudo Greens, liberal and national coalition
George firstly thank you for being a warrior of humanity, it's a bloody pity that all politicians haven't integrity as we wouldn't be in this situation.
You'll always get those that believe in the propaganda, they unfortunately are not critical minded and are sheep that follow and need direction! Then you get the critical minds that "say" hang on something doesn't sit right and ask questions and they are targeted as conspiracies! I'm 72 grandmother who believed in vaccines, my children were vaccinated but this Covid one didn't come across as safe for me! I started my investigation and boy was I right. I now subscribe to Dr Robert Malone, Dr.Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich the international lawyer. I pray this madness comes to an end soon before more deaths and life's ruined not to mention business and economy, this is nothing more than genocide and never again willI put my trust in this government or any major parties and their health minister or the TGA, It's disgraceful what they have done, I know for a fact 5.6million was paid to each state to carry this "killing" of innocent people and when this is over I pray they each will hang or be jailed for the rest of their lives. They have ignored the Nuremberg code, Magnamarta and our Constitution, they have committed serious offence against the States and it's people.
I am 80 and due to living in different Third World Countries I had many jabs. Over the last 20 yrs I had the flu jab each year. Never questioned anything, but suddenly with a new mRNA Gen-therapy coming out of the blue, I got very suspicious. I started to do a lot of research and my this was an eyeopener.
I was already a bit wary about the mainstream media since a cousin told me 6 yrs ago: "Not all is true what you hear." She mentioned 9/11 and a book with the title "Bought Journalists" by Udo Ulfkotte a German journalist who wrote many critical books and died suddenly in 2017 at an young age. At first I didn't believe what my cousin told me, but over the last 2 yrs I did a lot of research and found out she was right.
I am from Germany and in that country the politicians have totally forgotten about the Nuremberg code or what had happened in 1933. They are doing the same thing all over again - stigmatizing people.
Now I am very worried about the future of my children and grandchildren. In what world will they live when I am gone?
Peter McCullough & Zelenski plus America Frontline Dr's and several others from the start. All brave people who put their careers and reputations on the line to educate us of the dangers of these vaccines. I watch in disbelief the behaviour of our Politicians and so called medical Dr's who are puppets of the big Pharma Companies along with the NWO and sold their people out. This is not about our health why do you think they want us all vaccinated the pandemic is the vaccinations as is showing up now.
It's truly frustrating attempting to wake up those credulous enough to take the jab despite the govt lies and contradiction, the media propaganda and the Big Tech censorship all of which would make Hitler and Goebbels proud. Has history taught these people nothing? Are they incapable of research when there is still so much information that isn't censored? I think it's more than just succumbing to mass psychosis, it requires a character flaw: credulity / blind faith. And an unhealthy level of trust in government. Keep up the great work, George.
George you have done an excellent job keeping us informed on this scamdemic. The likes of Lissie have done no research & believe in the lies the government & mainstream media are telling them. Their time is coming. Hate mail is a coward's tool, if brains where dynamite they wouldn't have enough to blow the hat off their heads. Again l thank you & the other MP'S who are standing up to the tyranny affecting this country, keep the truth coming. I take my hat off to you, thank you. Peter Hayes
Hi George. I am so very sorry, sickened and enraged that you are being subjected to such abhorrent behavior. This genre of sub-humans are being used as instruments of evil against us. Take comfort in the knowledge that their venomous attacks only further illustrate that they are utterly desperate because we are winning. It's actually a good sign. God bless.
Bad Flu symptoms for a couple of days and thanks to following good common sense medical recommendations by the sane, non-hoodwinked, people of this world (Malone, McCullough etc.) are all back at it full strength!!
My family and I all got covid and to me it was like a very bad case of the flu. There was about 20 of us who got it and no one died. The MSM and governments r lying and putting fear in everyone so they can administer the kill shot. We r all not jabbed and never will be. We also followed Dr Zelenko protocol. Regards to u all and godbless
Thank you for sending this information. I am not against vaccines but definitely not trustful of this “inoculation”. Anyone forced to take a medical procedure and being blackmailed by taking away their livelihood should be very mistrustful.
I have disagreed with some of your views in the past but your views on this tyrannical, government overreach have seen me back you now. The enemy of my enemy is my friend after all. 😃
Just ignore the keyboard warriors. They always resort to hate-filled threats and bad language when they have already lost their argument. Just block them. Life is too short to waste it replying to them.
FYI. We recently treated ourselves with homemade hydroxychloroquine with 1 tablespoon per day for the mild flu (Omicron). No fraudulent tests were required nor visits to any doctor.
Lol. Search using Google for Ivermectin and find nothing.
Search for the Iverheal brand (which is just Ivermectin). lol. I can't find my email where I bought it, which makes me think Google has censored my Gmail?
Thank you George for all that you continually do to fight for our freedom and to get the truth out there. You give me hope. There are too many complicit sheep who are happy for our government to control all aspects of our lives.
Keep on with what you are doing George. I certainly appreciate you having the backbone and fortitude to present calm rational scientific facts in this hideous climate of fear and confusion.
As a long term intergenerational former Labor supporter I have become awakened over the last 2 years and at times become white hot with rage. My 11 years of loyal duty to Qld Health came to an end last week as a consequence of refusing the mandated inoculations.
I have no doubt you will be attacked by many imbeciles suffering from MFS and some Trolls from rather insidious organisations also.
Keep the faith and may you and your family be protected by peace serenity and love.
Well said Alan.
I relate to everything you said, I too was inter generational labor - they all can now rot in hell, with the pseudo Greens, liberal and national coalition
George firstly thank you for being a warrior of humanity, it's a bloody pity that all politicians haven't integrity as we wouldn't be in this situation.
You'll always get those that believe in the propaganda, they unfortunately are not critical minded and are sheep that follow and need direction! Then you get the critical minds that "say" hang on something doesn't sit right and ask questions and they are targeted as conspiracies! I'm 72 grandmother who believed in vaccines, my children were vaccinated but this Covid one didn't come across as safe for me! I started my investigation and boy was I right. I now subscribe to Dr Robert Malone, Dr.Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich the international lawyer. I pray this madness comes to an end soon before more deaths and life's ruined not to mention business and economy, this is nothing more than genocide and never again willI put my trust in this government or any major parties and their health minister or the TGA, It's disgraceful what they have done, I know for a fact 5.6million was paid to each state to carry this "killing" of innocent people and when this is over I pray they each will hang or be jailed for the rest of their lives. They have ignored the Nuremberg code, Magnamarta and our Constitution, they have committed serious offence against the States and it's people.
Hi Juliana, I also follow all these people you listed. and have a lot of good information too.
I am 80 and due to living in different Third World Countries I had many jabs. Over the last 20 yrs I had the flu jab each year. Never questioned anything, but suddenly with a new mRNA Gen-therapy coming out of the blue, I got very suspicious. I started to do a lot of research and my this was an eyeopener.
I was already a bit wary about the mainstream media since a cousin told me 6 yrs ago: "Not all is true what you hear." She mentioned 9/11 and a book with the title "Bought Journalists" by Udo Ulfkotte a German journalist who wrote many critical books and died suddenly in 2017 at an young age. At first I didn't believe what my cousin told me, but over the last 2 yrs I did a lot of research and found out she was right.
I am from Germany and in that country the politicians have totally forgotten about the Nuremberg code or what had happened in 1933. They are doing the same thing all over again - stigmatizing people.
Now I am very worried about the future of my children and grandchildren. In what world will they live when I am gone?
Hi George, please just ignore the haters, there's far more of us who support you, God Bless you! keep up the great work!
Judging by the fact George has been voted in with a majority at each election you're correct.
I have followed Dr Malone
Peter McCullough & Zelenski plus America Frontline Dr's and several others from the start. All brave people who put their careers and reputations on the line to educate us of the dangers of these vaccines. I watch in disbelief the behaviour of our Politicians and so called medical Dr's who are puppets of the big Pharma Companies along with the NWO and sold their people out. This is not about our health why do you think they want us all vaccinated the pandemic is the vaccinations as is showing up now.
You are absolutely right.
It's truly frustrating attempting to wake up those credulous enough to take the jab despite the govt lies and contradiction, the media propaganda and the Big Tech censorship all of which would make Hitler and Goebbels proud. Has history taught these people nothing? Are they incapable of research when there is still so much information that isn't censored? I think it's more than just succumbing to mass psychosis, it requires a character flaw: credulity / blind faith. And an unhealthy level of trust in government. Keep up the great work, George.
One thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history!
Well done, George. Keep up the good fight. God bless you and Australia.
George you have done an excellent job keeping us informed on this scamdemic. The likes of Lissie have done no research & believe in the lies the government & mainstream media are telling them. Their time is coming. Hate mail is a coward's tool, if brains where dynamite they wouldn't have enough to blow the hat off their heads. Again l thank you & the other MP'S who are standing up to the tyranny affecting this country, keep the truth coming. I take my hat off to you, thank you. Peter Hayes
Peter question were you ever at Walget by the sea ??
Keep going George and thank you for having the courage to speak out against all the censorship and misinformation, you’re a bloody legend m8
Hi George. I am so very sorry, sickened and enraged that you are being subjected to such abhorrent behavior. This genre of sub-humans are being used as instruments of evil against us. Take comfort in the knowledge that their venomous attacks only further illustrate that they are utterly desperate because we are winning. It's actually a good sign. God bless.
Hi George, you are doing awesome work, God bless you and your family. Unfortunately, you can't
fix stupid and cognitively damaged people. Keep doing what you do, you give me hope.
NOT. the biggest threat she can give!!
My family all got COVID19 last week.
Bad Flu symptoms for a couple of days and thanks to following good common sense medical recommendations by the sane, non-hoodwinked, people of this world (Malone, McCullough etc.) are all back at it full strength!!
Keep fighting George!
My family and I all got covid and to me it was like a very bad case of the flu. There was about 20 of us who got it and no one died. The MSM and governments r lying and putting fear in everyone so they can administer the kill shot. We r all not jabbed and never will be. We also followed Dr Zelenko protocol. Regards to u all and godbless
History will expose the greedy interests of Big Tech, Big Pharma and other stakeholders right to their selfish money/power loving interests.
Good on you, George!
Thank you for sending this information. I am not against vaccines but definitely not trustful of this “inoculation”. Anyone forced to take a medical procedure and being blackmailed by taking away their livelihood should be very mistrustful.
Hi George,
I have disagreed with some of your views in the past but your views on this tyrannical, government overreach have seen me back you now. The enemy of my enemy is my friend after all. 😃
Just ignore the keyboard warriors. They always resort to hate-filled threats and bad language when they have already lost their argument. Just block them. Life is too short to waste it replying to them.
FYI. We recently treated ourselves with homemade hydroxychloroquine with 1 tablespoon per day for the mild flu (Omicron). No fraudulent tests were required nor visits to any doctor.
All good after about 3 days.
Keep up the good work. 😃
Hi Max, how do you make the hcloroqune at home? Please share!!! My family is unvazzed and safe for now but better be prepared....Thank you, Natalia
Hi Natalie,
Get 1 lemon and 1 grapefruit. Wash in pure water.
Peel and put skins in a saucepan.
Cover with clean water bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 3 hours. Don't let it dry out!
Then drain the liquid into a container and put it in the fridge.
1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 at night as well.
It's not the best tasting but it does the job. 👍
I also ordered ivermectin online just in case but haven't used it.
Lol. Search using Google for Ivermectin and find nothing.
Search for the Iverheal brand (which is just Ivermectin). lol. I can't find my email where I bought it, which makes me think Google has censored my Gmail?
Here's one for example:
Thank you Max. You are a legend :)
Keep it up George ,the truth needs to be out there for people to make informative choices .
Thank you George for all that you continually do to fight for our freedom and to get the truth out there. You give me hope. There are too many complicit sheep who are happy for our government to control all aspects of our lives.