I agree with your analysis George. But what in this world can we do about it Apart from warn others. Everyone is so focused on just surviving. Except of course the well off.

To me this looks like a spiritual crisis. We’ve lost our basic sense of ethics and a connection to our own inner wisdom. We’re running on fear and anxiety which makes us easily manipulated. The very basis that our societies are built on are the same things that allow others the opportunity to take power and control. Our obsession with materialism/progress and comforts has disconnected us from a respect for all of life. Everything can be bought and sold. Money is the only determining factor. Our lack of respect for the true value of all of creation has turned us into commodity consumers. Voracious eaters who exist in a dog eat dog world. The result is ill health and unhappiness. On a global scale. We are ripe for the plucking of the likes of Klaus and Bill and associates. The only way out of this is a gigantic awakening to the monster we’ve created and our roles in feeding it everyday with our life force. I think this is called a paradigm shift. A complete re-evaluation of the very basic values that underlie our society.

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I agree. It is a spiritual crisis.

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The reason we’re in a spiritual crisis is that we’ve kicked Jesus Christ out of society and recrucified him and then started navel gazing and worshipping our own lust and greed. We put ourselves at the centre instead of Christ Jesus.

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Yes it has all been planned for many years. Every profitable industry that managed to feed or

supply goods in Australia has been destroyed. We now have to import blackberry jam from Europe

because they were declared weeds in Australia. The million dollar timber industry where furniture was made from camphor laurel were also declared weeds. All the rabbits that prevented a catastrophic famine in Australia in the depression are now dead. We have no guns to shoot a kangaroo for a feed, land is locked down under Agenda 21 where people are herded into cities and forced to buy so called "affordable housing" with no land for children to play, or no room for growing any food. The mad greenies in the cities/vegans want all our cattle and sheep killed or set free. Yes it has been planned for a very long time, and the more scariest thing of all is that there is a risk that God has turned his back on us because of our stupidity and evil deeds. Oh that could not be true you say. Then I ask you "Why did God ignore his people in Egypt for 430 years (Exodus 12:0) before he sent Moses to rescue them". That is a question I have no answer for at this time, except that perhaps the people turned their back on God when they were prosperous, just as the West has done? We all need to search for answers to these questions as to why we are in the process of being destroyed? God help us all.

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Thanks for this Russell Howells.

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Putin isn’t a hero of the west or an enemy of the new world order. There has been video footage of Klaus Schwab mentioning Putin being a young global leader https://www.bitchute.com/video/8PC0nWpZw0Mg/?list=subscriptions

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totally agree with everything you raised that is happening in this world.

I have one question for you George or if you could pass this onto an expert, with concern of them locking down our bank accounts , i need some suggestions of where to keep our money to survive

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I will interview an economist soon on this topic.

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You’ve nailed it again George, there are many very smart people around the globe who know what’s happening and if each of them put a few nails in, we may just put the lid on the elite coffin,keep up the great work.

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This is crystal clear, it is planned, it is beyond any doubt. A recession has already begun. Between the flu farce, ongoing 'emergency' situation, forced injection of a trial gene therapy product, destruction of small business & the economy, fake news re the plandemic & Russia/Ukraine, + the 'climate change', weather control, its all contrived!

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Great reading as always. Excellent work George.

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The forces of darkness (evil) are definitely 'pulling the strings' and have been doing so for decades. Post WW11, there was nothing that we couldnt do in this country (the ground-work having been laid well before that) from heavy manufacturing to growing and preserving our own food - along with a surplus to trade. I'm, 78 now and am sad at what has been 'lost' over time.

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This entire agenda has been orchestrated over a very long time. I remember attending lectures in the 80’s and 90’s warning about everything we are living through now but it was all labeled ‘conspiracy’. There is no way it is possible that our political leaders and their cronies are ignorant to the Great Reset agenda. Obviously the who’s who of governments, both here and abroad, have done dirty deals to keep themselves and loved ones protected from the final outcome.. but I think they will find themselves duped and suffering like the rest of the ‘useless eaters’. The Elite movers have no moral compass and will not honour any promises made to the Great Enablers.

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Go George and thank you for having intelligence and good character. Commodities that are also in short supply.

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It seems we are all pawns in the game. How do we change the tide?

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Be great to correspond with you George

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Yes what I suspected George now spelt out. However please read psalm 2 in the passion version of the Bibles

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