I’ve got a sore head thinking about all this. So if 14 becomes the new norm for the age of consent, how long before it’s lowered to 12? Anything goes? What happened to protecting children?

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I have learned not to speak or write when anger is my predominant reaction - in due course my reaction will shift to response . Whilst the content of your article is in no way a surprise George it is as you say " disturbing". My own answer to the question you pose is yes of course the wef are promoting paedophillia . Anyone, who promotes the sexualisation of children does so in support of this perversion.

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George, you need someone to check for typos and grammatical errors in your posts. I've noticed many such errors, and believe that your posts will have a much higher impact if the reader is not distracted by these errors. I'm happy to volunteer my assistance in rectifying this shortcoming in your otherwise relevant and persuasive posts.

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This post reminded me of one I read in 2021 about a UNICEF report saying that pornography is not always harmful to children.


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WHO did not impress with proper management of covid right from start The thoughts of lowered age consent for younger children, exposing them further to sex predators is shameful . Children should not be caught up in such activity by an age time law set by adults There appears to be increasing sexual diseases in children spread by carelessly contrived legal and illegal contact and some of these maladies dont respond well to antibiotics Young lives blighted by a crime against them fostered by older adults with strange views about kids safety and ages Children are minors and should not have to make adult or any decisions

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Children are capable of having sex at age 14 physically. They are nowhere near ready for having sex at the age of 14 emotionally or morally.

That's why they target them. Get them young. Get them used to it.

Just like the queer alphabet brainwashing in schools telling children it's normal to be whatever they want.

Even a cat if they want.

It could be classed as insane but it's not. The people pushing these agendas are sick, evil people who want nothing more than to destroy the very fabric or society morally, ethically and physically.

It's all about power. And lust. And control.

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No words, just tears & nausea! 😢

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