Is Your Family Eating This Fertility-Killing Additive?
Nation First looks at the roll-out of Bovaer in the cattle sector and what it could mean for consumers.
Dear friend,
Do you trust the food on your plate? You shouldn’t. Right now, you and I are part of a global experiment. A potentially toxic additive called Bovaer is being slipped into the food supply, and no one asked you if that was okay.
They claim it’s about cutting methane emissions. But here’s the ugly truth: studies show the active ingredient—3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP)—may damage male fertility. Reduced sperm count. Shrunken testicles. Impaired sperm motility. This is serious. And they don’t care. No labels. No warnings. Nothing. You’re not a consumer to them—you’re a test subject.
Bovaer may damage male fertility, including reducing sperm count.
This additive is being used worldwide without labels or warnings.
Australia is a key player, with Coles and MLA driving its use.
Billionaires like Bill Gates are pushing these schemes.
We must demand transparency and independent safety studies.
Australia: The Frontline of the Global Agenda
Here in Australia, Coles is feeding this poison to cattle and calling it “sustainability.” Let me tell you something: when they say “sustainability,” what they really mean is control. Control over you. Control over me. And you and I both know that word has been hijacked by corporate overlords to push their greenwashing schemes.
But this isn’t just Coles. Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)—a government-mandated, levy-funded operation—is fully on board. They ran trials, they hyped the results, and now they’re rolling it out as the next big thing to “save the planet.” Methane emissions are down, they say. Cattle fatten up faster, they say. But let me ask you this: what happens when that beef ends up on your dinner table?
They’ve seen the studies. They know about the fertility risks. But instead of pressing pause, they’ve hit the gas. Because they think you and I are too busy, too distracted, or too dumb to care. Well, I care. And if you care about your family’s health, you should too.
This Isn’t Just Australia—It’s Everywhere
Make no mistake: Australia is just the start. This is global. Bovaer is already being used in over 50 countries. In the UK, large dairy company, Arla Foods, is feeding this additive to cows that produce Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk. Major British supermarkets like Tesco and Aldi are backing it.
And they’re not stopping there. The manufacturers for Bovaer say it is now “authorized and available for sale” in over 55 countries, including the U.S.A., Brazil, Canada, and Turkey. They’re even expanding into Asia. This isn’t a trial run—this is a global takeover of the protein food supply.
And it’s a takeover without transparency because it’s likely that you’ll never know this stuff is actually in your food. In fact, you might already be consuming products linked to Bovaer, because they’re not labelling it. They’re keeping you in the dark, hoping you won’t ask questions.
And when people like you or me do ask? They dismiss us. Arla called concerns about Bovaer “misinformation.” Sound familiar? It’s the same playbook they used during the pandemic. “Trust the science,” they say. But whose science? Theirs. Bought and paid for by the corporations lining their pockets with this scam.
The Fertility Bombshell They Don’t Want You to Know
Let’s cut the nonsense. The real issue here isn’t methane—it’s fertility. Animal studies on 3-NOP are damning: sperm counts plummet, testicles shrink, and motility collapses. Regulators in Japan have already flagged it for reproductive toxicity. This isn’t speculation—it’s documented.
But what about you and me? What happens when we eat beef or drink milk from Bovaer-fed animals? The truth is, they don’t know. There have been no long-term studies on human health. None. Instead, they’re rolling the dice—with your body and your family’s future on the line.
Do you see what’s happening here? You’re the lab rat in their global experiment. You didn’t sign up for this. Neither did I. And that’s exactly why they’re doing it in secret.
The Real Agenda: Corporate Control
And who’s behind this push? You know who. Bill Gates. He’s not funding Bovaer directly, but he’s got his fingerprints all over similar projects. Right here in Australia, he’s backing another methane-reduction additive.
While not funding it, Gates is a big supporter of Bovaer and actually wrote about it in his book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster”:
What can we do about all this pooping, burping, and farting? That’s a tough one. Researchers have tried all sorts of ideas for dealing with enteric fermentation. They’ve tried using vaccines to cut down on the methanogenic microbes living in the cattle’s gut, breeding cattle to naturally produce fewer emissions, and adding special feeds or drugs to their diets. These efforts have mostly been unsuccessful, though one promising exception is a compound called 3-nitrooxypropanol, which reduces methane emissions by 30 percent.
Gates has openly said he wants to “fix the cows” or get rid of them entirely. This isn’t about the environment. It’s about power. Power to control the food supply. Power to control you and me.
Think about it. From methane vaccines to burp-catching masks, these billionaire elites are pumping billions into so-called “solutions” that don’t solve anything. All they do is shift power and profits into their hands. Meanwhile, you and I are left with the risks—risks they won’t even admit exist.
The Silence Is Deafening
They know the dangers. They know the risks. But instead of coming clean, they’ve doubled down on secrecy. Coles won’t label Bovaer-fed beef. Arla won’t admit to the fertility concerns. And regulators like the UK’s Food Standards Agency? They’re calling this additive “safe” while conveniently ignoring the warnings that the scientific data is showing.
This is a coordinated cover-up. A betrayal of trust. And it’s happening right under our noses.
What Can You and I Do?
We don’t have to take this lying down. You and I can demand accountability. We need:
Clear labels on every product that comes from Bovaer-fed livestock.
Independent studies—real ones, not corporate-funded propaganda—that either prove this additive is safe for humans, or prove it should be taken off the market.
And if they can’t deliver these things, we need to say no.
This is a fight for families the world over. It’s about you, me, and every single person who deserves to know what’s in their food.
The Bottom Line
They say Bovaer will save the planet. But at what cost? Fertility risks, secrecy, and control by billionaire elites. This isn’t just about food—it’s about freedom. Your freedom to choose what you eat. Your right to protect your family’s health.
I’m not going to sit quietly while they gamble with our future. And neither should you. Let’s stand together and demand the truth—before it’s too late.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
P.S. With this story breaking on the weekend, there will be no Nation First issued tomorrow (Monday).
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
Thank you for your diligence and for keeping us informed.
Thank you George for this alarming information, first it was cricket chips in some Aussie schools and now this. God is in control of the weather, there is no such thing as climate change. The earth has always heated up and cooled down according to the natural cycle.