Thank you for your diligence and for keeping us informed.

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This must affect the motility of the animals gut. It ( gas and wind) is a natural process of digestion. If this stopped or slowed down the animal will suffer and likely have a gut obstruction which will be fatal. As well, does the drug have the same effect on the human gut, as it would be stored in the tissues of the animal.

What fools we humans are.

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Thank you George for this alarming information, first it was cricket chips in some Aussie schools and now this. God is in control of the weather, there is no such thing as climate change. The earth has always heated up and cooled down according to the natural cycle.

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Yes definitely not going to save the planet because the only climate change is the ones they are making. Just another piece of poison to feed our cattle and us humans.

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also do not forget massive profits Bovaer is sold at 25 cents per 2 gram dose rate (per cow per day) that adds up to 125,000 dollars per tonne this is a simple readily available cheap chemical used in industry already. This is classic skimming method of a small amount from a very large population to make a fortune

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I’ve no doubt.

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Back to climate change emissions Where is this additive being manufactured by whom & what real reason its coming into being Methane gases has been produced by farm animals for centuries creating such horror according to climate specialists so where does the cessation stop Are there no better methods to control this natural process which may be doing less harm than this additive a well kept secret

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Gates and his toxic schemes have crawled out of the pit. I cant wait to see the demise of this 'ghoul'. He and his ilk are pathologically obsessed with 'depopulation'.

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