Fairly recently it has come to light that the aboriginal people we currently think of as the first inhabitants of this continent are not in fact the first inhabitants. Right up until late in the 19th century there existed the remnants of people who were rather small, in the style of the Kalahari Bushmen, who had preceded those present when the British first arrived.

Those original occupants were ruthlessly murdered and displaced by those more recent arrivals, although some still existed in parts of Queensland within the timeframe of British settlement. Of course no anthropologist wants to talk about this today, especially as the job of extermination was finally completed in the late 1800's because that would undo the false narrative of First Nations proponents.

As with everything, it's all politics and it's all bullshit.

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There were also Papuans and others on this land mass. What we now know as aborigines are not one people, but migrated in successive waves and warred against each other. Those in Tasmania had been pushed in that direction and were isolated when the Bass Strait ice shield melted.

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You put it perfectly George. All this special treatment is perpetuating the idea that Australian aborigines are victims. We abhor the cruelty that happened in the past; it also happened to convicts, those transported against their will to this land. Devastating things happen to most, if not all people. We can't build our lives around those things, especially several generations into the future. We must move forward.

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Thanks George

My Dad fought in WW2 against Germans, Vichy French and the Japanese. I have relatives who were injured and captured and suffered greatly. Today we visit these countries and trade with them without blinking and consider them our allies. The idea of blaming current populations for wrongs of the past is not sustainable. We are one nation and as such should have one flag and one set of laws that cover all people and make provision for the vulnerable wherever that is required.

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Little comment made about white European ancestors savagely and frequently invaded by varied groups and treated badly by conquerors. In relatively recent times Hitler used genocide on Jews while in Africa black Tutsi and Hutus keep doing the same now. For comparison much is said and expounded about what happened to Australian aborigines in one event most coming from metropolitan urban dwelling aborigines who have never read a history book covering world stories but are fed and fuelled the qualities needed for victimhood emotions much being taught at school level Horrifying to see children carrying signs & mouthing words "Invasion "at an unruly meeting led by a green politician Bet they could hardly spell the word let alone understand the full meaning furthermore young children have no place at street meetings Were they paid to attend ?There are two sides to all arguments so lets hear it for the whites occasionally The ones who provide many facilities for aboriginals often stemming from an induced sense of guilt of what happened to their ancestors , Those who committed those crimes are long gone so are those who suffered so forget it let it go and move on as one people

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This may be an informative document that is well worth a read. I have checked the website of this law association and it all matches up. UN interference is rife in our politics. https://www.lawyersalliance.com.au/documents/item/2274

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Shabbat shalom dear Bro George.

In Hebrew we have a Call out.

It's like this

Chazak Chazak V'tzichazak.


Put your Line in the Sand.

Do not go over again in Egypt.

Be strong

Be Courageous in Ya'sh'u'ah.


This is the Command given unto Moshe , at the fresh Water Reed Sea, in the Gulf of Aqibah.

At Pihahiroth , looking across to Baa'al Zephon..

From the Border of The Head, to the Breathe of our Master.Exodus Ch 14 v 1--5.

May you make your Line in the sand Sure.

As you come out of Babylon, from Baphomet, and it's tentacles of this modern Pha'ra'oh, and his Mighty Kingdom.


In Ya'sh'u'ah Ha Mashiach.

Bro Emek.

In the Gold City.

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George, again an excellent post. I agree completely with your argument. As I have commented before however, typos and grammatical errors mar the impact of your posts. Thankfully, there were only a couple of errors I noticed (I'm not looking for them, but have the sort of brain that automatically picks them up): "The High Court Mabo determination in 1992 is one of the root causes for all this racist woke nonsense and makes no sense when view against the global history of conquest/colonisation and dispossession/displacement."

"All citizens of Australia, including Indigenous Australians, are equal and that their culture should be respected and taught but special, ethnically-biased services and payments should end."

If you read these passages, you can probably see the errors.

I offer my services free of charge to proof read your posts before publication, and happy to do that as I admire your attempts to shine a light on the rampant corruption and nonsense of the current woke crap coming from MSM and government.

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Agree with that

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Not sure how this will work as we haven't had our true Constitution since 1973? Do you not subscribe to that fact George? How about all the freedom fighting politicians banding together to fix that? Every Government in Australia federal state & local has been and is illegal since 1973. Kerr knew what had happened which was cast out and vilified.

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Not sure how this can work as we have already lost our Constitution in 1973 - do you not subscribe to that fact George? Every Government in Australia since then has been and is now illegal, how about the freedom fighting politicians banding together to fix that ?

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An interesting take on a touchy topic

The general history of humans is of one race coming into another race's area - and fighting with them, deposing them, enslaving them, and so on. It is no different in Australia.

But what will eventually happen is that the Aboriginals will be wiped out, or bred out. Just like what those men hoped to do back in the early 1800s. This concept may seem unjust, it may seem incorrect, it may seem even fanciful, but typically, the original/aboriginal inhabitants of a land either learn to fight and win against the invaders, or they slowly assimilate (and basically get 'bred out') with the invaders. Typically there will be slavery to contend with along the way, sexual abuse and general derogation. And it can only end two ways since we know humans are not much good at living in harmony with other humans. It is 'Conquer' or 'Be conquered'.

Harsh but true.

Homo sapiens wiped out Neanderthals because their Y chromosome was stronger. There was some interbreeding, but not too much or for too long, and eventually, Homo sapiens entirely dominated. It took a lot of time, but they got there. Homo sapiens just did 'better' at surviving than the Neanderthals did. It doesn't mean Homo sapiens were nicer. Probably far from it! They were smarter, luckier, potentially meaner, and just better adapted to survive in the circumstances.

Now, if we all had to suddenly go live out bush, lots of white man would die. Probably plenty of modern-day aboriginals would, too because they've been living in very different circumstances to what their ancestors did! But they survived for 40,000 years before white man came along, so if everything went to pot, I'd bank on the aboriginals surviving better. But that's not quite how it is today. Not yet, anyway.

As for current day society, I'm not banking on many people making it, be they aboriginal, white, hispanic, african; whatever! Our society is pretty screwed up and there are a lot of environmental toxins we have to contend with today, toxins that negatively affect fertility, among others, which is not a good thing if we wish to continue our species. We've basically shat in our drinking water - and we wonder why we have problems?!

I personally think we should be dealing with far more important issues than what the government drones on about!!

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Any compensation for our dispossession as our land has been bought up by foreigners, even those living overseas?

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It is high time George everyone who claims they want to unite the people changed their language. Anyone who is an Australian citizen by birth or acceptance of citizenship, regardless of any label applied by the system need to be referred to as Australians and only Australians, by everyone else. The enemy does not have to divide us. The division is has done its job, it continues while the conquest is being done in the background.

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