Forget the WHO - Australia should get the hell out of the UN. It is nothing more than an old boys club of third world thugs exploiting the power it gives them to screw western culture, and they're doing it with our own money.

We would all be much better off without any involvement with the United Nations or surrendering our sovereignty to it.

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Please watch this everyone. If this is correct and the WHO gets its way, we are in terrible danger of being jabbed by force. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-rashid-buttar-murdered-for-airing-this-video-share-to-everyone/

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Helpful link thank you.

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Australians shouldn’t give away any sovereignty, especially in matters of health.Our own government’s response to the covid scam was bad enough without allowing unelected governments to dictate to us!

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The action of WHO during the covid pandemic was a woeful bureaucratic bungle which excused and never investigated the culprits presumably China The secretary was clearly uncomfortable while trying to fulfil his job's expectations laying blame on all and sundry including Australia who dared to ask about the origins when all the world wanted to know as well He should never have been given that task being unable to execute it efficiently The WHO should be eliminated along with that toothless tiger UN

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We really are in The garden with Jesus and we really are awake this time. Talk about 2nd chances.

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