The old adage that truth is the first casualty of war still holds true today as does the saying that if you tell a lie often enough (and big enough) eventually people will believe it to be true!
One must wonder if the Russia-Ukraine war is even a proper 'war' at all.
I've seen too many videos of singular buildings being damaged - but they were seemingly set-up and 'damaged' so very evenly. In fact it was after a news story of a bombed school building that got me thinking about this. The building was too uniformly damaged. The scene was artistic. It was almost perfectly damaged, Hollywood-style, even. Then there was a building (a block of flats?) - the centre of it looked like it had been imploded: again, very uniformly. And the other parts of it were just fine and dandy. No burn marks. Nothing like that. Just like a construction demolition site. And the pics/video we got on the news JUST showed that building. No landscape. Nothing else. Now it doesn't happen like that all the time in war. We are shown landscapes & cityscapes and more than just ONE building being damaged. So I started digging.
Things that we are being fed on the media are not like what would happen if they'd actually been bombed and trashed in war. Go back to WW1/WW2: buildings and whole areas were utterly decimated. The cityscapes were awash with fires and carnage. In the videos & photos we are allowed to see of this Russia-Ukraine 'war', it's just ONE building being damaged, or a certain section. Never the whole cityscape. And if you're lucky enough to see maybe half a suburb in the distance in a video, there's not smoke rising everywhere. It's just a very 'local' event. And the 'damage' is always so precise. So very even. Like someone's taken time to set it all up. Like they would in a movie.
And the Ukrainians that are left there? They just mill about, and get on with things. They're not fleeing for their lives or anything. They don't even seem bothered per se as the tanks trundle down the street. In war, do people do this? Mill about and watch the tanks - or flee & hide? One could think their lives are NOT in danger by how they act. And I think that is very telling. If there's one thing we should all have learned these past 3 years, it's that you can't believe much that is on the MSM!!!
Your twitter video of the lone tank blasted is in a nice green field where nothing else seems to have been damaged. Just that very spot. Everything else in the landscape looks like a lovely farm. A nice flat area perfect for growing things, with fields that have recently been ploughed and seeded. It's almost like this scene was set up...specifically for the purpose of...trashing a tank.
I guess it's easy to set up all these scenes when most people have have been transported out of the cities.
I watched a very interesting youtube video of a man who travelled to the Ukraine to find out (he went in via Poland), and everything seemed a set-up. And every time he videoed for a few minutes, a policeman/guard came out of nowhere and stopped him filming. So he had to pretend he was walking along just talking on his phone whilst secretly filming. Funnily enough I cannot find that video online now...
Call me cynical, but I think this Russia-Ukraine 'war' is a complete load of BS, created by some loonies so that we will conform to more economic doom & gloom. After all, the area IS a major food bowl.
I have thought exactly the same from the very beginning but the majority have a different view.
I'm too old and cynical to believe anything.
As you say it all seems like a film set!
And where are all the troops?
I've heard many reports of Russians doing this and that in Ukraine on the ground but there is rarely any footage. Once I saw half a dozen Russian soldiers (if they were Russians - there were men in Russian uniforms) actually on Ukraine ground. And a local woman was slapping one of the men's faces! And he turned away in shame! Then the whole lot of them walked away like a bunch of sooky wimps!
Seriously? If they were at WAR does anyone think that would happen???
The US State Department Coup of Ukraines Democratically Elected president in 2014 and the installation of a pro NATO puppet plus the funding and training of literal Neo Nazi’s by the west after Russia’s repeated red lines about Nato membership for Ukraine. Even the breaking of the 91 agreement that nato wouldn’t expand one inch to the east. This war was exactly what the US, Britain and NATO wanted. Now Germany will go without Power for it our collective Economies will crash and millions of people will be driven into poverty. The US empire is a scrounge on the world and something has to be done about them and their corrupt ways. They’re the literal terrorists they are always warning us about.
Thanks George, interesting article. One cannot trust anything the corporate woke media reports today, as nearly all the media has been subjugated by the global elite aka Jesuit Vatican-CFR-New World Order. Nearly everything the media reports today is pure propaganda and lies and theatre to distract the masses from the real globalist agenda objective, which is, absolute global domination aka global government via mass indoctrination/brainwashing of the global humanity. Every political move is moving the world rapidly towards what the Bible warns and predicts in the book of Revelation as the Mark of the Beast, a global SUN-DAY Worship Law. As a Christian, I believe one cannot fully discern or grasp how truly evil this global conspiracy really is as far as its historical genesis and global reach today unless one is a Christian who has a spiritual faith in the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ and spiritual discernment of the Word of God in the Bible and End-Time Prophecy. Those who want to know the truth about the New World Order, which is really all about the End-Time Mark of the Beast in Bible Prophecy, can message me for a free book titled, The Secret Terrorists by Bill Hughes. This book will remove the scales from your eyes to reveal the diabolical Luciferian globalist agenda plan for the past 200 years. God bless.
What is the Mark of the Beast in these End times? - Steve Wohlberg
Confirms much personal disbelief of need to send so much aid to Ukraine in northern hemisphere surrounded by close neighbours. Down in south hemisphere Australia is not a close neighbour yet is sending too many arms and finance to bolster a campaign which is not our responsibility . Helping distressed civilian families is another matter with a desire to provide shelter and aid for them but Australia does not need to be dragged into European quarrels No one appears ready to help us in dire need but always seem to call on us for handling other's troubles Can Australian pockets cop more drain ?
To be anti-war is Christian. This war is clearly not about liberating the people of Ukraine from Russia. And yes there have been acts of violence being perpetrated by Russian backed forces just as there have been acts of violence from Kiev forces.
The old adage that truth is the first casualty of war still holds true today as does the saying that if you tell a lie often enough (and big enough) eventually people will believe it to be true!
Thanks George
Bob McCullough
One must wonder if the Russia-Ukraine war is even a proper 'war' at all.
I've seen too many videos of singular buildings being damaged - but they were seemingly set-up and 'damaged' so very evenly. In fact it was after a news story of a bombed school building that got me thinking about this. The building was too uniformly damaged. The scene was artistic. It was almost perfectly damaged, Hollywood-style, even. Then there was a building (a block of flats?) - the centre of it looked like it had been imploded: again, very uniformly. And the other parts of it were just fine and dandy. No burn marks. Nothing like that. Just like a construction demolition site. And the pics/video we got on the news JUST showed that building. No landscape. Nothing else. Now it doesn't happen like that all the time in war. We are shown landscapes & cityscapes and more than just ONE building being damaged. So I started digging.
Things that we are being fed on the media are not like what would happen if they'd actually been bombed and trashed in war. Go back to WW1/WW2: buildings and whole areas were utterly decimated. The cityscapes were awash with fires and carnage. In the videos & photos we are allowed to see of this Russia-Ukraine 'war', it's just ONE building being damaged, or a certain section. Never the whole cityscape. And if you're lucky enough to see maybe half a suburb in the distance in a video, there's not smoke rising everywhere. It's just a very 'local' event. And the 'damage' is always so precise. So very even. Like someone's taken time to set it all up. Like they would in a movie.
And the Ukrainians that are left there? They just mill about, and get on with things. They're not fleeing for their lives or anything. They don't even seem bothered per se as the tanks trundle down the street. In war, do people do this? Mill about and watch the tanks - or flee & hide? One could think their lives are NOT in danger by how they act. And I think that is very telling. If there's one thing we should all have learned these past 3 years, it's that you can't believe much that is on the MSM!!!
Your twitter video of the lone tank blasted is in a nice green field where nothing else seems to have been damaged. Just that very spot. Everything else in the landscape looks like a lovely farm. A nice flat area perfect for growing things, with fields that have recently been ploughed and seeded. It's almost like this scene was set up...specifically for the purpose of...trashing a tank.
I guess it's easy to set up all these scenes when most people have have been transported out of the cities.
I watched a very interesting youtube video of a man who travelled to the Ukraine to find out (he went in via Poland), and everything seemed a set-up. And every time he videoed for a few minutes, a policeman/guard came out of nowhere and stopped him filming. So he had to pretend he was walking along just talking on his phone whilst secretly filming. Funnily enough I cannot find that video online now...
Call me cynical, but I think this Russia-Ukraine 'war' is a complete load of BS, created by some loonies so that we will conform to more economic doom & gloom. After all, the area IS a major food bowl.
I have thought exactly the same from the very beginning but the majority have a different view.
I'm too old and cynical to believe anything.
As you say it all seems like a film set!
And where are all the troops?
I've heard many reports of Russians doing this and that in Ukraine on the ground but there is rarely any footage. Once I saw half a dozen Russian soldiers (if they were Russians - there were men in Russian uniforms) actually on Ukraine ground. And a local woman was slapping one of the men's faces! And he turned away in shame! Then the whole lot of them walked away like a bunch of sooky wimps!
Seriously? If they were at WAR does anyone think that would happen???
Who believes this stuff?
It is ALL a set up!
It is ALL BS!
Right on!!
The US State Department Coup of Ukraines Democratically Elected president in 2014 and the installation of a pro NATO puppet plus the funding and training of literal Neo Nazi’s by the west after Russia’s repeated red lines about Nato membership for Ukraine. Even the breaking of the 91 agreement that nato wouldn’t expand one inch to the east. This war was exactly what the US, Britain and NATO wanted. Now Germany will go without Power for it our collective Economies will crash and millions of people will be driven into poverty. The US empire is a scrounge on the world and something has to be done about them and their corrupt ways. They’re the literal terrorists they are always warning us about.
Stunning reporting George. As ever - thank you.
Now let’s see if we can help more people to see this. 🙏
Thanks George, interesting article. One cannot trust anything the corporate woke media reports today, as nearly all the media has been subjugated by the global elite aka Jesuit Vatican-CFR-New World Order. Nearly everything the media reports today is pure propaganda and lies and theatre to distract the masses from the real globalist agenda objective, which is, absolute global domination aka global government via mass indoctrination/brainwashing of the global humanity. Every political move is moving the world rapidly towards what the Bible warns and predicts in the book of Revelation as the Mark of the Beast, a global SUN-DAY Worship Law. As a Christian, I believe one cannot fully discern or grasp how truly evil this global conspiracy really is as far as its historical genesis and global reach today unless one is a Christian who has a spiritual faith in the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ and spiritual discernment of the Word of God in the Bible and End-Time Prophecy. Those who want to know the truth about the New World Order, which is really all about the End-Time Mark of the Beast in Bible Prophecy, can message me for a free book titled, The Secret Terrorists by Bill Hughes. This book will remove the scales from your eyes to reveal the diabolical Luciferian globalist agenda plan for the past 200 years. God bless.
What is the Mark of the Beast in these End times? - Steve Wohlberg
Finally, some common-sense commentary. Thanks George.
I have questioned the veracity of the "war" from the beginning.
All media reports, especially media, look totally staged.
Confirms much personal disbelief of need to send so much aid to Ukraine in northern hemisphere surrounded by close neighbours. Down in south hemisphere Australia is not a close neighbour yet is sending too many arms and finance to bolster a campaign which is not our responsibility . Helping distressed civilian families is another matter with a desire to provide shelter and aid for them but Australia does not need to be dragged into European quarrels No one appears ready to help us in dire need but always seem to call on us for handling other's troubles Can Australian pockets cop more drain ?
And please: no ad hominem attacks, particularly regarding someone’s faith.
To be anti-war is Christian. This war is clearly not about liberating the people of Ukraine from Russia. And yes there have been acts of violence being perpetrated by Russian backed forces just as there have been acts of violence from Kiev forces.