This is exactly why you should have stayed in politics George. Your voice was very much needed. But we appreciate everything that you do. Especially me, because I know how much you really help people.
Rest easy George, these bits of nanotechnology have been discovered by others who know more than we do . They appear to assemble themselves at body temperature, which is probably what you have seen. People have linked this to 5G technology. Who knows???? You were right to remain silent. The Canadian medical establishment want to label and "treat" the unvaxxed as mentally unstable. It won't be long before the hidden powers here start having similar ideas and you ; as an MP, would have been their first "patient".
These are dark times - As Jesus said...." be as cautious as serpents and as innocent as doves...."
God loves you George & we love you. No need to apologise for being human & putting the safety of your family first! You are a truly beautiful, enlightened & loving soul who is doing a brilliant job waking up the sheep. God bless you & your family. 🙏🏻💜🤗😇👍🌹
Thank you for your honesty GC. That means a lot, simply because there are far too many politicians who lack that trait.
I came across the Israel, Canadian and German biophysicists publishing similar pictures in mid to late 2020, who were trying hard to raise the alarm. One of those even got 'offed' whilst others 'went to ground' so, you know full well how the dirty business of big pharma, politics, et al works. My child is a triple implantee, thus anything at all that is pushed, I will investigate thoroughly! You can bet on that.
I believe these blood disorders is the same reason Craig Kelly (now of UAP) also started raising alarms. From my own personal experience, if you have raised a child with a disability to adult age, you become very sceptical of the medical profession, as well as the education system, and for very good reason. All I can say is your antennas become more than well-developed.
I watched in utter disbelief the shenanigans that went on in my own work office. An office in the mining industry where health and safety is 'supposed' to be a BIG issue. What a bloody joke is all I can say. Zero risk assessments done, zero consultation done but, out came the tiger tails divvying up the office into a A, B and C. Opening a side door for A and B to go outside to have a conversation = zero risk assessment! The C staff 'working' from home, that was a joke! It was a complete shambles, very poorly run, but it was all about appearance! Nothing else, but the appearance. It was fraud IMO! And, this is a multi-national business listed on JSOX.
But, along came Masky Mark, the Canute, to mandate the workplace and all of us who were previously labelled as 'essential' workers during this fake scamdemic, were out of a job if we did not succumb to the clot shot! I refused it and will never have it, so out on the scrap heap with many others. After watching 'Died Suddenly' last night, it just reinforces my opinion.
Please keep portraying the honest approach. I, for one, do certainly appreciate it.
I'm not sorry you didn't speak out. Because you're still alive and able to help more people NOW.
There's that whole woulda-coulda-shoulda thing, I know, but please don't beat yourself up over it. You probably WOULD have ended up dead if you said something. This is so much bigger than you or I, or even a whole country! People obviously have a lot of painful lessons to learn- and it looks like they're going to learn them, one way or the other.
You can't save everyone. Sometimes you feel like you can't even save yourself or even just one other person!!! Sometimes things feel so futile. And you know what? If you'd persisted and said there's this weird techno stuff in these jabs, you would've been laughed out of parliament - and then some.
Anyway, there were quite a few people around the world testing the vials and reporting on it. You didn't have to do the reporting. If people wanted to find out, the information was out there. Not on govt websites, noooo, but it was there. And if people out there are not aware by now of the graphene oxide in these jabs and the nano-technology, then they're just not savvy enough and they're going to go down when the going gets tough. And it's nowhere near tough yet!
So I think you made the right call. This isn't the movies and none of us are Bruce Willis. You were threatened. You stepped back.
You're not a coward. You're sensible. You've lived to fight another day.
You are a blessing to us all George! Although you may have regrets (like we all do), you have shown so much courage and strength against a tide of tyranny. You are an encouragement to me, and i'm sure many others. Keep up the great fight for truth, justice and righteousness. If God is for us, who can stand against us? For greater is He that is in you George, than he that is in the world! Keep believing all things are possible, for we have victory in Jesus Christ! God Bless, Adam
Your integrity of conscience is beyond reproach and admirable. However, I do not believe you have anything to be sorry about, which I will try to be as brief as possible to explain why.
I too work in healthcare, am a medical scientist/health consultant, and have 30 plus years of clinical experience in analysing live blood samples. Professionally, I have seen many adverse events, injuries, and other suspicious signs, symptoms, and pathological changes in those innoculated, so the adverse events and deaths coming from these agents is absolutely 100% true. I have seen many clinical cases of things like myocarditis, pericarditis, abnormal menstrual bleeding, hormonal changes, cognitive decline, neurological changes, GIT symptoms, etc, etc, post the jabs, which is just disgraceful to say the least.
To try and find what was going on biochemically, pathologically, I analysed loads of patient pathology results, hospital discharge reports, live blood samples, and so on, 'post vaccination'. Disappointingly, in the majority of cases, I did not observe the expected changes in either standard blood pathology markers (for inflammation, clotting changes, haematology markers, biochemistry changes, etc), hospital pathology, scans, etc, from discharge summary's, nor did I find much of note in live blood samples either.
This is also the main reason why I believe many medical professionals struggle to understand the adverse events we are clinically observing. Normally, if we see an adverse event, we can often correlate this with pathology testing to prove this beyond doubt. In this situation, we are just not able to do this with any certaintly or regularity, which presents a clinical dilemma of great significance and lots of doubt in the clinicans mind to what is actually happening.
As for the live blood samples and your dilemma, I looked very carefully for the same abnormal clotting and inflammatory changes in patients injured (and not injured, and controls) after receiving the mRNA concoctions (Pfizer, Moderna), but did not notice any conclusive evidence of this happening.
In regard the Pfizer vial photos you have of abnormal particulate structural matter, I have not analysed this under a microscope myself, but have also seen images, videos, presentations about this topic, similar to what you photographed, so I have no doubts about the validity of what they are showing, and the integrity of those doing this work. However, to work out exactly what is in these 'experimental biological agents', we need a lot of detailed scientific analytical data from many laboratory techniques to truly get to the bottom of the toxic ingredients they contain.
George, I understand where you are coming from ethically, but at the time you were presented with the images was a very preliminary juncture in the investigation of the experimental agents. If you had published the images then, the authorities would have completely destroyed your credibility and the proponents of those images. So, you have nothing to be sorry about...actually, to the contrary, it was advantageous for this work to go on unimpeded by authorities. We need solid scientific evidence and hard data to prove these jabs are poisons, preliminary data just doesn't won't stack up. Perhaps, the good Lord intervened and kept this under wraps until the time was right for exposure, like now, where the narrative is collapsing.
Keep up the great work and worry not...your timing was actually impeccable!!
Maybe there are only certain batches that are causing these issues. But really found your comments so informative. Thank you for what you’ve done as its people like you we also need to keep investigating under the radar.
Thank you Lizzie. There does appear to be issues with particular batches, with some reports from the US showing up to 90% of the reactions in 5-10% of the batches. Given what I observed clinically, the reactions were in all age groups, but more predominant and severe reactions occuring in women than men, and in young people and the elderly who have more sensitive immune and biochemical systems, plus anyone who had sensitivities, allergies, etc, were particulalry prone to injury. I also heard stories of very sloppy science in administering batches, with vials lying around on benches, etc, which could have inadvertingly saved many having the mRNA jabs, as mRNA is very unstable to temperature changes. I have also seen information and whistleblower reports suggesting that GMP (good manufacturing practice) and quality control was terrible in producing the products, so this would have extraordinary consequences both ways, depending on what was in each batch and related vials. The problem is getting exact data to correlate all this, which is almost impossible, as the Gov and regulatory authorities (TGA) are not allowing scrutiny of what is going on. Just take one at the TGA and their reporting for adverse events and deaths, a complete disgrace. The latest report for example:, shows only 14 validated deaths from 944 who died straight after having the shots and supposedly 2.1 adverse events per 1000 shots (0.21%)...complete BS. I have noted no investigation of the 930 'sudden deaths' in the last 12 months either. Given many deaths reactions days, weeks later, you can only imagine what the real numbers are. They also state no children or adolescents have died from the jabs, which is patently false. To show how hopeless the TGA/regulatory authorities are, if you check another Gov site, AusVax:, where vax-recipients actually fill in a report/form 3 days post vax, it shows a 44.2% adverse event reporting, that is, 210 times the number shown in the TGA reporting system!
In Australia, I find it interesting, but unvalidated, that most reactions did NOT occur in the richer areas like the eastern suburbs and north shore of Sydney where I live. Most reactions occured in the south west and western Sydney where most 'alpha males', construction workers, hard-working middle class Aussie families live. While I have no exact data to prove this, it appears those most likelyto 'resist' the draconian lockdowns, mandates, etc, were particularly targeted first and excessively aggressively with police patrols, mounted police, and so on. Therefore, I suspect the targeting was very 'post-code' specific for the obvious reasons. The whole thing was globally coordinated, planned, and implemented, with willing palyers in MSM, Big Tech, Gov, Big Pharma, and so on all playing their role.
Yes, we must all continue to fight this as humanity is at stake, and for the sake of the generations that follow us. If there is any good that has come out of this, it is the fact that we now know for sure who the enemies of civilisation are and the evil that they have inflicted...the veil has been lifted, and many are waking up...keep up the good fight, truth will eventually prevail, one way or another.
Thank you for sharing your medical expertise and research, and I agree something drastically going on. What you say about the areas/post codes also interesting as Im in the northern suburbs and I know nobody in my friends or children's friends circle that had a bad adverse reaction besides feeling a little unwell that evening or next day and some just no reaction whatsoever. So when I've tried to show they are dangerous and warn against anymore they just think Im some lunatic.
Sadly I just can't see the authorities admitting anything unless someone in the Judical system has the guts to stand up to the pressure from the Government which is obviously happening in the many legal challenges which have all failed. Problem is Im sure these people and their families are being threatened.
You don't need to apologise but boy someone does. Our government is complicit in this. Too much has been unearthed and yet the continue to push ahead. At any time someone with a conscience could have said they were wrong. But no, they keep on pushing. We are are in a fight of good versus evil. Too many people are still dumbed down. Only the Lord above and Jesus will save us now.
May GOD bless you George. You are a true blue treasure and a true patriot, someone who loves their country and holds the government accountable for what they do to it and its people.
George, its a good thing U didn't speak out when U could have because we need U now more than ever. Your no good to us dead. Glory be to the Lord. Andrew.
Shocking to actually see the evil in those needles! but not surprising such evil is at work by world elites to wickedly profit from this wasteful experiment and systematically cull humanity bit by bit into submission or death, to create a easily controllable mind and population size for the “reset”.
There's a lot of doctors, politicians, experts and influential people that should be doing a whole lot more to make the public aware of 'what's in the vax'. On this substack there is a good technical summary, video and downloadable evidence from doctors in many other countries of the same and similar 'structures' in the vax and blood, it really is a strange brew:
Thank you, George for your courage and honesty in sharing your regret. This revelation is scary, and makes me so thankful for the warnings you and others gave us that led us to defy the mandate. May God bless and protect you. Valmai Bearham.
Thank you, George. Politicians like you are scarce. It's obvious Canberra is controlled by Schwab's WEF.
You were 100% correct in your stand-Morrison and Albanese were100% wrong. Unfortunately, 90% of Australians took the jab and many may now have very uncertain futures.
Don't beat yourself up George over this - you are one man and there have been thousands around the world trying to bring this out into the open. And they are medical people but for a layman like yourself to see for himself - yes it would be scary to say the least.
The issue I have is that they are still singing from the same song sheet and haven't learnt a thing - that tells me they have all been bought and our wellbeing is not their agenda.
Keep up the good work and blessings to yourself and family.
This is exactly why you should have stayed in politics George. Your voice was very much needed. But we appreciate everything that you do. Especially me, because I know how much you really help people.
Rest easy George, these bits of nanotechnology have been discovered by others who know more than we do . They appear to assemble themselves at body temperature, which is probably what you have seen. People have linked this to 5G technology. Who knows???? You were right to remain silent. The Canadian medical establishment want to label and "treat" the unvaxxed as mentally unstable. It won't be long before the hidden powers here start having similar ideas and you ; as an MP, would have been their first "patient".
These are dark times - As Jesus said...." be as cautious as serpents and as innocent as doves...."
God loves you George & we love you. No need to apologise for being human & putting the safety of your family first! You are a truly beautiful, enlightened & loving soul who is doing a brilliant job waking up the sheep. God bless you & your family. 🙏🏻💜🤗😇👍🌹
Thank you for your honesty GC. That means a lot, simply because there are far too many politicians who lack that trait.
I came across the Israel, Canadian and German biophysicists publishing similar pictures in mid to late 2020, who were trying hard to raise the alarm. One of those even got 'offed' whilst others 'went to ground' so, you know full well how the dirty business of big pharma, politics, et al works. My child is a triple implantee, thus anything at all that is pushed, I will investigate thoroughly! You can bet on that.
I believe these blood disorders is the same reason Craig Kelly (now of UAP) also started raising alarms. From my own personal experience, if you have raised a child with a disability to adult age, you become very sceptical of the medical profession, as well as the education system, and for very good reason. All I can say is your antennas become more than well-developed.
I watched in utter disbelief the shenanigans that went on in my own work office. An office in the mining industry where health and safety is 'supposed' to be a BIG issue. What a bloody joke is all I can say. Zero risk assessments done, zero consultation done but, out came the tiger tails divvying up the office into a A, B and C. Opening a side door for A and B to go outside to have a conversation = zero risk assessment! The C staff 'working' from home, that was a joke! It was a complete shambles, very poorly run, but it was all about appearance! Nothing else, but the appearance. It was fraud IMO! And, this is a multi-national business listed on JSOX.
But, along came Masky Mark, the Canute, to mandate the workplace and all of us who were previously labelled as 'essential' workers during this fake scamdemic, were out of a job if we did not succumb to the clot shot! I refused it and will never have it, so out on the scrap heap with many others. After watching 'Died Suddenly' last night, it just reinforces my opinion.
Please keep portraying the honest approach. I, for one, do certainly appreciate it.
I'm not sorry you didn't speak out. Because you're still alive and able to help more people NOW.
There's that whole woulda-coulda-shoulda thing, I know, but please don't beat yourself up over it. You probably WOULD have ended up dead if you said something. This is so much bigger than you or I, or even a whole country! People obviously have a lot of painful lessons to learn- and it looks like they're going to learn them, one way or the other.
You can't save everyone. Sometimes you feel like you can't even save yourself or even just one other person!!! Sometimes things feel so futile. And you know what? If you'd persisted and said there's this weird techno stuff in these jabs, you would've been laughed out of parliament - and then some.
Anyway, there were quite a few people around the world testing the vials and reporting on it. You didn't have to do the reporting. If people wanted to find out, the information was out there. Not on govt websites, noooo, but it was there. And if people out there are not aware by now of the graphene oxide in these jabs and the nano-technology, then they're just not savvy enough and they're going to go down when the going gets tough. And it's nowhere near tough yet!
So I think you made the right call. This isn't the movies and none of us are Bruce Willis. You were threatened. You stepped back.
You're not a coward. You're sensible. You've lived to fight another day.
You are a blessing to us all George! Although you may have regrets (like we all do), you have shown so much courage and strength against a tide of tyranny. You are an encouragement to me, and i'm sure many others. Keep up the great fight for truth, justice and righteousness. If God is for us, who can stand against us? For greater is He that is in you George, than he that is in the world! Keep believing all things are possible, for we have victory in Jesus Christ! God Bless, Adam
Dear George,
Your integrity of conscience is beyond reproach and admirable. However, I do not believe you have anything to be sorry about, which I will try to be as brief as possible to explain why.
I too work in healthcare, am a medical scientist/health consultant, and have 30 plus years of clinical experience in analysing live blood samples. Professionally, I have seen many adverse events, injuries, and other suspicious signs, symptoms, and pathological changes in those innoculated, so the adverse events and deaths coming from these agents is absolutely 100% true. I have seen many clinical cases of things like myocarditis, pericarditis, abnormal menstrual bleeding, hormonal changes, cognitive decline, neurological changes, GIT symptoms, etc, etc, post the jabs, which is just disgraceful to say the least.
To try and find what was going on biochemically, pathologically, I analysed loads of patient pathology results, hospital discharge reports, live blood samples, and so on, 'post vaccination'. Disappointingly, in the majority of cases, I did not observe the expected changes in either standard blood pathology markers (for inflammation, clotting changes, haematology markers, biochemistry changes, etc), hospital pathology, scans, etc, from discharge summary's, nor did I find much of note in live blood samples either.
This is also the main reason why I believe many medical professionals struggle to understand the adverse events we are clinically observing. Normally, if we see an adverse event, we can often correlate this with pathology testing to prove this beyond doubt. In this situation, we are just not able to do this with any certaintly or regularity, which presents a clinical dilemma of great significance and lots of doubt in the clinicans mind to what is actually happening.
As for the live blood samples and your dilemma, I looked very carefully for the same abnormal clotting and inflammatory changes in patients injured (and not injured, and controls) after receiving the mRNA concoctions (Pfizer, Moderna), but did not notice any conclusive evidence of this happening.
In regard the Pfizer vial photos you have of abnormal particulate structural matter, I have not analysed this under a microscope myself, but have also seen images, videos, presentations about this topic, similar to what you photographed, so I have no doubts about the validity of what they are showing, and the integrity of those doing this work. However, to work out exactly what is in these 'experimental biological agents', we need a lot of detailed scientific analytical data from many laboratory techniques to truly get to the bottom of the toxic ingredients they contain.
George, I understand where you are coming from ethically, but at the time you were presented with the images was a very preliminary juncture in the investigation of the experimental agents. If you had published the images then, the authorities would have completely destroyed your credibility and the proponents of those images. So, you have nothing to be sorry about...actually, to the contrary, it was advantageous for this work to go on unimpeded by authorities. We need solid scientific evidence and hard data to prove these jabs are poisons, preliminary data just doesn't won't stack up. Perhaps, the good Lord intervened and kept this under wraps until the time was right for exposure, like now, where the narrative is collapsing.
Keep up the great work and worry not...your timing was actually impeccable!!
Maybe there are only certain batches that are causing these issues. But really found your comments so informative. Thank you for what you’ve done as its people like you we also need to keep investigating under the radar.
Thank you Lizzie. There does appear to be issues with particular batches, with some reports from the US showing up to 90% of the reactions in 5-10% of the batches. Given what I observed clinically, the reactions were in all age groups, but more predominant and severe reactions occuring in women than men, and in young people and the elderly who have more sensitive immune and biochemical systems, plus anyone who had sensitivities, allergies, etc, were particulalry prone to injury. I also heard stories of very sloppy science in administering batches, with vials lying around on benches, etc, which could have inadvertingly saved many having the mRNA jabs, as mRNA is very unstable to temperature changes. I have also seen information and whistleblower reports suggesting that GMP (good manufacturing practice) and quality control was terrible in producing the products, so this would have extraordinary consequences both ways, depending on what was in each batch and related vials. The problem is getting exact data to correlate all this, which is almost impossible, as the Gov and regulatory authorities (TGA) are not allowing scrutiny of what is going on. Just take one at the TGA and their reporting for adverse events and deaths, a complete disgrace. The latest report for example:, shows only 14 validated deaths from 944 who died straight after having the shots and supposedly 2.1 adverse events per 1000 shots (0.21%)...complete BS. I have noted no investigation of the 930 'sudden deaths' in the last 12 months either. Given many deaths reactions days, weeks later, you can only imagine what the real numbers are. They also state no children or adolescents have died from the jabs, which is patently false. To show how hopeless the TGA/regulatory authorities are, if you check another Gov site, AusVax:, where vax-recipients actually fill in a report/form 3 days post vax, it shows a 44.2% adverse event reporting, that is, 210 times the number shown in the TGA reporting system!
In Australia, I find it interesting, but unvalidated, that most reactions did NOT occur in the richer areas like the eastern suburbs and north shore of Sydney where I live. Most reactions occured in the south west and western Sydney where most 'alpha males', construction workers, hard-working middle class Aussie families live. While I have no exact data to prove this, it appears those most likelyto 'resist' the draconian lockdowns, mandates, etc, were particularly targeted first and excessively aggressively with police patrols, mounted police, and so on. Therefore, I suspect the targeting was very 'post-code' specific for the obvious reasons. The whole thing was globally coordinated, planned, and implemented, with willing palyers in MSM, Big Tech, Gov, Big Pharma, and so on all playing their role.
Yes, we must all continue to fight this as humanity is at stake, and for the sake of the generations that follow us. If there is any good that has come out of this, it is the fact that we now know for sure who the enemies of civilisation are and the evil that they have inflicted...the veil has been lifted, and many are waking up...keep up the good fight, truth will eventually prevail, one way or another.
Thank you for sharing your medical expertise and research, and I agree something drastically going on. What you say about the areas/post codes also interesting as Im in the northern suburbs and I know nobody in my friends or children's friends circle that had a bad adverse reaction besides feeling a little unwell that evening or next day and some just no reaction whatsoever. So when I've tried to show they are dangerous and warn against anymore they just think Im some lunatic.
Sadly I just can't see the authorities admitting anything unless someone in the Judical system has the guts to stand up to the pressure from the Government which is obviously happening in the many legal challenges which have all failed. Problem is Im sure these people and their families are being threatened.
Thank you again for your insights.
I came across this study thought you might find interesting
You don't need to apologise but boy someone does. Our government is complicit in this. Too much has been unearthed and yet the continue to push ahead. At any time someone with a conscience could have said they were wrong. But no, they keep on pushing. We are are in a fight of good versus evil. Too many people are still dumbed down. Only the Lord above and Jesus will save us now.
Bless you for being one of the good guys.
Your words are the ones I wanted to say too
May GOD bless you George. You are a true blue treasure and a true patriot, someone who loves their country and holds the government accountable for what they do to it and its people.
George, its a good thing U didn't speak out when U could have because we need U now more than ever. Your no good to us dead. Glory be to the Lord. Andrew.
Shocking to actually see the evil in those needles! but not surprising such evil is at work by world elites to wickedly profit from this wasteful experiment and systematically cull humanity bit by bit into submission or death, to create a easily controllable mind and population size for the “reset”.
George, thank you for releasing all this. Lots of people will be unhappy. I have prayed for you and your family.
There's a lot of doctors, politicians, experts and influential people that should be doing a whole lot more to make the public aware of 'what's in the vax'. On this substack there is a good technical summary, video and downloadable evidence from doctors in many other countries of the same and similar 'structures' in the vax and blood, it really is a strange brew:
Thank you, George for your courage and honesty in sharing your regret. This revelation is scary, and makes me so thankful for the warnings you and others gave us that led us to defy the mandate. May God bless and protect you. Valmai Bearham.
Thank you, George. Politicians like you are scarce. It's obvious Canberra is controlled by Schwab's WEF.
You were 100% correct in your stand-Morrison and Albanese were100% wrong. Unfortunately, 90% of Australians took the jab and many may now have very uncertain futures.
Don't beat yourself up George over this - you are one man and there have been thousands around the world trying to bring this out into the open. And they are medical people but for a layman like yourself to see for himself - yes it would be scary to say the least.
The issue I have is that they are still singing from the same song sheet and haven't learnt a thing - that tells me they have all been bought and our wellbeing is not their agenda.
Keep up the good work and blessings to yourself and family.