I am betting Calvary Hospital becomes the "Soylent Green" production facility for the ACT in very short order.

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What an interesting interview. That idea of a common senate column sounded promising. It does get around the reality that the freedom parties have much in common but some real differences.

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Hi, George.

Always appreciate your insights.

It took me about 4 readings to figure out that it is the cross previously installed at Calvary Hospital that you are talking about....

For a while I was thinking (wrongly) that you are commenting on the actual theft of the premises having been carried out with the help of the previous hospital board, which of course cannot be true.

It's ok now. I can see the light.

This whole thing is an exhibition of what a totalitarian minded government can inflict on Christians and people of faith. They have displayed their hatred and have acted illegally.

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Thanks Charles and sorry for the confusion. The ACT Gov't stole the entire hospital. The only thing the church managed to get back was the cross. Perhaps they should have taken all their equipment and transferred it to their other hospitals and came in with a demolition team and blew the whole thing up, leaving the ACT Gov't with a pile of rubbish from which to provide abortion and euthanasia procedures. That would've been what I'd have done.

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