Fascinating (perhaps the wrong word??) numbers re birth rates across the country in November and December 2021 - November down approx 20% from previous Novembers, December down approx 70%!! Are there numbers available yet for any months in 2022? If not, when are these expected to be available?
Hi George. Do you have any links to the Fair Work Commission’s ruling to reinstate and back pay 5 employees who lost their jobs due to refusing the jabs?
Distracting news re ISIS brides returning to Australia Weren't their citizenships cancelled when leaving Australia to follow that cult yet they've been openly received back as Aussies Most of those children cannot be classed as Australian having Arab fathers & being born overseas but they would be welcome as new citizens to boost population growth Questions remain as kids need mothers and honest truth that these kids are not radicalised & if so to what degree?. We trust and expect that mothers are deradicalised so that history does not repeat itself. Are there any foreign husbands lurking about to enter Australia through Australian wife/fiancee residents ? Yes we need population but long term error in search for diversity was accepting too many people from Middle East countries with historically troublesome backgrounds which they brought with them even after entering here
Fascinating (perhaps the wrong word??) numbers re birth rates across the country in November and December 2021 - November down approx 20% from previous Novembers, December down approx 70%!! Are there numbers available yet for any months in 2022? If not, when are these expected to be available?
Hi George. Do you have any links to the Fair Work Commission’s ruling to reinstate and back pay 5 employees who lost their jobs due to refusing the jabs?
Hi, it's up on www.eurekafreepress.com now
Distracting news re ISIS brides returning to Australia Weren't their citizenships cancelled when leaving Australia to follow that cult yet they've been openly received back as Aussies Most of those children cannot be classed as Australian having Arab fathers & being born overseas but they would be welcome as new citizens to boost population growth Questions remain as kids need mothers and honest truth that these kids are not radicalised & if so to what degree?. We trust and expect that mothers are deradicalised so that history does not repeat itself. Are there any foreign husbands lurking about to enter Australia through Australian wife/fiancee residents ? Yes we need population but long term error in search for diversity was accepting too many people from Middle East countries with historically troublesome backgrounds which they brought with them even after entering here
Unbalanced reporting:
Toowoomba Chronicle 12/11/2022.
Front page:
Midwives report increase in births...