Thanks for the headlines there. I read quite a few of them.

I had forgotten than Woolies made all its employees get jabbed. Aldi was no better. Coles was marginally less depraved. We all need to buy food to eat (unless we grow our own & kill our own!) so to have to do that via (forcibly) jabbed people makes me feel pretty gross. I feel like I've still been part of the madness, even though I opposed it as best as I could!

Still, everywhere you look - store workers, professionals, farmers, administrative people - almost all were, and still are, jabbed.

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Thank you George.

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As a paid up subscriber am i entitled to access the Live Stream that was shown this week.? I was unable to watch when it went to air.

Joy Smith

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Hi Joy, because it was riddled with technical errors we didn’t keep it online. This and the Trump video both come from the livestream.

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That Sack Dan Andrews front is a terrible revelation. How many traps are out there. Shame on them.

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Comments from the editor causes readers to see think & summarise for themselves on present conditions in Australia also global reports Does Australia have to come running to trouble spots with finance and other aids because we are a prosperous nation therefore must give to others? This country has toiled hard in two and a half centuries to establish a European style nation without much outside help being too distant from mainstream Europe & America and that has been an achievement Some countries we have supported are centuries older than us and have not grown in similar way even retrograded thus needing help . When people demand nationhood they should be worthy of that status not expect others to provide & pick up on what they cant produce or gain Too many small new countries desire nationhood but should prove that they worth the name instead of constantly begging for foreign aid for education health welfare ,some of which never reaches the needy ones We should be seen as examples of the value of hard work and stable laws

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I recall a mention of "Letter to the Editor" some time ago. Is that facility still available? If so, how does one access it?

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