Excellent article, George. It's all been lies from start to finish and has instead been about money, power and control. Science was not even a contender.

By the way, I love that pic of the 'speed of sound/speed of light/speed of science' - awesome :-)

And it's not too late to go back and finish your law degree. Just make sure you pick a Uni that doesn't require multiple covid jabs/boosters to do that!! :-\

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Hay George

They just lie to your face, tell you black is white, men are women, etc. and then say your an idiot for not believing them.

They have the power to enforce their stupidity and like the commos they will enforce it, but we should learn from the underground christians in commo russia, it just made them stronger.

Truth is the only antidote to stupidity.

Unfortunately we seem to be living in a very bad Bgrade movie that I would never waste my time watching, but don't have much choice as we are in it!!! Watch out for the vampires!!!

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Most of us soon became aware that vaccination was not preventing the spread of covid despite hysterical demands from "scientists " . Instead people were bombarded by health officers and governments to get vaccinated to stop covid and were locked down in the process destroying the economy smashing small business and placing people in control of petty bureaucrats who lapped up the authority shamefully using and abusing it to further their own ends There are big business vaccine makers now admitting and waffling about their efforts in a distorted manner.being not sure about stopping it or of the final long term results . How much more are ordinary families expected to take of the sneaky deals and accept it as absolute truth Did they make too much vaccine and had to sell it quickly somehow to recoup losses.?

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But what are we to do George? Now the world knows, but it is being ignored on MSM. Shouldn't they be yelling it from the rooftops? My daughter is a teacher, suspended with no pay for 6 months and now enjoying a reduction in her pay as she didn't do as she was ordered. MSM got hold of the Teacher's reduction in pay, thought it was ridiculous, but it still went ahead anyway. And now no one talks about Covid - it's like it didn't exist. It still exists for my daughter picking up her reduced pay each round. It still exists for all the businesses destroyed during lockdowns. It still exists for the vaccine injured. Looks like Covid and the ramifications of the vaccine regime has been "cancelled", as is the way these days.

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Sue the government for unjust reduction in pay?

Surely there would be grounds for a class action her and her teacher friends to get together???

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The video is unfortunately not terribly convincing. The Pfizer director, J. Small, said that there was no evidence that the vaccination prevented "immunization". Presumably she meant "transmission". Also, the way it was filmed doesn't instill confidence that the two people were genuinely in the same room. Is there any better evidence of Pfizer's admission?

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George, as a fellow conservative and someone sympathetic to your Christian beliefs, it occurs to me that claiming endorsement or any association with Alex Jones is not in your best interest. He's damaged goods, and I ceased any engagement with him and his antics more than a year ago.

While he may be a fellow traveler, he carries a lot of baggage and will eventually have a detrimental effect on your own good reputation.

Just a thought...

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