Good article! But I'm not sure about your sentence of "When this happens..., hopefully, the public will refuse to let governments and corporations experiment on them." Because the majority of people ARE willing to be experimented on. They just need the right impetus to force their hand. I would think the last few years would've been a wake-up call to all of us who thought we understood the human condition (pre-covid). Post-covid, we know humans are mostly (weak, pathetic?) socially-driven creatures who don't hold with self-sovereignty :-(

Of course Pfizer will rake in billions. Their unethical covid scam will be making them billions for decades, now that they have supposed 'treatments' (with more side-effects...) at hand to attempt to combat MVO. And to hedge their bets, they also have MORE modified covid-poisoning to offer people! Woohoo, right? :-(

This is how modern medicine/pharmaceuticals works. It's revolting. It's unethical. It's evil. And if people haven't woken up to it by now, the question we all need to ask ourselves is: Are they going to....?

Honestly, what will it take for people to realise they're but a walking pin-cushion for these pharmaceutical giants?

I think we should pull the plug on ALL pharmaceuticals across the globe. A study years ago showed that older people going off ALL their meds for 6 months made them feel LOADS better! If we could just get people off all poisons for 6 months, maybe they'd realise they didn't need it? And yes, there would always be a percentage of people that would drop dead without their drugs, but it's hardly what I call 'living' if a few daily tablets are the only thing between yourself and the abyss.

Anyway, my imagining of a world without drugs is of course fraught with problems, mostly because, every body is a miniature chemical factory and is thus susceptible to chemical ups and downs (from things like food, emotions, drugs etc). The large majority of people would rather take a few pills each day than spend 30 minutes exercising, practicing willpower to NOT eat/drink/do the things they shouldn't and instead practice things like self-responsibility and kindness - to oneself AND others. It's just too hard to be a truly good person these days for most. What a wrecked society we live in :-(

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Yes yes to all of that. They create the problem then make heaps of money putting out more poison to suck people in, in the hope of fixing it. The trouble is around the world still too many people don't equate all the ongoing sicknesses with the vax and ongoing boosters that were given out. They attribute anything else to it. Child care brings all the bugs home. Climate is a problem, allergies are a problem, unvaccinated are a problem, long covid is a problem, co morbidities were the problem but not the vax. Oh no, they took it so it couldn't be that. Too terrible to look at the fact you took a poison after being advised not to, then need to face that it's making you sick. Better to keep denying it and take more poison. I feel the quantity of adverse events and deaths from these injectibles will never truly be known because so many are not linked to the injectibles, even by GP's. The numbers could potentially be huge as has already been mentioned by some doctors. (not mainstream)

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You know it's almost funny. I was a health professional for 16 years...and I thought I knew everything about people after dealing with patients from every walk of life with every complaint you can imagine in that time! But how wrong I was! Now in my 17th year of being a Dr of Chiropractic, I'm thinking about hanging up my boots. How can you help people who are in such great denial? Should I waste my time and body earning money to 'help' people who can't/won't be helped? How can you make even the tiniest of dents if they are mostly hellbent on walking their path, right or wrong? I guess it's their path to walk, this is true, but surely when one is on their journey of life, one ought to take in information as it comes their way, not hide behind blinders and trudge all the way to the end?!

Anyway, obviously I'm different to most (and happy I am!) but it's sure been miserable figuring out that most people are sheeple and in utter denial.

I think almost all people who have been covid-poisoned are actually damaged in some way: it's just they can't see it. But I can see it: sometimes it's only little ways, like how they walk, or a quicker progression of a disease, or sometimes it's more obvious, like a manifestation of a disease within a month or two of taking the jab (which usually requires MORE modern medical intervention, funny that...) - but the jabees will only say 'thankgoodness the doctors picked that one up so fast!' without realising they got it in the first place BECAUSE of the doctors!

It's a mad, mad world, Suzann.

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Yes it's depressing at times. I have friends I have coffee with and one now has cancer she is dying from. I can't say for sure but I believe she would have taken the jabs and probably boosters as most had. Being older they had been encouraged to think it was a good thing. I tried to send on info to that lady to use at her discretion about using ivermetin and fenbendazole. I even sent links to show them it was scientific but she might need to go it alone given the state of the medical people at the moment. Last I heard she is worse. Initially she responded to my messages but any further offers of assistance have not been responded to so there's nothing I can do. One other lady who I know took 4 boosters had a huge blood clot in her leg and ended up in hospital quite ill of course. I didn't know this until later as I hadn't attended the meetings for a while. She recovered but now needs a stick to walk as it somehow affected her other leg making it weak. Until that time she had been a fairly active and fit elderly person as I remembered. The other lady too was always robust and fit and now reduced to nothing. They say the cancer was there for a while but only appearing full swing now! I have a cousin with a recurring leukemia which was controlled years ago. I didn't ask but since I know he and his partner have adhered to all the govt. conditions like masking, distancing, hand sanitising, etc. it's just a jump to believe they took the jabs. They liked to cruise so that would be an incentive. His treatments no longer work and it has spread so his time is now short. Sad as you cannot mention the jabs to them. I did send on info to them but it wasn't acknowledged. My own family seem to struggle with constant colds, sore throats and flu which usually gets blamed on kindergartens. At which most of the adults would have had the jab and likely be shedding their spike protein. I'm speculating here but it's not normal to have regular colds etc unless your immune system is poor and they are not short of good food, vitamins, etc. I know many others just don't mention what's going on though there are a few know something's not right It is a mad world and I imagine it's easier to keep thinking it's all going to be normal somehow than it is to face what's happening and do something about it.

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Your last sentence is bang on the money, Suzann!

No, it's not normal to get ill so often. Depends on whether your lifestyle is OK, but I think you need to see if those same family members were regularly ill BEFORE they got the jabs compared to now. If they were mostly well before, you know it's because their immune systems have been crushed under the weight of the jabs.

And you CAN mention the jabs to these people - but they don't care for it. Keep mentioning the jabs too often and it's a fast way to get them to stop communicating with you! I did that with an annoying cousin of mine and she's finally stopped calling me ha ha! So I guess there are some infrequent up-sides to it ;-)

It's hard sitting by and watching people you care about die slowly (or quickly). I suppose if we really do care, we'll say something. But simultaneously we already know whether those same people would be open to hearing it or not - so what's the point of saying something 99% of the time, right? A bit along the lines of "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't"...

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I had to think about that. Think back 3 years to remember if they got as sick as much and I’d say no. It’s mostly my daughter and husband I had trouble talking to her about it and she’s usually so sensible but I think when you have one son who has autoimmune problems and the worlds gone nuts with fear and they tell you only a vax will fix it, you do what you think is right out of fear for that son. I have mentioned vax injuries more than once to her and she hasn’t said as much as before. At least not disputing it. Her husband has had more flus and colds than I ever remember. Also my daughter. Her little boy too but that gets blamed on kindy and that he passes it to them but I doubt that. At least she has listened to me about vit C and D etc. The main thing is reminding them to take them !! My son and family had a few cases of flus etc early on but that seems to have settled down. I did get my son to listen eventually and they stopped the vax and didn’t take boosters. Think his wife took one because she’s an OT and was working with children. When you think of how they have families rocking up for all these regular Children’s vaccinations it’s not surprising that they thought it was ok to take another when fear was rampant. Even my eldest sister in Scotland that I tried to dissuade early on not to, told me she always did the falling into line thing (not those words ) and couldn’t change now ! So there you see. My other sister in the US did it to travel to see her daughter in Paris and I’ve no doubt her daughter did it for the same reason. I’m not sure about my brother who’s in Holland as I know his wife, my sister in law, is part of the freedom movement so know she would not. At first I think he thought we were all nuts and imagining things. Might be different now given what’s gone on in Holland. Can’t really blame him as he had a good job with Dutch Shell for years as a structural engineer. Probably thought they were a good company. I have nieces and nephews who are in the health industry and have no doubt they must have taken the jabs in Scotland because they still work. Luckily they are still around and alive ! I do not discuss the covid stuff with them. It’s just not talked about. I communicate with my eldest sister and occasionally I mention the harms of the vax. We chat amiably but she never brings up the vax questions even after I mention it. In the beginning I tried sending info to friends in Scotland but most wouldn’t look and said I had my beliefs and that was ok but they weren’t there’s. I tried telling them they weren’t ‘beliefs’ but that fell on deaf ears. I had one friend I’d grown up with who just stopped talking to me because of something I said ! Go figure. She sent me a poster with all the different vax from over the years but no email with it. The meaning was that i was to remember these had saved us. When I tried pointing out some truths about these vax such as polio, smallpox etc , I never heard from her again. Didn’t take much. At least your cousin was annoying so you get some peace - maybe.

It is hard realising there are some friends and family members you just have to be there for them but not mention the vax word. I don’t want to isolate my daughter so I do things very slowly bit by bit til it sinks in. I hope.

There are a few around me whose ears pick up when you mention cbcds, banking, the Voice etc but keep away from the vax if they have taken it. I suppose that’s something. Thanks for making me think back the 3 years to check on previous health issues for family. Definitely different

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Wow. So many close to you have taken it! I'm so very sorry :-(

A lot of my extended family members live overseas and interstate, so they took it for travel as well as to keep their jobs, but mostly they all took it because it was 'the right thing to do' - so they believed...

Sounds like the jab has made your daughter, her hubby & their immunocompromised son worse off. Sorry to make you think back, but I'm glad you could manage to differentiate things. Sounds like we've both lost friends over this. And long-term ones, too. But, let me guess, there were cracks in the friendships, anyway, right? I certainly knew there were cracks. But we just gloss these things over in friendships, don't we? People are different, after all, and it's OK to agree to disagree, right? Well, it was until covid. Then people took sides.

No-one in my immediate family took the jabs (that's me, hubby & our 3 kids). I've but ONE aunt (my Dad's sister) who didn't, and one of her 3 daughters didn't. And her only grandson hasn't had it (son of her unjabbed daughter). Also found out that the same daughter, my cousin, refused to jab her son with ANY childhood vaccinations, same as us, but she was in QLD, so he could still get daycare! We were in the ACT then, or near the ACT, so we could also get some daycare. But pity those kids who are nowhere near the ACT of QLD. They just miss out on socialisation & learning at preschool.

EVERYONE on my Mum's side took the jab. My sister & father bullied my Mum into taking it. She knew it wasn't right but she still did it. I was the ONLY voice of reason in her life! Still am, much of the time, ha ha! But it wasn't enough, evidently. My Mum is the the only one who regrets taking it. One of my cousins who's younger than me had horrible mid-back pains after his jabs. Still went back for more. Twit. But he was always a social butterfly, so of course he'd agree to them.

And EVERYONE in my hubby's extended family took the jabs. Nice people, but evidently non-thinkers when it comes to survival.

It's so, so sad :-( Dumb Smart People. eh?

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Yes I agree Robin one hundred per cent and I also think there is something in what John F. Kennedy Junior is suppose to have said recently, in his opinion all the mass shootings in America are a result of all the anti depressants people are on.

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Oh yes, the anti-depressants/SSRIs are not great drugs. I've also read about shooters being on these, Peter.

Problem is, there are SOOO many 'not great drugs' out there! The 'wonder drugs' are usually later found to have bad long-term effects, too.

This pattern keeps repeating itself and yet people don't wake up to it. Perhaps we need more 'pattern' people in this world to combat it! I'm a pattern person who likes solving problems. But I don't meet many people like me...


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The writing was on the wall from the very beginning. There is no doubt that the vaccines were and are the cause of several major issues and continue to be. Heart, circulatory and cancer issues have exploded in the experiment cohort (most of the populations of the western world), and Pfizer will lead the charge to produce drugs to 'treat' these issues. Dont be surprised if a new vaccine is promoted in the near future to 'prevent' certain 'turbo' cancers that have become common recently; even in the young. A real pandemic of a deadly disease is too dangerous to contemplate; elites would not risk themselves or their families this way. The real pandemic is currently the Covid vaccine, and new pandemics will follow suit. It may surprise some that it is quietly understood in certain circles that the AIDS (HIV) pandemic began via a Hep B vaccine administered to certain African populations and Homosexual populations in San Francisco & New York. Their mistake was not realising the disease would be sexually transmitted & by the time this became apparent, it was too late. Your best bet to stay healthy and alive now is to avoid all vaccines as none are safe.

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I agree.

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I have received several sign in requests George...cant seem to get it right .

Thank you for today's article. Sometimes the deep disgust I feel toward big pharma and our gov is so breathtaking I can barely speak. Thank you to all who have found your voice and commented today...fellow travellers .

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Thats right Robin they aren't problem solvers they just take on board what the main stream media and science professions say without thinking about it.

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Close down this evil company Pfizer.

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I, too, thank the people who have shared their experiences here and helped me feel less alone and isolated, as an "unjabbed" person. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who have submitted to the evil. Also, many thanks to George for continuing the fight against the evil Cabal.

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